Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Right now, writing Naruto fiction. It's been years since I've written fanfics so, I think it's gonna take alot of work before I can get something decent out. Top fav Naruto guys 1 Naruto: Powerful, persistent, funny, complex personality that goes well with fanfiction. I just love optimistic characters 2 Shikamaru: He can't be bothered to do anything but he's full of surprises. 3 Neji or Jiraiya: It's a close call between these two... maybe more Jiraiya since Neji is so unidimensional in the anime. His whole character is all about a single mood and that's beyond the realms of boredom. Top fav Naruto women 1 Ino: I guess I have a soft spot for underdogs. A loud, exhuberant woman who cares deeply for those around her. Seem to have gotten over the whole Sasuke thing but who knows ? 2 Sakura: An impredictable element, the writer seems to change very often Sakura's role in the manga, beginning as "The girl who kicks Naruto" then a Sasuke maniac then a minor character and with Part2, a fully developped main character who's interests seem uncertain even to herself. 3 Hinata: This woman remains a mystery, she got guts but she doesn't. Seems like she shines only once every full moon or something. Nonetheless, an intriguing character. |