Reviews for Those Graces
Lost in New York chapter 73 . 6/9
I just finished reading this master piece, so far all the 73 chapters, and I'm like wow, just wow, amazing! This must be one of the best stories I have ever read. Please, update asap!:D
nicolejames4 chapter 68 . 5/30
Please finish this. You’ve taken us so far, too far to stop! I haven’t read your others that follow this b/c I want to finish this first
bonita28 chapter 73 . 11/28/2019
Reading this is one hella emotional roller coaster ! Wanna see this finished tho
nicolejames4 chapter 73 . 7/22/2019
Please update soon!
Auriez chapter 73 . 5/26/2019
I am beyond happy you started writing again. Still the best fanfic out there. Thank you!
Heart Story chapter 73 . 5/23/2019
I’ve just taken a few days to read your story from Chapter 1 to Chapter 73. i am so amazed at the way you have brought your own imagination into the lives of Olivia, Elliot and Brian. Your detail in every single aspect of this story is spellbinding. You made this story come to life right before my eyes. I really don’t know how you kept the thread up and each chapter is as good as the last or even better. The subject matter is vey dark but that doesn’t take away from your writing. I thought that Chapter 73 would be the last, until I read the last line. . . Can I hope for more?
DashDoll chapter 73 . 5/21/2019
Just re-read this entire story because I’m dying for an update! Love it so much, can’t wait to see what happens next
Mst2006 chapter 73 . 5/16/2019
YES! I've been waiting for this (sick I know). Now that Elliot is around with Lewis loose, it's sure to be a wild ride! Can't wait!
poetif chapter 73 . 5/2/2019
Ah, where to begin? I don't even remember when I decided to follow this story. I'm guessing sometime in the last 5 years it's been started. Olivia is painted as this alcoholic, self-harming, cold-hearted (at least to Cassidy at times and Amanda mostly) mentally and emotionally unstable trauma victim. And while those 4 days alone with a sexual sadist like William Lewis was torturous enough to warrant that kind of victim creation, the show sure as hell didn't delve this deeply into what could've become of her. And thank God because they'd have to put up trigger warnings for every damn episode. Not a Bensidy fan so I'm not sad they broke up (or have they?) but I'm really hoping despite the fact that she's resumed her affair with Elliot again, that she's going to get better, stronger and find what she needs to be whole again. I as many millions of other people, we love Olivia Benson. I'm continuously rooting for her and anyone like her who has gone through anything remotely similar. I hope she's done torturing herself. And though I can surely find lighter fics elsewhere, because hell, I've written my own. I hope there's light somewhere at the end of this long dark, barbed wire lined, mine filled tunnel of broken glass. This story is like a horrible traffic accident. You wanna look away, but you just can't. I should know, I've binge read 73 chapters in a matter of days. All this being said...I hope she finds some kind of peace. Because...damn. She's been through hell already.
TheLovelyClaireRedfield chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
Loving this story
Guest chapter 73 . 5/1/2019
Oh MAN. Everything about this chapter is killer. Please, pretty please continue to update.
girleffect chapter 73 . 4/27/2019
Oh. My. God.

This chapter was a welcome, tender break. Yes, it was filled with melancholy and sadness and guilt but there’s something... right about Liv and El when they’re together. Also- Kathy knows?! Yea I kinda expected that but still it’s intense to hear it- and know that she knew before brunch- damn.

And now- the ending? Yea. Everything is going to change, you’re right. I’m all anxious and I feel a lump in my throat because she just can’t catch a break but I am SO curious to see what you do with this part of the story line (does that make me a bad person? Maybe). Just... come out ok on the other side, Liv. Please.

More soon, I hope. I’m so glad we’re seeing more frequent updates. Thank you for this!
jenanistonrockz chapter 73 . 4/27/2019
Thanks for the update! Looks like the next chapter is going to be very dramatic - can't wait!
nicolejames4 chapter 73 . 4/26/2019
Love love love it!
FayeVDM chapter 73 . 4/26/2019
So happy to see your update. Elliot referring to Brian as "Dumbass" makes me smile every time :)
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