Fate's Card
^~*^~* Change from the normal realm to the Card realm ^~*^~*
A/n: This was the monsters fic I promised all the 'Shadowing Glory' reviewers for giving me such a wonderful response! This is dedicated to you all, thank you once again!
If you hadn't noticed, this is not a humour fic, so do not expect any lame humour or random plot less yet entertaining dribble! My fore apologies to any Dark Magician fans for all the torture the poor monster will go through… T_T …poor guy…
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. Darn. U_U;
Part 1 – Ambiguity
Yugi couldn't understand for the life of him what had caused this to happen. He stared down long and hard at his Dark Magician card that was resting in his small palm.
'I don't understand… how did this virus affect you?'
It was just so sudden. He had drawn out his card and placed it on the offence, then, he saw a flicker from the corner of his eye. When he scrutinized it carefully, he caught sight of the attack and defence points flickering up and down until, out of the blue, they went berserk, and he had stared in horror as his favourite monster incinerated from the battlefield.
Luckily, he had Gaia the Fierce Knight at hand, and recovered in his unique, almost miraculous way.
But that hadn't mattered.
Whether victory of defeat had stood in his path did not concern him. His duel monsters were his. His heart was in his cards and he had a compassion for every one of them. They were more than just flimsy pieces of card; they were his glory.
And now one was… suffering.
Yugi was more than sure that they could suffer, anything with a heart and soul could.
That was what really hurt him.
If he didn't believe that they had souls, he could merely shrug it off; but since he didn't he was worried. And all he could do was hope that it was some glitch, in the duelling system that had been used, that would never occur again.
Maybe he could convince himself of that, to stop the melancholy he had felt when it had happened, to know that his Dark Magician wasn't suffering.
He quickly snapped out of his thought when he got a tap on the shoulder and an impassive glance from Yami, then began to trek after his friends as they walked away.
The Mystical Elf stepped to the side out of the way, leaving a path to a small cleared spot, allowing the mounted knight and his horse through. The Celtic Guardian bit into his lip and clenched his fists as his amber eyes fixated upon Gaia the Fierce Knight as he hopped off of his steed and carefully cradled the Dark Magician to the floor.
Silence ensued.
They hadn't understood what had happened.
A few seconds beforehand he had been smiling… brimming with life and radiating with serenity; the next thing they knew he was on his knees, clutching his head and gasping… whimpering in agonizing anguish; then he was sprawled out, unconscious on the ground.
They were terrified by it.
When the Dark Magician finally stirred and slowly focused his bright blue eyes, all three present monsters jumped in to give him a hug of relief, resulting in a small dog pile upon him.
"Thanks," he spluttered as he laughed the best one could with three other piled upon you, "…You can get off of me now."
After doing just that, their unrestrained action of compassion for their leader and foremost friend left them all slightly embarrassed. The Mystical Elf flushed as she entwined her fingers together, Gaia hastily jumped upon horseback and readied his steed for a quick exit keeping his uneasy grimace out of sight, and the Celtic Guardian sheepishly grinned.
Walking over, the odd expressions etched onto the three's faces received taunting stares from the Summoned Skull. "…I don't want to know," he said under his breath as he approached the Dark Magician.
Gaia took the first opportunity he could to gallop off, the Mystical Elf resumed her composure so quickly that it had seemed she had never acted as she did and the Celtic Guardian - well he didn't really care, and just continued as per usual.
"Take it," the Summoned Skull said gruffly as he shoved a small bit of paper into Dark Magician's chest, "Courtesy of the Flame Swordsman across the South border."
He then strode off as abruptly as he had come.
"…Very sociable…" the Celtic Guardian commented as he approached, "So what does it say?"
"Let me finish reading it first, then ask the questions," came the playful reply, "Or is it too much to ask?"
" Whatever. So…?"
The Mystical Elf hung over Dark Magician's shoulder and began reading it too, "Hmm… what is your opinion?"
The Dark Magician handed over the note to the waiting Celtic Guardian and looked up at the Mystical Elf.
"We shall set out as soon as we can and-"
"I think not," she interrupted with great sombre, "Not after what just happened."
The Celtic Guardian finished reading and silently agreed with a nod.
Dark Magician sighed. "You are right, as ever…but-"
Mystical Elf shushed him with a single delicate finger and leant in towards him. "You will do nothing tonight, and will rest until we know exactly what happened to you."
"We are all sworn to secrecy about it, and we only have what is best for you in mind," the Celtic Guardian added in, " we are concerned with your health."
"As am I, but, we cannot ignore this request."
As he rose to his feet, the Mystical Elf grabbed him by the arm and looked deeply into his eyes. The Celtic Guardian crossed his arms tightly across his chest. "We are not ignoring the request, simply postponing it."
The Dark Magician wasn't going to argue anymore; he felt fatigued all of a sudden, and stood still on the spot.
The Mystical Elf had already begun to walk away, and hadn't noticed him freeze. The Celtic Guardian, however…
He placed a hand upon Dark Magician's shoulder and tilted his head questioningly.
The Dark Magician put on a smile and the Celtic Guardian stepped back, taking away his hand, before turning round and walking off his own way, glancing back over his shoulder after a couple of seconds.
The Dark Magician slowly began to make his own way inside, quietly thinking to himself.
The Celtic Guardian turned his head back round and resumed his course.
* * * * * *
As he raised a hand to his head and groaned, he watched another hand push his purplish indigo hair from out of his face. He tried to pull himself up and speak, but the hand gently pushed him down again.
"Take it easy." Gaia told him.
Dark Magician nodded, "What-"
"The Summoned Skull saw you collapse and brought you here, travelling past myself on his way. You should thank him when he returns."
"…I Shall."
He narrowed his eyes and sighed as he relaxed his previously tensed muscles. Rest was a good idea; he was feeling strangely groggy. Sleep was sounding so desirable… his eyelids dropped down and he instantly drifted off.
"Explain to me."
Gaia turned round and took the bowl of water off of the Summoned Skull and dipped a folded cloth into it.
After draining off the excess water, he carefully placed it on Dark Magician's burning forehead. "There isn't anything to explain," he retorted, turning his body round, "earlier whilst myself, Celtic Guardian and Mystical Elf were with him he fell to his knees clutching his head, crying in pain then collapsed. Just like that. You know as much as we do."
"Why wasn't I informed of it?" he growled.
"Because we did not want to cause worry until we knew it was a danger…"
Gaia glared at the Summoned Skull before turning back round, "It is a matter of opinion."
"And I will make mine clear."
"No need to, it doesn't matter anymore. I must go see Mystical Elf about it, if there's any magic that can help she'll be the one to find it. Stay here with him."
"No. I have business to settle."
Gaia rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll get Celtic Guardian to..." As he walked off, he mumbled incoherently at the Summoned Skull and left to hunt for Celtic Guardian.
Summoned Skull quickly turned round and left.
* * * * * *
The Celtic Guardian sighed deeply as he watched the Dark Magician's chest heave as he breathed heavily as he slept.
After removing his helmet from his light green hair and placing it on the side, he reached out a hand and removed the wet cloth from Dark Magician's forehead, and placed his palm over it.
"…Still burning up…"
He dipped the cloth back into the bowl of water, squeezed it out then placed it back on his friend. As he did this, he leaned in and spoke quietly to him, "You had better get well…. and soon…"
He then pulled away and perched back upon his seat. 'What's going on with you?'
It was a very distressing thing, seeing your best friend in this state.
Especially when you can't even imagine why.
The Celtic Guardian pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head upon them as he continued to watch over the slumbering Dark Magician.
To Be Continued…