Author has written 10 stories for Digimon, Invader Zim, Final Fantasy I-VI, and X-Men: Evolution.
So you peeps who are unfamilar with me know, I am not crazy or on something. I'm just kind of hyper. And for you peeps who do happen to know me or think you know me, hiya! Well, I like lots of stuff, but the only fanfics I've written are Digimon ones and Invader Zim ones and now, Final Fantasy ones. Anywhose, I like Digimon, Buffy, Roswell, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, pizza, cheese (except the fake cheese polyester stuff that comes in slices), Beast Wars, Beast Machines, most Anime, X-Men: Evolution, Harvest Moon, Invader Zim, Inuyasha, the sky, the sun, the moon... off track there. Feel free to review. In fact, please do! Okay, bye!--Tee-hee! Note to self: do not drink a lot of Mountain Dew! My sis's birthday is December 22. You know why that is even remotely mentionable? Cause that's Seifer's birthday! Connection! They are both a little evil!--Now that I have typed my fingers off and embarresed myself with this display of completely useless trivial fact. (years later on 'Who Wants to be a Millionair?' Paige is asked the question 'On Final Fantasy VIII, what is Seifer's birthday?' and amazingly gets it right! Woo-Hoo!)^_^--Ciao and read on!