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![]() Author has written 13 stories for Fairly OddParents, Pokémon, and Naruto. Stories Mew Highschool This is by far one of my newest stories, which I am trying to update ASAP (in the future). I really want to get into writing this, being my first school based story. I began on the second chapter, but I have gotten into a mess with the plot because I implemented a certain chapter already in the story, which I wished I never did... I did his style of speaking for like half the chapter before I even realised I'd used the character. Never mind though... I replaced it with something else, so just stay tuned for that! The Crush Or Love I recently went through my chapters of this story... And I was really surprised! I never remembered that I wrote 10 chapters in 2 months! How did I turn from like weekly updates to yearly updates? Seriously! I am really really surprised! Overall though, I will try to repeat what I did back in 2006 after my exams in May & June, so stay tuned! I will try my best to update for you guys out there. Keep alerted! FanFiction Blog Profile Update: 7th November 2009 Hey everyone that knows me or doesn't know me! The previous month or two ago, I stated I wouldn't be continuing any of my writing until around June 2010. I currently do have a lot of time on my hand (Well not really, considering I have a lot of work to do...), so I've decided to just update a story or two every month or so until probably March, when I definitely will not have any spare time on my hands. So this is the plan I've set out. Profile Update: 7th April 2010 I felt it was appropiate to start a list of profile updates, so for one, I don't forget what I wrote last time, and two, I want to get a list going. Anyway, this is just to say I have been busy. Very busy. I start to do my GCSEs in 6 weeks time, which I know isn't a long time... I haven't done any revision! Well, a bit on history, but really that's about it! I need to get off this stupid computer and get some time into revision... I feel like I won't get any As when the time comes, so yeah planning on beginning as of tomorrow. I'll be doing a monthly update just to make sure I'm keeping to my promise. Overall, I'll be spending my last night of no revision on updating The Crush or Love... Yes, I have not forgotten about it. I promised some guy I was gonna update in June or something, but I don't want you guys to wait. Oh and if I don't do that, I am sorry. I'm very bad at keeping promises. Been working on several projects though, which I'll talk about below, so yeah, see you in the next monthly update! Oh wait! Just want to say thanks to the people who come to my profile often... If you haven't, then start to do it monthly for updates! Profile Update: 3rd May 2010 Alright guys, I made this entry a bit earlier than I was supposed to (4 days early to be exact) and well I guess I wanted to get this over with. Now, the past month, I haven't done anything in particular, but revision and slacking off. I have my Art to do in a very short time, which is my own fault, but oh well I'll finish it eventually. Now, I want to say after June 21th, I will be off school for about 9-10 weeks, before going back. I've set my goals for those weeks off, which are... Learning to play the guitar better than I am right now, get going to the gym, practice my art skills (despite not doing Art next year), and slacking off. Yes, I like saying slacking off. If your one of those people who look at my monthly entries, thanks for doing so, and don't worry; those two months off will let me do weekly entries! I'll be doing an update for next month, which is when I will be off for 2 weeks to revise the hell out. If you guys are going through the same phase as me, I hope you do well, like you would say to me (I hope you would say that for me!). Alright, this is the end of my entry... See you guys in the next one! Profile Update: 7th June 2010 Yo, yo yo! I'm back to updating on the 7th now, though it may vary (depending on how I'm feeling). Before I start talking about what's happened the past month, I just want to remind you readers that my last exam is on June 21st, but might start updating this thing on a weekly basis before hand... Most likely between June 17th-21st, I will start updating this thing every week, since my last serious exam is on the 17th (Geography; last exam is ICT, but who revises for that? Note: A* on coursework, and practice exams, I've gotten 90%+). Also, I want to say it was my birthday last week! Yep, I'm one year older haha. I got a pretty surprising present, which is apparently a hot item for the summer - the iPad! Now, I was like, "What's that?", when I opened it... Even though I have Apple stuff, I don't obsess over their products (since I am more of a gamer at heart), and so I didn't know they'd released something like it. So yeah, they got me the most expensive one there was (WiFi + 3G 64GB - Apparently came out in the UK the week before my birthday). I haven't opened the box and looked at it yet, since I don't wanna get distracted during the next 2 weeks of exams, so I'm looking forward to the start of summer. My parents also got me some accessories (You may be thinking, "Wow, this guy is spoilt", but really, I'm not. Whenever I get brand new stuff, I make them last for however long they should), which included the dock holder and the new wireless Apple keyboard. I've since checked more info on the iPad, since I was curious what it does, and at first, I thought it doesn't do much (Surfing internet, e-mail purposes, etc)... Well, that was until I found out they have an application that lets you use it like word processor... I was like what?! I went around on YouTube and had a check on it, and wow, it looks pretty sick. Now, I'm gonna use the wireless keyboard to type stories on my iPad! Won't that be awesome? I can go around and type where ever, instead of do it on the desktop I'm using right now to type this. Then, when I'm done, I can upload them straight to FanFiction from it, so no need to transfer to this desktop... Now, that's what you call useful. Anyway, this means I'll be using it a bunch... Gonna have to upgrade the internet speed (Currently, when I download, I can get a max of 67KB/s [Package is £25/month - ripoff, which is pretty bad, as my sister has a iPhone 3GS with 3G that's nearly 10x faster... Pathetic really) to get to fully use the features, so it'll be one thing I'm gonna try to achieve at the beginning of the summer. Back to what else has been going on, it's been revision, Xbox, revision, desktop, revision, iPod Touch, revision all over, so nothing really to update on in that aspect. Now, before I finish off, I have a few goals for this summer, and you may find them a bit petty, but here it goes: 1. I want to start working out. 2. I want to learn to cook better. And that's it... Laugh all you want, I'm gonna achieve all this, and I will probably be updating my process during the 8-10 weeks I'm off. Thanks for having the time to read this if you even bother, and yeah, peace out until 17th-21st. Profile Update: 18th June 2010 Finally had my last "important" exam yesterday... It was surprisingly easy! Sorry I didn't update yesterday... Was pretty tired since I spent 3 days without getting enough sleep from stress, but now it's all gone! All that's left is ICT, which I have scored 90% in mocks before, so I don't think that'll be a problem, so yeah, I might begin to write new chapters soon. Now, I'd like to say I won't just be limiting my writing to Pokemon, like I have in the past, but I will be spending time on writing One Piece and possibly Hikaru no Go stories, as they are both so interesting! Hikaru no Go finished a few years ago, but it ended very abruptly, so I want to do a continuation of its storyline to satisfy myself, and potentially, others as well. Meanwhile, One Piece is still an on-going manga/anime, so I will be doing stories similar in context to my Pokemon ones... Let me just say for all you people who have not watched/read One Piece should; the storyline is extremely deep, and the characters are very developed; hopefully you will have a gander at it after reading this. I will be putting Pokemon stories as a main priority, so yeah, don't run away just yet. I am only challenging other storylines because a friend of mine said that once you get stuck at writing one particular anime/book/cartoon/whatever, it's hard to do others just as good. Well, I'm gonna prove him wrong with this! Like I said previously, I will be typing on my iPad (once I open it - I still have 1 exam!), and doing daily updates. This will be updated daily as well, so yeah, see you then guys... Until next time. April 10th 2012 Hey it's been awhile since ive been on this site... Now that I look back it's been nearly 7 years since I joined up. This is probably the oldest account I have on any website (as I only started using the Internet extensively at the start of 05). I'm 17 now and gong onto 18 in 2 months... Damn I'm old haha. Now, my last post was almost 2 years ago... And a lot of things have happened since then. One thing Is I've gotten somewhat addicted to a new game and you may have heard of it; it's called League of Legends. Secondly, I'm in my last year of sixth form meaning I go off to university within the next 6months... It's crazy. I never thought time could go by so quickly... I am no longer the kid that wrote awful Pokemon fanfics. Can't exactly call a 6"2 man a child I don't think haha. But yeah... I came back to write this because of a reader's review. I don't really get fanfic notifications as oFten as I did 2 years ago as my stories are way at the back nowadays, so I doubt anyone comes across them. I am always checking my email so this reader said I should continue writing and I jjust want to state; I won't. The reason is I just don't have as much free time as I did and also, I don't think I have the passion to write anymore fanfics... Looking at my old stories, my grammar was just bad and the way I presented them was entirely wrong. I have different chapters of stories which I left unfinished, and that must adds to my lack of passion. So yeah, I wouldn't mind if people who still like my stories to carry them on if they wanted to because truthfullu, I will never finish them... Period. Most people won't read this though and I doubt people are still waiting around for my updates... Meaning the people from back in 06. Truly sorry I let you guys down. Thank you to everyone that read my stories and enjoyed them Blackhammer P.s: I managed to get 3 A, 4 A and 4 B in my GCSEs... And fun fact I typed this all on the iPad I got 2 years ago - at least I have written something on it for this site. |
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