Reviews for Kiss Me Like This
tyrannicpuppy chapter 1 . 1/25
A sweet enough moment of realization. A few missing letters here and there (never becoming ever) otherwise technically sound too.
StarlingChild4 chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
This is one of the first HP fics I've ever read (I'm late to the game, I know), and I still love it! I love how Ron is still kinda jealous, but accepting, and if anything, only irritated that Harmony took so long to figure it out. I love the idea of Narcissa and Molly basically becoming fellow shippers lol XD And I just love the overall image: Harmony dancing at a friend's wedding and realizing their own feelings...

(And okay, I agree that JKR didn't have to "regret" her pairings, but honestly, when it happened, I was so happy lol XD I ended up binge-reading Harmony fics as a result, including this one XDD)
Samantha chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
Be cautious about issues such as content and legalities, but more Harry/Hermione is a good thing.
LostInAGoodBook chapter 1 . 2/13/2017
So sweet-lovely story.
caffinojen chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
I want you to know I took a great leap of faith with this. I occasionally get the old shippery feels for Harry/Hermione, but never read them because the authors bash Ron. But this, I am glad I read this! Plus, you put Ginny and Draco together... was there a hint at Ron/Luna too? They *were* sitting together, after all!

I do have a concrit, though. When Harry says "There's nothing to see, Ron." It seems as if Harry thought Ron wanted to be a voyeur on him and Hermione making out. But Ron said "tell" and therefore, shouldn't it be "say" instead of "see" then?
wprosser2008 chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
So good! Better than most songfics where its just lyrics with a sentance in between a line here and there. I seriously loved this. Keep up the great work!
The cat with blue eyes chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
That was nice !
Azrael38 chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
Great job. A wonderful and entertaining read.
starboy454 chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
furface294 chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
I know the song weel it is one of my favorites, the story fits it to a tee, loved it.
AsphodelRose87 chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
'Kiss me like this' was lovely! As I told you before, you have a strong ability to capture Harry/Hermione couple, which makes even the ones who are not very fond of them together to wish for it to happen on your stories!

I liked the way you portraited Ron and Ginny... it was good to see them supportive of the new couple. Another good one shot of yours :)
WriterInTrainning chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
please continue! loving this plot so far
Penny is wise chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
Awesome story.
jslee102 chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Had to listen to the song just to get a feel. I think you did a fine job with this.
anotherboarduser chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
I generally like this story a lot.

But I disagree with Narcissa "saving" Harry, it's more like she doesn't want to be complicit in death eaters activities to that degree.

The Ginny and Draco marriage, that actually is not that unbelievable, but just a bit more background would be good.

I do like the part where Narcissa and Andi acts as the guardians while Harry just acts as an uncle.

I don't think Harry would place Teddy in any important role in his life given how Remus just followed Dumbledore and didn't really do anything for Harry. I mean not even a letter for over a decade? Even a letter that say I am a friend of your father..., maybe a bit of small gifts over holidays or anything to show someone loves him during the decades of abuse and hurt with the Dursleys would be good.

In fact, if Remus really place Harry first, why didn't he take Harry out of the country? There is such a thing called muggle military and Voldemort has no real chance of winning anything other than in an isolated magical Britain. And what about the summer after Sirius died, he followed Dumbledore "no communications" order. I mean anything Remus does is at Dumbledore's order and for Dumbledore's verison of the "greater good".

So given Harry's treatment by Remus, even giving a few gifts over the holidays is more than what Remus has really done for Harry.

I think the part about how Hermione go back to Hogwarts while Ron choose to go for his career then without a bit of selfishness and uncaring from Ron they breakup is good. It is so real and believable.

Then the part about Harry and Hermione and how others already knows is good too.

I look forward to reading your next story.
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