Author has written 9 stories for Without a Trace, ER, Heartland, Noughts and Crosses, and Phantom Stallion. Hi I’m Cem, I'm 21 I love to read, horse ride, spend time looking after horses, studying horses/care, reading and I'm a bit of a tv addict too! I'm a Christian, I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I used to do part time vouluntary youth work with my church, and I'm still very much in touch with everyone there. I own 2 rabbits, a gerbil and look after my sisters rat and mice if she's not around. One of my favourite authors is Richelle Mead, and a friend and I created a fan forum for her books here: http:///index.cgi My fics: Summer of Discovery - Done! Took me long enough. I want very much to come up with an epilouge for it, but you can't force these things so without the perfect thing hitting me, it won't happen. The World That is College - On hiatus till further notice. I've very unhappy about how the last chaper came out, I am working on fixing it getting it right, but its taking time. I will finish this fic at some point but not until I am happy with it. My Fave's list. To those of you who had fics on my faves list that aren't there anymore, because there are so many awesome fics out there and I don't want my list being miles long, I'm being very picky and just leaving my top, top faves on the list. Those that have been removed I do still love, I did put them there for a reason after all. link for Holly's dress in "The World that is College" http:///dv-01.htm and http:///newimages/dv-01.jpg Link for Amy's dress in same fic http:///albums/n2/cem214/mixxydress.jpg I've set up a Heartland website for all things Heartland and equine - check it out! The address is http:// TV (in no particular order) CSI Grissom/Sara, Warrick/Catherine CSI:NY Danny/Aiden ER Luka/Abby, Doug/Carol, Carter/Lucy, Greene/Corday, Neela/Ray Third Watch Bosco/Cruz, Jimmy/Kim Firefly Mal/Inara House House/Cameron NCIS Kate/Tony 24 (no ships) Friends Chandler/Monica, Ross/Rachel Roswell Michael/Maria The West Wing Josh/Donna Books - in no order!! (I swear this list grows too much) J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter, Lauren Brooke – Heartland, Malorie Blackman – Noughts and Crosses series, Louise Rennison – Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, Tess Gerritsen, Kelley Armstrong – everything by her but her Elena books are my faves, James Patterson – Honeymoon, Beach Road, Womans Murder Club, Maximum Ride and Michael Bennett series, Richelle Mead - all of her series, Vampire Academey being my fave, Rachel Vincent - Shifters series, Ilona Andrews - Kate Daniels series, Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress series, Jennifer Armintrout - Blood Ties series Fave ships in the books Harry Potter Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Lupin/Tonks Heartland Amy/Ty Noughts and Crosses Callie Rose/Tobey, Sephy/Callum Phantom Stallion Jake/Sam Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Georgia/Dave The Otherworld Elena/Clay, Jamie/Jeremy Maximum Ride Fang/Max Vampire Academy Rose/Dimitri Kate Daniels Kate/Curran Films Not as big on films as TV or books but these are some of my faves All the Die Hard films (though gotta say the first is probably the best), Brokeback Mountain, Save The Last Dance, Dirty Dancing, The Matrix (the first one), Shrek (1 & 2 but the 1st was the best), Miss Congeniality (again just the first one), Cool Runnings, Men in Black (again 1 & 2 but the 1st was the best), Bad Boys 1 & 2 and of course all three of the fantastic Pirates of the Caribbean films!! Johnny Depp rocks as Captian Jack Sparrow!! |