To everyone still reading this and isn't mad at me- Thank you. Life has been crazy hectic, and when you mix that in with the fact that I've had no inspiration for this story, it doesn't add up well.

Major apologies for the major short chapter. I swear, absolutely SWEAR, that as soon as life slows down, I'll start writing up some really long ones.


You remember my last entry? Me and George, Angelina and Fred, heading to Hogsmede together?

Well, we (by which I mean me 'n' Ang) decided to try and find someone for Katie too, because we figure it's not good for her to keep jumping from guy to guy at fourteen.

Okay, really, we want to get her together with Lee. But shush.

(It's just occurred to me. I just shushed my journal. My journal. I'm absolutely mad.)

Since we only had 5 days before Hogsmede, we had a lot of work to do. Especially since Katie and Lee couldn't spend five minutes together.



"What are we going to do about them?"

Angelina and I were sitting in the common room discussing them. Our two should-be-together-amigos. Soulmates. Togethers-to-be.

Yeah. Katie and Lee. Incase you couldn't gather that.

"We could imperius them, and force them to go out with eachother."

"Let's go for something a bit more legal."

"I don't see you coming up with anything."

"You can't see me come up with anything. You'd hear it."

Very clever Angelina. That was just her excuse for not having to say anything. She seems to find a sick, twisted pleasure in shooting my ideas down.

I don't know why. I have very good ideas. I mean, imperius-ing them would work perfectly.

(I'll ignore the whole fact that I would then go to Azkaban. It's not important.)

"What if we lock them in the divination room, put Trelawny under the imperius cursee, have her tell them they're meant to be, then have her put them under the imperius curse so that they spend the rest of their days together."

"What is it with you and the imperius curse? You're mad, y'know?"

"Of course. But that's not getting us any closer to fixing up them."


I'm so so so sorry for the awful chapter. I mean, seriously, I had no inspiration. I'm starting to think I don't even want to continue this, that's how stuck for ideas I am. Can anyone help?