Author has written 17 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, and Doctor Who. Huge fan of lots of fanfics. Love to read and write. My writing is mostly in the Buffy fandom for the moment. -STATUS OF MY FICS- Life and Longing on the Road to Redemption - Oneshot. Originally written for LJ's Comic Covers Ficathon. Wounded Flower - Oneshot. Originally written for LJ's jossverse_las community. Numfar's New Job - Just a fun little drabble. How to Change the Wolrd - Oneshot. Orginally written for LJ's jossverse_las community. Creature of Habit - Oneshot. Originally written for LJ's jossverse_las community. The Fortress of Watcher-tude - Oneshot. Originally written for LJ's genfic_minis community. Balm for a Bruised Ego - Oneshot. Originally written for LJ's genfic_minis community. Echoes of Faith - Complete. BtVS/Dollhouse crossover. Closer to the Heart - Complete. Sequel to Close to the Chest. Who's to Say I'm Not? - Oneshot...for now. This one was so much fun to write. (Nokomis Stormbown is working on a continuation of this now: All That's Left - Oneshot. Thinking of Him - Oneshot. Buffy Meets God - Complete. Possibly the most twisted fic I've ever written. Mostly humor though. Purpose - Complete. Strangely proud of this one. Close to the Chest - Complete. Writing this fic made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Endlessly Rocking - Complete. My first posted BtVS fic. Profile updated on 6/1/2012. |