Author has written 9 stories for Xiaolin Showdown, Sky High, Digimon, Teen Titans, Beyblade, and X-Men: Evolution. Konichiwa! OH look! I've got my original pen-name back! Let's see...about me? Name: Neko-Jin Angel (Sorry, NOT!) Age: 17 Where I live: Somewhere not of this planet. About Me: I love manga and anime. My favorite mangas are Sugar Sugar Rune, Tokyo Mew Mew, Digimon, and InuYasha. My favorite anime is Digimon, Mew Mew Power, Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Case Closed, andOutlaw Star. I also like cartoons like Xiaolin Showdown, Code Lyoko, and X-Men Evolution. My favorite tv pairings are: Sora&Taichi (DM) Sora&Yamato (DM) Hikari&Davis (DM) Yolei&Ken (DM) Mimi&Izzy (DM) Rika&Takato (DM) Zoe&Takuya (DM) Serena&Darien (SM) Luna&Artemis (SM) Rai&Kim (XS) Jack&Kim (XS) Odd&Sissi (CL) Jermie&Aelita (CL) Ulrich&Yumi (CL) Kurt/Kitty (xme) Lance/Kitty (xme) (This is movie and show, btw) Rouge/Bobby (Iceman) Jean/Scott (xme) Pietro/Rogue (xme) Pietro/Wanda (xme) even though they are siblings they do make a cute couple Here are some slash couples that I like (I'm odd. I figured this out years ago.): Pietro/Lance Todd/Kurt Rai/Jack Taichi/Yamato TK/Daisuke And now the cross over pairings: Lance/Kimiko Kitty/Raimundo Jaime/Rini Pietro/Serena? That's a question... Wanda/? (Still trying to--) Wanda/Chase! These are my fave digimon cross-over pairings (Season crossovers): Rika/Takuya Kouji/Sora Ken/Yolei Zoe/Tai Kari/Davis TK/Clira Jack/Loki Clira, Jack, and Loki are all OC's that are featured in Journal of Dreams. Clira's the author and Jack and Loki are her friends from her home in New Zealand. And for those of you that have read my Xiaolin Showdown fan-fics here's the link to see Kimiko's necklace AKA Doppelganger: And here's the link to see Wings of Versailles: Now for at least one of my X-Men Evo OC's. Name: Jam Codename: Musa Power: Music (anything about it) (She's even able to twist reality) Image: She's kinda like Nightcrawler and Mystique in the fact that she isn't human.She's about 4"10', with light orange hair, dark orangish skin, and even darker orange wings that sparkled in the sun. She also has a tail that was about one shade darker than her hair. Objet of obsession (example: Gambit and his cards; Pyro and his lighter (movie)Her Mp3 player (Can't live without it.) Name: Leyna Codename: Celeste Power: She can transform into a white fluffy dragon. Image: In her human state, she is clothed in white fur. She has wings but they're those lethary ones that can be folded in close to th body so she usually wears her shirts over them. She also has a tail, but she uses it as a belt. She also keeps it hid by wearing a jacket or something over it. Name: Iris Codename: Mood Ring Power: Her skin changes color according to her current mood and she can touch someone and show their mood. Image: A normal--define normal in this world--teenage girl with up-to-date fashion. Only problem with this "normal" girl is the fact that her skin can change colors. If you would like to look at my Harry Potter fanfiction, click on the link below. Thank you! |