Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter.
The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool(Spoken by Touchstone the Clown (possibly the best character ever) in Shakespeare’s
As you like it)
-insert extravagant wave here-
Hullo FF-ers. While we ignore my horrible use of fan-fiction’s short form, shall we learn a bit about me.
Well, I’m Nat. Which is short for something that I won’t tell you, because it is just.that.horrible. Yess’r.
Informative, was it not?
Pet peeves
(And no, the following has nothing to do with a particularly annoying poltergeist that manages to fit gum in a key hole. I mean, what the heck?)
-People who think they can write like Shakespeare (just because you can throw in a ‘How did thee know’ and ‘Thou is a big idiot’ doesn’t make it Shakespearian)
-Customer service that makes you pay (I mean, why pay for a moron with a talk-into headset to ask you five times if you’ve restarted your computer?)
-Me (honestly, have you ever met anyone less impressive? Don’t answer that)
Pairings I like
-Alicia/George (The perfect couple)
-Angelina/Fred (Ditto)
-Katie/Lee (I’m particularly fond of them fighting in the beginning, and dating in the end0
-James/Lily Love/Hate(What is this ‘overused’ you speak of?)
-Remus (Yeah. This isn’t a pairing. I just like Remus)
The thing that I’ve just realized
Commas are fun.