Reviews for Putting Things Right
Ribke chapter 1 . 2/20
The sad thing is that Tauriel's character did have some potential... but then the writers had to go and squander it into one of the dumbest inconsequential love triangles to have ever existed (-_-)...

Also: looool, "Pee-Jay" xD
RaymondShaw chapter 1 . 11/6/2019
Thank you so VERY much for this!

Poor Thranduil...and poor Legolas...and poor Mirkwood ('scuse me, Eryn Galen)! The movies really didn't give them a fair shake, did they (note the gross understatement)? While I must say in all honesty that Lee Pace did an admittedly phenomenal job in his portrayal of our favorite grievously-wronged Elvenking with the tossed-together conglomeration of teenage-level trashfic he had to work with - namely that he managed to leave an overall-favorable impression at all... Speaking of which, I'm so glad that you cleared out the 'lowly Silvan elf' pile of rubbish, too - honestly, did 'Pee-Jay' just forget that the House of Oropher were rulers by the Silvan elves' CHOICE?! Not sure how long an alliance like that would last - never mind forged in the first place - if bigotry was the working policy...

On the other hand, the warriors of the Greenwood taking on Jackson and the LOTR-Hobbit film franchise in retribution for this travesty? Now, THAT'S a movie I'd watch...
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
Hahaha, that was hilarious! I actually liked Tauriel when I first saw the movies, but you're right. She is kind of a Mary-Sue.
Grieving Fox chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
This is beautiful. Tauriel always kind of pissed me off, because Killi was like: "I hate elves. faithless jerks! i have a centuries long grudge that I refuse to let of 'cause that's the kind of person I am! ELVES ARE EVI- ooooh, pretty!" When he met her. This story was quite amusing.
YellowWomanontheBrink chapter 1 . 12/25/2016
Lol this is perfecy. I normally don't go for these type of fics but u pulled this off solemnly and in character without an ounce of crack.
TimeturnerJasmy chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Omg. xD Death to the movie-verse!
greenfile chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
OMG. THIS STORY IS BRILLIANT! I hate the addition of Tauriel so much that it is still made me mad as hell that they ruined the Hobbit for me even after these years.. lol. And Thranduil is prettier than Tauriel, lol.
G. Locket chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
This. Is. Brilliant.
Anfalas chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
This. So much this.

...You have put it into words! Everything I felt about the Hobbit! :D (The film. Obviously.)

What an entertaining read...I loved it. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting! Thank you so much for this :) It was lovely and well-written, with just the right amount of snark and hilarity. I do wish you would write a sequel, I would love to see the actual confrontation! "Pee-Jay" should answer for what he has done.

My favourite line: 'any abnormal murderous longings for gaudy pieces of jewelry?' :D LOL. Yes.

Thank you again!
FlowerPrincessoftheUniverse chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
LOL. btw, PJ? Poor joke?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
YESSS! THank YOU! Those parts of the Hobbit "trilogy" annoyed me sooo much! Theres were SOOOOO many parts of those three movies that were sooo unlike the book.
LavenderCrystalOfRoses chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
Good job, but I thought her name was Tauriel, not Tinuviel. Either way, I liked how you called "pee-jay" a seems right.
Elvenqueen Sarah chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
Another one of your stories that I had to come back and save to my favourites now that I have an account!

All the comments made in my previous review as Sarah hold true but now I can add that my mother wholeheartedly agrees with you and I about the travesty committed by PJ with the characters - especially poor Thranduil! Our thanks again for correcting that very grave offense. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
This is absolutely brilliant. xD Kudos to you for writing and sharing this!
Foggy chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
After watching the third film this story was exactly what I needed.
So: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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