Author has written 8 stories for Song of the Lioness, Harry Potter, and Dragonriders of Pern series. 4/7/08 Hi folks, just a note (if anyone is bothering to check...) to say that I am still around and will be working on Regeneration at some point in the future. But right now, I'm finishing up my senior year and just don't have the time. Keep an eye out once we're about halfway through May, and I'm going to try and start working on it again. Thanks to everyone who has read my stuff now and in the past. 12/14/07 Regeneration explores the not-so-perfect life of Eva, rider of gold Valeth. After a terrible accident, Eva has to recover her confidence and a sense of purpose in order to guide High Reaches Weyr through the early, troubled Turns of the fifth Pass. I don't know how good I'll be about updating this story, but I love to know what people think, both good and bad, so if you have the time, please leave a review! I'm currently halfway through my senior year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I study English, Anthropology, Creative Writing, and basketball obsession. I'm doing a senior thesis in creative writing, which is both insanely challenging and rewarding. I enjoy horseback riding, rugby, watching basketball, alternative/indie music, and of course writing. |