Author has written 3 stories for Evangelion, and Pirates of the Caribbean. You've reached Plasma Twa 2. Leave a message after the tone... Bzzt. Umm, yeah... Word to all that reviewed Crystalline. I appreciate all the reviews. Seeing all of the postive reviews really makes me feel proud of a work that I wasn't sure was good or not. I appreciate the critisicms, too. I'll try to address them all in my next story. But for the time being I don't think it's neccesary to post a second part to it. As Imagus said, second parts sometimes ruin the original story. In the future I may do a follow-up, probably either the day after or the events through Misato or Asuka's eyes, but for now I'm focusing entirely on my new story, which I'm trying to address all of your complaints about Crystalline in. If any of you would like to proof read it, send me a message. Look for the first part of my next Evangelion story in the next couple days. (And don't worry, this one will have everything. ShinjiXMisato, ShinjiXAsuka...) Now, I guess I'll get on with the actual profile. Nationality: Canadian Hair color: Dark brown Eye color: Blue I mostly deal in Evangelion stories, cause it's what I know best. I write stuff about Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy, and Zelda as well... Favorite Pairing: MisatoXShinji ...Yeah, I know... My profile sucks. |
Kiana33zf (0) | Person4352 (0) | Shekron Kaizar (8) |