Falling Thunderbolt 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 02-04-15, id: 6485422
Author has written 4 stories | Young Justice, Arrow, and Game of Thrones.
β : Falling Thunderbolt is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Hi all, I'm Falling Thunder and I'm offering my services as a betareader. As a writer who worries incessantly over the quality of their work, I understand how difficult and nerve-wracking it can be to show someone a piece that you're not 100% confident about. However, I also know that getting feedback before publishing can be a huge asset! Hence, when I betaread I always try to be honest but respectful-my goal isn't to rip apart your work and make you feel bad about getting 'there' and 'their' confused (we all do that occasionally), but to correct problems with grammar, spelling, continuity, and characterization.

If you would like me to beta for you, I'd like to get a description from you about the work that I'm going to critique. What fandom it's in is key, as is the length and the status of the work. Whether you want to write a 90 chapter epic or just a 100 word one-shot, it's fine with me! The length of the piece isn't an issue as long as you have a gameplan for what you want to accomplish. I'd also like to know what YOU want the work to be- what are your goals, what do you want the tone to be, what themes are you playing with- things of that nature. Getting a sense of your vision will make me more able to help you get your work to where you want it to be!

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
As a betareader, I excel at noticing errors with spelling or accidentally replacing a word with a homonym (like base and bass, or straight and strait). In addition, I take pains to prevent overusing the same words or phrases (unless the repetition is part of the writing style), and I'm very good with characterization.

I'm also good with fact-checking and correcting small details. I actually like doing research, so if something comes up in a story that seems inaccurate or implausible I'll check it out. Plus, I'm an avid lover of history (I had no choice, my father has a Master's in it), so I am very proficient at proofreading stories that are past AU's or have any kind of historical setting or element to them. The same is true for me and mythology.

And finally, I have real life experience with martial arts, so I'm excellent at reviewing fight scenes and checking them for accuracy and plausibility.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Overall, I'd say that my grammar is good. However, I'm not very nit-picky about more minor issues, like the correct usage of "who" versus "whom" (unless the character talking would care about it). I also believe that the rules of standardized English can be bent from time to time for artistic license. If you're looking for an obsessively grammar-oriented beta, I might not be for you. I can also be a bit verbose.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
In terms of what I'd like to beta, I'm open to most things within one of my fandoms. I might be willing to proofread something from a different fandom, but I'll probably be less effective because, well, I don't know anything about the series you're writing about!

An ideal fic for me would be something character-driven and insightful with a bit of action or suspense thrown in for good measure. (I'm also highly susceptible to Pacific Rim AU's- there's something in me that has a weakness for people piloting big metal robots.)

I'm fine with reading stories with gore or smut, although I prefer said gore or smut to serve some function in the story and not just be there for its own sake. In general, I enjoy character driven stories, and if the smut/gore contributes then I'm A-OK with it. Het, slash, poly, or whatever are all acceptable to me- I might draw the line at tentacles, though. ;)

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
The only kinds of stories that I'd be hesitant about reading are those with explicit descriptions of non-canon incest or rape/non-con. I'm more ok with betareading these things if they're canon and they're an important component of a character (a la Jaime and Cersei). Even with these components, my policy is 'never say never', and if the above issues are integral to the plot of your work we can always talk about it.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Game Assassin's Creed
Anime Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人
Cartoon Avatar: Last Airbender
Movie Avengers
Movie Captain America
Game Final Fantasy XII
Book Harry Potter
Game Kingdom Hearts
Book Lord of the Rings
Tv Sleepy Hollow
Movie Thor
Game Witcher
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for