Author has written 13 stories for Captain Planet, CSI, Robin Hood BBC, and M*A*S*H. Hi there, Thought it was about time I introduced myself properly. I am 25 years old (as of writting this) and I work as an analytical chemists assistant for RPS Mountainheath in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, UK. I love Captain Planet, CSI Vegas, Robin Hood (BBC) and Mash - these are the ones that tend to inspire fics. My work tends to focus on a major character having an injury or disease, I suppose I write this way because I have a desire to cure them, or have other characters cure them. I am sure there is a medical term for this, was trying to find it earlier pseudo-somethingorother. Anyway whatever it is I have it in litary form. I also tend to run the same plot line for different shows because I like to see how different characters would react e.g. a fairly calm, upbeat character like Greg handles having cancer and the treatment fairly well, even if he does need a little help to take care of himself (Battle for Life); whereas someone like Hawkeye (assuming it wasn't usually fatal as it was in the 1950's) might make jokes and make the best of the time he has left or Robin who would have no understanding of what was happening, so basic was medieval medicine. I am not a psycology or medical student, I just like researching and writting that sort of material. My first attempt at a fanfic (pregant pause) was written with one of my dearest friends Kristine, so we share the glory from reviews. Check out her other fics at meatball surgeons or KreativeKristine. I am always open to suggestions or critisms of my work, before getting into fanfiction writting my spelling and grammer was atrocious because, I would argue, I was never taught it properly at school. Now you guys might still think these things are under par but believe me what you see these days is a major improvement. I realise I could use beta readers but I haven't quite figured that feature out yet. So you can see what I have already published, what is in the pipeline? Well I have had a lot of idea for CSI fics recently (I dream in technicolour and if I can remember the plot long enough I write the story out) and there are about 3 or 4 Robin Hood fics begging to be written. I have 2 or 3 Mash Fics half finished so they should appear soon and 1 or 2 unfinished Captain Planet fics. Looks like I am going to be a busy little writer! Work does get in the way of writing so I can't promise when the next fic will appear so all I can say is save me as a fave or keep checking back from time to time. Oh and don't forget to review ;) |
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