Author has written 4 stories for Naruto. Dear Readers,(few though you may be...o.O;) My name is Katherine Walters and I live in a small town in Northwest Ohio.Village Hidden in the Cornfields...Ahem!...So yeah... My residence is a small (but not too small) apartment, which is actually just the upstairs to a two story house...with lots of extras. I have my own kitchen, yay! And bathroom! Yay x2! I am afulltime student at a college I got a CRAZY amount of scholarships for. (Thank you God) Luckily I registered early and got all my classes on Monday Wednesday and Friday, which means I have to wake up ridiculously early to commute, but at least it's only three days a week, ne? I'm doing fine and the semester's almost over by now. Here is some random trivia about me: Favorites! Color(s):--deep breath-- Silver, Bright Yellow, Cerulean Blue, Pale Pink, Bright Orange, and Scarlet. Yeah, I'm weird, sue me. (NOT LITERALLY!) Book: "Absolute Power" by David Baldacci Movie!New favorite Movie! Crash. It's gooooooood. I strongly recommend reading it. It has a powerful message which it uses extreme brute force to pound into your head. I love it. I love it a lot. Manga: Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness) It's so awesome.Poor'Soka-chan! I just wanna hug 'im! Anime: Yami no Matsuei (same as above!) Fanfiction: At the moment it's "The Ultimate Uke Syndrome" by rosesareblue Fanart: "Nice Ass Uzumaki" by emichi (found on deviant art) Pairing(s): Naruto: SasuNaru, LeeSaku, ShikaIno, ChouTem, KakaIru, NejiTen, GaaNaru(sometimes), NejiNaru(sometimes) Inuyasha: InuKag, MirSan, SessRin(only sometimes) EQ: HasuMitsu One Piece: Zoro/Nami ; YGO: Seto/Yugi YYH: I like all Uke!Hiei relationships. Except KuwabaraxHiei --shudders-- FMA: lessee, I can't really decide on this either. I wan't Ed as uke, but I don't want it shota, so we'll just have to see. YnM: TsuSoka Dislikes! In Fanfics: Bad writing(this is encompassing a lot folks) script format too many review replies OOC-ness, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mary Sues, ugh! Shota Incest of any kind. so many other things that I couldn't possibly name them all even if I tried for a thousand and one years Pairings: Seme!Naruto relationships the exception being very well written NaruSasu. I just can't see Sasuke willing to bottom for anyone else. Any of the partners of the pairings I listed paired with anyone else...o.O (did that not make sense to anyone else?) General: Mocha Cappucino Sappy love stories/movies others I shall add when I'm not getting bored of doing this And that's pretty much me folks. Read it and weep...Or not, y'know, whatever works for you... Quotes of the Day!(or week or month, depending on if I forget to come back here or not...sweatdrop) " I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly."--Steven Wright "The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a Cat."--Ogden Nash "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."--Yogi Berra "Ah, yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet." --Robin Williams "It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married."--Drew Carey And My Personal Favorite...: "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity"--Unknown. |