Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Samsu I originate from West London, were i still live, but at the moment I reside in student house in Wolverhampton, where I study History with applied Japanese laguage. .At the moment all I can read are Naruto fan fic's, mostly ones concering the said character. I am not the bigest fan of humourous Naruto fictions, I like ones with drama, angst and phycologial undertones in them, I enjoy bitter-sweet or bitter ending, I am a sucker for tragady, what can I say. I also need a good pairing in these stories, my prefered ones are. NarutoxSakura NarutoXIno NarutoxHinata I really don't mind any other pairings other than Yaoi pairings, not that I am saying its bad I just can't read it, it does nothing for me. I also don't like SasukexSakura pairings, mainly becuase i dont think it will ever happen and seconly becuase my two favourite characters are Sakura and Naruto, you can do the math. I currently have one story on the go, which is my first ever fan fic but i am really happy at the possitve response i have gotten from it so far, thanks to everyone who reviewed and gave me encouragement. Not a big fan of quotes, but there is one that always has an impact one me every time I read it, regarding nationalistic ethnic clashes in formerYugoslavia, and no I am not from the region but i feel the author of the quote makes a stand which I feel can be widely apllied. I know you may think its irrelenvent but if you have an open mind I think you will understand. " won't teach me to hate anyone. And, to tell you the truth, the more you call on me and remind me of my nationality, the less I feel I belong to it. The more you appeal to my patriotism, the less patriotic I feel becuase of you. There you have it. That is my stand." -Boro Todorovi (Belgrade actor) Thats about it, check out my favourite stories if you want to find NaruxSaku stories, I think most of them are. |