Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Name: Shauna B. Age:13 Height: I don't know Weight: Like you need to know! Eye color: Blue Hair color: DARK DARK brown Fav gamse: All the harvest moon games Fav anime: Inu-yasha, Fullmetal alchemist, Poke'mon Fav anime characters: Sesshomaru, Edward Elric, Shippo, Winry, Lust Fav color: Yellow Stories i'm writing off line: Mutant girl, Kristal & Lang: Kristal's journey, & Kristal & Lang: Lang's journey. Stories i'm writing on line: When Inu- meets Elric, & The purple haired dog demon. E-mail address: Alchemistgirl25@ Please read my stories. They're really good. Alchemyrulz! |