Author has written 7 stories for Pokémon, Evangelion, Legend of Zelda, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, Mario, and Metroid.
I do not currently do requests. I barely keep up with the stories that I'm currently working on already.
Ongoing Stories
Stray Thoughts - The Legend of Zelda
Ganondorf finally defeats Link and Zelda, gaining the full Triforce. But as he reaches for it, a stray thought comes to him and he accidentally wishes that he had been an ally of the first incarnations of Link and Zelda he met. Reality is altered and history is unraveled to fulfill this unintended wish. Tum back to the past and Zelda finds that her prophetic dream of Link saving Hyrule from Ganondorf has been replaced with one of the trio joining with a group of seven others to save Hyrule from an even greater darkness.
Status: New chapters whenever I finish them. Probably around two chapters left until I finish the story and move on to the sequel.
Super Ridley Bros - Super Mario Bros./Metroid Crossover
Ridley kills Mario and takes his hat, flying to the Mushroom Kingdom while wearing it as a dark joke. But then everyone who sees him seems to think that Ridley actually is Mario. One thing leads to another and soon Ridley finds himself on a journey to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser's clutches and learn what it means to be "The Mario".
Status: Updates whenever I finish a chapter.
Becoming a Champion - Pokémon
What if Ash moved half-way across the world when he was young? What if instead of waking up late on his first day as a trainer, Ash was personally invited to take part in the Pokémon League by the reigning champion? Combines the plots of the original series Pokémon anime with Sword and Shield. THIS STORY WILL NOT FEATURE ANY SHIPS, SO STOP ASKING!
Status: Updates whenever I finish a chapter. I'm trying to put a bit more effort into quality and length for this story compared to my others, so don't expect it to be updated too frequently.
An Angel Garbed in Steel - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
A story idea that popped into my head while playing Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Follows an unnamed narrator as he reflects on his life in Nova Chrystalia and how much it has changed for the better since Lightning showed up.
A Town Map and a Cup of Tea (TownMapShipping) - Pokémon
My first attempt at a shipping fic. Based off of the original Pokémon games, it follows Red as he returns to Pallet Town in order to deliver Oak's parcel. On his way back out of town, he stops by his neighbor's house where he runs into Daisy. The two talk about life, and feelings that neither of them realize they had start to make themselves known.
Finished/Dead Stories
Pokémon: Four Journeys
This story follows the journeys of four Pokémon Trainers (hence the title) as well as Team Rocket, the International Police and some others. It combines aspects from all over the franchise plus some original twists and turns. I will eventually get around to writing various spin-off one-shots and miniseries set in this story's setting.
Status: Dead. The story gradually turned into an overly-complex mess that even I was starting to have trouble keeping up with. I may get back to this story eventually, but if I do I'll be starting over to try and streamline the plot and improve the overall quality. Detailed notes of what I was planning to do with the story can be found at Lake Valor Forums.
h t t p s : / / l a k e v a l o r . n e t / t h r e a d s / p o k e m o n - f o u r - j o u r n e y s - c a n c e l e d . 1 7 7 9 5 / (take out the spaces)
My own retelling of Neon Genesis Evangelion, much like countless other authors have already done. Shinji, Rei, Asuka and a steadily increasing number of other Evangelion pilots must work together to fight off the Angels that keep attacking Tokyo-3 while trying to figure out what's actually going on. Along the way they have to deal with intrigue, mystery, their own fragile mental states, angelic talk show hosts and more.
Status: Dead. I lost interest in the story and have no intention of getting back to it.
Character Bios (contains spoilers for my on-going stories)
Stray Thoughts (Spoilers up to Chapter 23)
Link: A young boy from the Kokiri Forest. He ventured out to Hyrule after the death of the Great Deku Tree in order to find and help Princess Zelda. He's a boy of action rather than words and many who meet him don't even realize he's capable of speech until the rare instance they hear him talk. A few chance encounters with the Great Fairy of Magic have left him with a budding magical talent that he uses alongside his growing arsenal of equipment.
Current Equipment & Spells: Knight's Sword & Shield, Fairy Ocarina, Goron Bracelet, Magic Compass, Hover Boots, Din's Fire, Farore's Wind
Navi: A forest fairy assigned to watch over Link. She tends to talk a bit too much at times, in stark contrast to her Hylian companion.
Princess Zelda: The current heir to the throne of Hyrule and a gifted seer. Her prophetic dreams have lead her to forming a team to save Hyrule from the dark forces that threaten to spread across the land.
Current Equipment: Goron Bracelet, Royal Rapier
King Ganondorf: The king of the Gerudo and former vessel for Demise's curse. His connection to the former demon lord were severed thanks to the unwitting actions of his alternate future self, which has allowed him to take a different path in life. He now works together with the leaders of the other races of Hyrule to bring about a brighter future through peace. The removal of his connection to Demise means that he lacks the dark magical abilities he once had, but he is still quite formidable in combat.
Current Equipment: Gerudo Broadsword, Stone Smasher
Impa: Head of the Sheikah clan and personal attendant/bodyguard to the young Princess Zelda. She is a firm believer in Princess Zelda's prophetic abilities and does everything in her power to aid the princess. She is partly responsible for Zelda even being able to but together their current team. She is also the only survivor of the group that sealed Bongo Bongo under the well many years ago.
Current Equipment: Eightfold Blade, Guardian Naginata, Deku Nuts, Throwing Needles
Darunia: The chief of the Gorons. He initially worked together with Ganondorf and Impa to rid Dodongo's Cavern of the Dodongos before deciding to tag along with their group.
Current Equipment: Magic Hammer
Saria: A member of the Kokiri tribe and Link's best friend. She showed Link and Zelda the way back to Death Mountain after they found their way into the Lost Woods. An earthquake resulted in the way back to the woods being cut off and Saria's leg being seriously injured. Her leg was able to heal thanks to the magical properties of the Goron Hot-springs, but being cut off from the Kokiri Forest has seemingly resulted in her slowly turning to wood. Despite this, Saria is determined to help the others safe Hyrule before returning to the woods, even if it costs her life to do so. She has her own fairy companion, named Opera.
Current Equipment: Fairy Ocarina, Kokiri Sword
Princess Ruto: The princess of the Zoras. She was captured and frozen alive by Frostare in the Ice Cavern before being rescued by Link, Zelda and Saria. She and her father accompanied Zelda and the others back to Hyrule Castle, only to get captured by Bongo Bongo along the way along with the other children and dragged into the Shadow Temple. After they managed to get that fiasco over with, she found that her father had gone missing along with nearly everyone else in Hyrule. As a result, she has decided to help the others stop Vaati in order to rescue her father and the rest of her people.
Current Equipment: Zora Fishing Trident
Nabooru: Ganondorf's right-hand woman. She claims to have been able to avoid being captured by Vaati thanks to having been swimming in Hyrule Castle's moat at the time he was released. She agrees to help the others fight Vaati so that she can rescue all of her people that were taken by the Wind Sage, though Impa doesn't trust her.
Current Equipment: Gerudo Scimitars
Rauru/Kaepora Gaebora: An ancient sage who built the Temple of Time long ago. He has since shed his mortal form and watched over Hyrule in the guise of a wise owl. He informs the other heroes of what they must do to save Hyrule from darkness until they manage to get their hands on the Moon Pearl, which reverts him back to his Hylian form and allows him to aid them more directly.
Current Equipment: Moon Pearl
Malon: A young girl from Lon Lon Ranch who Link met on his way into Hyrule Castle. She becomes the final member of the group after they rescue her in the Palace of Winds.
Current Equipment: Hylian Bow
The Twinrova Sisters: Koume & Kotake: Twin witches devoted to the former demon lord Demise. They raised Ganondorf from infancy to become the new vessel of Demise's curse, only for their grand scheme to be thwarted by the alternate future Ganondorf's stray-thought-turned-wish. With decades of hard work and planning thrown out the window, they've turned to their mysterious 'Plan B'. What this plan is, though, remains a mystery for now.
Bongo Bongo: A former Sheikah criminal devoted to a mysterious dark god. he was executed for his crimes only to be revived as a powerful shadow demon. A group of Sheikah warriors were able to seal him under the Kakariko Well. He was eventually able to break out from his prison and kidnapped Zelda, Link, Saria and Ruto before returning the Shadow Temple where he had been executed all those years ago. He was defeated thanks to the combined efforts of Impa, Ganondorf, Darunia and Link.
Shadow Link:A demonic shade created through dark magic in the image of the hero who sealed Vaati in the Four Sword long ago. It is the one which released Vaati from his seal within the Four Sword, but not after gravely injuring Zelda's father. Having been given the form of the ancient hero, it was able to replicate the equipment and abilities that said hero once possessed, making it a formidable enemy that the heroes were barely able to combat.
Vaati: A former member of the Minish race and apprentice to the sage Ezlo. he used the power of the Minish Cap to transform into a powerful sorcerer and wind sage hundreds of years ago and managed to conquer Hyrule before being defeated by one of Zelda's ancestors (coincidentally named Link) and sealed within the Four Sword. He was released from his prison while Zelda and the others fighting Bongo Bongo in the Shadow Temple, turning all the men of Hyrule into stone before abducting the women of Hyrule and fleeing to his former hideout in the Palace of Winds.
Super Ridley Bros. (Spoilers up to World 6-1)
Ridley: Former commander of the Space Pirates and Samus Aran's arch-nemesis. He and his crew were contacted by Bowser while hiding from from the Galactic Federation and hired to kill Mario. Ridley was able to complete the job effortlessly while having his underlings 'rescue' Princess Peach from Bowser's forces and ransom her back to the Mushroom Kingdom. He then decided to take the cap of the recently deceased Mario and use it to taught the people of the Mushroom Kingdom. He stopped to eat some poisonous mushrooms along the way, which had the unexpected side effect of shrinking him down to human size. Even more unexpected was the fact that almost everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom seems to mistake him for Mario as long as they see him wearing the famous red cap. Rosalina was able to see who he really was, however, and has forced him into filling Mario's role for the foreseeable future until she can find a way to resurrect the real Mario.
Luigi: Younger brother of the famous Mario, who's lived his whole life in his brother's shadow. He was the first to initially mistake Ridley for Mario and treated the space dragon as his brother. He eventually revealed that he figured out that Ridley wasn't Mario early on, but was in denial due to what that implied in regards to the fate of the real Mario. Despite learning that Ridley was the one who killed his brother, Luigi does not blame him or seek revenge. He's seen that Ridley has a good side regardless of how evil and heartless he's been in the past and even stood up for Ridley when Samus tried to kill him. It remains to be seen how he will feel after they manage to rescue Princess Peach and things begin to calm down, however.
Roshi: One of the more famous Yoshi's cousins. He's been relentlessly bullied his whole life due to a rare genetic disorder that leaves him without his species signitaure high metabolism, leading to him being overweight and out of shape even without eating as much as the rest of his people. He's always been in awe of the stories he's heard of Mario and jumped at the chance to help his hero. Even after learning the truth of Ridley's identity, he decided to stand by the Space Pirate, reasoning that the first real friend he's ever had couldn't be as evil as people say.
Samus Aran: Famous bounty hunter and former hero of the Galactic Federation, turned wanted traitor after destroying a secret research base and learning far more about the Federation's darker side then she was supposed to. Without access to the Federation's resources, Samus is no longer able to find ancient Chozo weaponry and technology to expend her now-small arsenal with. She's made up for this, however, by learning to work with a team now. She was contacted by King Bowser and hired to kill Ridley. After confronting her parents' murderer once again, however, she was stopped from killing him by Luigi and Roshi. They eventually managed to convince her to let Ridley go for now, before Kamek decided to try taking out Ridley and Samus' teams in one fell swoop. She's now working together with Ridley to take down Bowser, though it remains to be seen how long she'll be able to tolerate working alongside the monster who once ate her mother in front of her when she was still a child.
Supporting Characters
Princess Peach: The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and frequent kidnapping victim of Bowser. Ridley, Luigi and the others are currently trying to rescue her after she was kidnapped for the umpteenth time.
Rosalina: Guardian of the Comet Observatory and possibly the oldest living being in the known universe (though pointing that out could prove a fatal mistake). Known to Ridley as the 'space witch', she's a powerful sorceress and frequent ally to the Mario Brothers. She came to the Mushroom Kingdom to warn Peach that she had spotted a dangerous Space Pirate ship in the area, only to quickly run into Ridley. Unlike the denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom, she was able to see that Ridley wasn't the real Mario and confronted him in private. Bowser happened to choose that exact moment to kidnap Princess Peach again, however, leading Rosalina to threaten Ridley into pretending to be Mario while she finds a way to resurrect the real Mario. She attemped to use a powerful time-reversal spell to bring him back, but was thwarted by a surprise attack from Kammy Koopa, losing her old wand in the process and taking Kammy's to replace it.
Merlon: The famously long-winded fortune-teller of the Mushroom Kingdom. He stopped Ridley and Luigi on their way to rescue Princess Peach in order to warn them that their quest would be filled with danger. Doing so somehow required telling the epic tale of the adventure one of his ancestors had gone through long, long ago. Luigi slept through most of his story while Ridley was capable of listening to the whole thing. However, so far his advice has proven completely useless.
Boom Boom: A member of Bowser's forces who attempted to attack Ridley and Luigi in the Cavern of Blargg. Ridley saved his life, leading to Boom Boom deciding to switch sides and help Ridley take down Blargg by providing him with an Ice Flower. Ridley and Boom Boom parted on good terms, though it remains to be seen if they will ever meet again. His vocabulary seems to consist solely of the word 'boom', though Ridley is still capable of perfectly understanding what he says.
Klump, Krusha, Kersplat & the Kremling Krew: A pirate crew once lead by Kaptain K. Rool. Ridley helped them out in exchange for safe passage while Luigi was unconscious. They were betrayed by their former captain but Ridley was able to help them defeat him. Klump and Krusha ended up taking up the roles of co-captain as both thought the other was better suited for the position. Ridley had forgotten to tell them where he and Luigi actually wanted to go, which lead to them being dropped off on Yoshi's Island.
Yoshi: The most famous member of his race, who's helped out Mario many times in the past. He started out helping Ridley and Luigi, and introduced them to his cousin Roshi, however once he learned Ridley's true identity he decided that he no longer wanted anything to do with them. He was returned to his village after the defeat of the Valley of Bowser. Only time will tell if he's regret his decision to leave the group.
ADAM:The AI controlling Samus' gunship. He's a digital recreation Samus' former commanding officer, Adam Malkovich, who was paired up with her for a mission with Samus in order to keep her from learning things about the Federation that she shouldn't. He ended up helping Samus destroy the Federation's secret Metroid cloning facility and destroy plant SR388 in order to eradicate the X-Parasites. Following this, ADAM allowed Samus to 'steal' him when she rent on the run from the Federation and has served as her ship ever since. Despite his objections, the ship still doesn't have an autopilot function meaning that he still requires a pilot in order to do much of anything.
Armstrong Houston: An old friend of Samus' that works with her on missions. He has his own suit of Chozo Power armor, which is blue in color and an older model than Samus'. (Originates from the Super Metroid comics.)
Joey Apronika: A young boy and aspiring hero who looks up to Samus. He managed to convince her to take him on as an apprentice, though she still tries to keep him out of harm's way as much as possible. He uses the Field Knuckle inherited from his deceased father, which serves a number of uses but it's primary function is to create defensive barriers. (Originates from the Samus and Joey manga.)
Diesel: A master mechanic and one of the only known remaining members of the Craftsman, a legendary race of technopaths once known as the most skilled engineers in the known universe. He's an old acquaintance of Samus' who keeps getting roped into joining her missions more and more as time goes on. (Originates from the Samus and Joey manga.)
Colonel Cedar: A colonel in the Mushroom Kingdom army who was captured by Darkland Troops and imprisoned in Camp Shell. He serves a leadership position over the other prisoners and advises Ridley's group after they find themselves captured.
King Bowser: The King of Dark Land. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Princess Peach and is constantly trying to kidnap her. He hired Ridley to kill Mario thinking that would put an end to the Mushroom Kingdom's attempts at resisting him forces. This plan backfired as Ridley ended up taking Mario's place, so he tried hiring Samus to take out Ridley. This plan has also backfired, leaving open the question of what Bowser will do now.
Kamek: Bowser's loyal assistant and a powerful magikoopa. After discovering that the plan to have Samus kill Ridley backfired, he used his magic to animate the Valley of Bowser and attempted to use it to kill Ridley, Samus and their allies himself. This plan didn't work as Ridley and Samus teamed up to take him down. Kamek was able to escape, and it is likely that he will try to go after them again.
King Goomba: The self-proclaimed King of the Goombas. He was the first major enemy that Ridley and Luigi fought on their journey. Ridley was able to beat him up easily, but the cowardly giant goomba was able trick Ridley and sent both him and Luigi through a trap door leading to the Cavern of Blargg.
Blargg: A giant lava monster that lives in quite solitude in his cavern. After being inadvertently woken up by Ridley and Boom Boom's fight, he attacked them. However, he was quickly taken down by Ice Ridley.
Kaptain K. Rool/King K. Rool: Former captain of the Kremling Krew and arch-nemesis to the Kongs. He enlisted Ridley's help in finding the Crystal Coconut on the Isle del Bongo. It turned out that he was just using Ridley and the members of his crew in order to gain the power of the Crystal Coconut for himself. Krusha, Klump and Kersplat then worked together with Ridley to take down K. Rool. He was defeated by them and fell into a pool of lava, so it's fairly safe to assume he won't be coming back.
Super Ultra Mighty Koopa Bros.: A group of four Ninjakoopas (Red, Black, Green and Yellow) working for Bowser that once fought and were defeated by Mario. They were able to shoot down Samus' gunship and ambush Ridley's group. There ambush was then interrupted by a second ambush by the Neo Axem Rangers and it would appear that a three-way fight is about to commence.
Neo Axem Rangers: A group of axe-wielding robots that once served under the extra-dimensional tyrant known as Smithy. They showed up after Ridley's group were ambushed by the Koopa Bros. But the questions of why they are here and what they are planning remain to be answered.
Colonel Klang & Seagent Gutz: Klang serves as the warden at Camp Shell, which he rules with an iron fist. Gutz is the camp's head of security, though he tends to be rather lazy and is far from the best at his job.
Kammy Koopa: An old but incredibly powerful magikoopa serving King Bowser. She chose to stand watch over the castle that serves as Mario's final resting place in case anyone were to try and bring him back somehow. This led to her stopping Rosalina from using a powerful time-reversal spell to restore the fallen plumber. However, Rosalina was able to overpower Kammy, steeling her wand and forcing her to retreat. Nevertheless, her task was complete as the time spell can not be re-cast.
Becoming a Champion (Spoilers up to Episode 2)
Ash Ketchum: A 10-year boy originally from the Kanto region. His mother moved them up to Galar when he was five and he has lived in the small town of Postwick ever since. He's always been a fan of Pokémon battling and is an especially huge fan of the current Galar Champion, Leon. Ash's life would take a shocking turn one day when a wild Pikachu broke into his house and his mother made him take care of it. While planning to let the Pikachu loose away from town, he and Hop ended up running into the Slumbering Weald after a stray Wooloo. They were then attacked by a pair of mysterious wolf Pokémon. After recovering from that incident, Ash found himself face to face with his idol, Leon, and learned the Leon was Hop's older brother. On top of that, the wild Pikachu had bonded with him after he protected it from an attack by one of the wolves, letting him catch it. Now a real Pokémon trainer, Ash received one final shock as Leon announced that he would be sponsoring Ash and Hop in the Pokémon League. And with that, Ash sets out on his journey to becoming the next champion of Galar.
Pokémon: Pikachu, Caterpie
Badges: None
Hop: Ash's best friend and Leon's younger brother. He ran into the Slumbering Weald with Ash after a stray Wooloo, where they were attacked by a pair of mysterious wolf Pokémon. He tried to fend them off with his Wooloo but to now effect. Afterwards, his brother Leon decided to sponsor him and Ash for the Pokémon League, allowing him to finally get started on his quest to outshine his older brother.
Pokémon: Wooloo
Badges: None
Leon "Lee": Hop's older brother and the reigning champion of the Galar League. Known as "The Undefeated Champion", to say he's the most famous trainer in Galar would be an understatement. After returning home for the first time in a while, he finds that Hop and his neighbor Ash have ventured into the Slumbering Weald and goes in after them. After they return to town, Leon helps Ash catch his first Pokémon watches a match between him and Hop. Seeing them fight makes Leon decide that he wants to sponsor them both in the Pokémon League, hoping that they'll both be able to give him a run for his money in the Champion Cup.
Pokémon: Charizard