Author has written 6 stories for Digimon, Super Smash Brothers, and Dragon Ball Z. Hello all! My name is Cheetor640! I am also known as Cheets.My interests include writing (of course), playing video games, swimming, and jumping on my trampoline. I am viery interested in Anime, my favorite Anime shows are Dragon Ball Z, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Medabots, and the occasional Anime movie I sometimes stumble upon. I am most known for my series "Canadian Digidestined." Below you can read that infamous series including the main fic and the alternate universe to the fic "Engulfed in Darkness". I hope to begin the prequel to it soon. Anyway onto the more personal stuff. My real name is Kris Ronnebeck. I am 18 and currently enrolled in university one at the University of Manitoba. I live in residence there, but I consider my true home the small town of Kenora located in Northwestern Ontario Signed: Cheets |