Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. WELCOME. :dramatic flourish: To the very prestigious profile page of The Paisley Pajamas, more commonly known as Maria and Zerlina to the majority of the world, or at least to the people who know them personally, impersonally, officially, and unofficially. There is nothing of great importance about the two that one should be aware of, aside from the fact that neither know how to throw oneself off the top of a giant's castle and survive with a minimal amount of broken bones and displaced vital organs. (If you know how, your wisdom would be greatly appreciated, as one of their future escapades inevitably includes giantfolk and a rather botched getaway plan. It would be best if we did not get into that now.) Contrary to popular belief, Maria is actually not a panhandling space monkey, and Zerlina really has only one head as opposed to the rumored sixteen. Both are Gemini, which may or may not explain the near crack-head level of their so-called creativity (which comes and goes like sanity). And for the record, this is Zerlina typing, because Maria has better things to do and is incompetent, apparently. |