![]() Author has written 3 stories for Naruto, and Anime X-overs. Angelic Theif Name: Luna is good for now. And all of forever really. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HARRY POTTHEAD! I mean, Potter! Heh. My name was Luna Moonlite before Luna Lovegood was even created! I think. Okay, fine how 'bout this: I was Luna Moonlite before I even knew what Harry Potter was! Haha! Beat that! (Yes, there was such a time. I know gasp gasp. I never really liked Harry Potter until the first movie came out. Then I had to read the books to make fun of the movies. It didn't go over too well. They pretty much hit it right on the money. Until recently that is.) Okay, shutting up now. Or You could just call me Ryoku. Depends on my mood really. Huh. Age: ...I lost count. You see, once I get into double digit numbers, I tend to freak out and not know what to do anymore. They're like so...BIG. And then we get into triple digits and I'm okay again. But my friends tell me I'm 16. Okay so actually they tell me I'm a perverted 2 year old but that's beside the point! Gender: I'm acutally a girl. And people sit here and say girls aren't as perverted as guys. Hah! I guess their right, I'm even more perverted. I swear, there is almost nothing you can say to me that will make me be grossed out in the perverted manner. It's all good. What ever tickles their fancy right? Personality: Haha, haven't you got enough of my personality from the last two answers? Wait, I'm asking myself these questions. Hmmmm...well, if you really don't care then why the heck are you reading this? Anyway, I'm gonna answer myself. Too many people say that they're random, or dumb, or weird, or crazy, or insane, and blah blah blah blah blah blah. So all the good lables are pretty much taken. So I'll go with Taco. No one uses Taco. Translation: Totally And Completly Outahere. Outahere is so to one word, because I said so. And it really wouldn't be Taco if I put H on the end would it? It'd be Tacoh. And what's a Tacoh? It sotra remines me of a Tac-hoe. But that's not right. Anyway, I'm acutally like this on a regular basis, sometimes even worse. Okay, so usually worse. Today is a mellow day, but more than likely it won't be a mellow day when you read this: 8/20/07. (That's today, when I wrote this.) I'm only mellow because I'm tired. I went to bed REALLY late and got up REALLY early. I'm mean, come on! I can't live on only ten hours of sleep! Are they crazy! That's six less then I'm used to! Uhhh, no not really. I'm only mellow because I haven't had any coffee. It's my only addiction next to gum. Yeah, I'm one of those people. It used to be only an additction when I was like in school, but somehow it became a need in everyday life. I usually go through a pack of gum a day. Yeah, thats where most of my spending money goes: Gum and coffee. The rest of my money goes into a bank account for my car. Cuz, I'm gonna buy one, just you watch! Okay, moving on. Some people say I suffer from multipul personalities. It's totally not true. Just because I basically hear voices in my head most of the time and I have my other (better as she likes to it as) self, doesn't mean I suffer from insanity, I enjoy it! So, to my other persona: Susanna Elizabeth Taylor: She's a royal bitch. Litterally. She's british, and is from one of the Lower familes in the house of Parliment. I don't understand British Politics...heck, I don't even understand US politics! What am I talking about! I don't even understand the politics of my school! haha! She comes out anytime she pleases and makes fun of me and my friends. She makes some rather mean comments. So, I use her to flame people. No, not really. I have never once flamed. I don't mind giving out critisium though. I spelt that wrong, I know I did. The Voices: These aren't like Susanna. And they aren't like the little nagging voice inside your head that tells you not to do something. They're not even like a shoulder angel and demon. They are litterally voices inside my head in which lead me to do stupid (or on the rare occassion smart) things. These are the voices that link me to my best friends. (They have super powers. Because really, I'm acutally linked to Ryu and Hanyou. I simply know when they fell bad or something. Creepy ESP.) And these are the voices that make me zone out as I rage a war on against my other self. You see, half of them work for her and the other half for me. And I gotta watch out for whos turned spy. It's like I can't even trust anybody inside my own head! But it's at those times people ask me what I'm doing as I stare blankly off into space that I calmy tell them that I'm in the middle of a battle and that Susanna could be stricking at any moment, so would they please leave me alone because I must get behind enamy lines and steal their base before anyone gets wounded. And then they ask me who the heck is Susanna and then I must explain to them that it's my other personality and that she and her half of the voices are fighting against me to gain complete controll...That's when people start to say that I'm a little (or a lot) loopy. Because, umm, well, I'm quite serious about all this. My Voices: I have about a dozen Voices. Or at least, these are the ones I trust. There are other's but at the time being, I'm too lazy to post them. They will be comeing up soon though. Becasue I love them! Favorite Things: Seeing as I'm too lazy to make a list of all the different things that I like I'll just put it right here. See, easy huh? Hmm...lets see. I like lots of things. Crap. I messed up. To the listing. Fav Music/Bands/Artists: I like the fallowing: Panic! at the Disco, Fallout Boy, Bon Jovi, Deaf Leopard, Araow Smith, BEP's, Green Day, The All-American Rejects, Metalica, (Have you noticed what I have? I like a lot of oldies...0.0), Taking Back Sunday, AFI, Red Jumpsuite, Salliva, Incubus...And I know there's more but I just can't think of them at the moment so I'm not going to list them until I know what they are. Fav food: If I honostly knew the answer to this, I'd post it. But I don't, so I won't. I'm up to trying anything new...as long as I'm told what it is. I'd like to know what I'm about to stick in my mouth before I go and stick something in my mouth...But meh. I don't like Ramen. I know, gasp huh? But you try living on it for six months straight and you tell me how much you like it. Go on, go on. But somtimes I do have my moments where I simply must eat it, but they are rare. Fav Color(s): Umm, Amethyst, Lilac, and Lavendar. NO THEY ARE NOT ALL THE SAME COLOR! They all have a slightly different hue of shadings...Anway. Black, Red, and Silver. Mangas/Animes: Ummm...I don't want to list them so a lot...there. Stories Finished: None, not yet at least. Stories in progress: Naruto: Sex, Love, and Lies (I can't remember what's it called in Japanese...hmmm) Sasuke wants Naruto, Kiba wants the loviable Kitsune, and that same Kitsune wants...oh god, who does he want? Everything is screwed up and he can't keep anything in place. Sasuke is leading him on, Kiba is trying to keep his attention...and and and...oh great, Sasuke's done gone and betrayed everyone AGAIN. But this time, Kiba, Naruto and Hinata are paried up to rescue him...from himself. Tricky tricky tricky. The Answering Machine: It's on hold until Ryu Ayame gives me the next chapter. I think she forgot that she supposed to be writting it... Stories To Come: Infinite X's and O's: I just like the title SOO much that I have to write a story I just first must figure out what that story will be. Haha! |