![]() Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter, and Twilight. sigh I really don't like to have a profile because I'm always too lazy to think of something neat to put on it. ._.; I'm fifteen years old (I'm going to be a sophomore! Ahahaha, S'more!). My favorite subject is English and Art. I really don't like bad grammar and txt talk; I'm also a compulsive drawer and pixel artist. Stories normally aren't my thing (I'm more of an essay-writer, to be honest, and my stories usually end up a bit like, to quote a teacher, "Seinfield; funny and strange, but there's not a point to it"), but hey, let's give it a shot! I've been on fanfiction.net for a long while (lurking is so fun~), and I started on Inuyasha fanfics, which then got to Inuyasha crossovers, which somehow transported itself into Full Metal Alchemist fanfics, and then Harry Potter fanfics, and then Harry Potter crossover fanfics. Anyway, it's safe to say I've seen a lot of different stories and a lot of different plots. I'm hoping to have some sort of original plotline sometime or another. xD I've yet to. (I was looking at this and went: "Was I really that lazy?" so..I'm adding more random things?) Uh, my favorite color is purple, and my favorite number is 4 (My birthday is April 4th. :D). I'm asian? (Yes, gasp in utter shock! And if you're going by stereotypes; I have answered this on a test before: 7x + 5x = 13x. xD) I'm not perfect, but I can so fake it so you think I almost am. :D I'm a bit of a game-addict (beta-tested MapleStory a few years ago...and I'm still playing it, lol), a sleep-addict (I sleep in until noon...unless I get kicked awake. T_T), and I can't live without biting on a pen (sorry). Personally, I have no issues with het or slash (in writing or in real life, but in real life, I'll be honest. If I said that I didn't mind same-sex relationships, I fear that I'd get jumped and end up sitting at a lonely lunch table. T_T I'm such a wimp...); I'm not that particular. But to be honest, on this particular website, het compared to slash, I think slash often has more original plot. Most published books are het, so twisting the canon around to be slash sometimes just gets somewhere between ridiculously funny and ultimate genius. ._. Update-wise: Please don't expect an update every week on a Thursday or something. I know some writers who do that; I think they're abnormally professional because I can't do that. My mind doesn't run like that. I update whenever I finish writing, editing, and proof-reading the chapter. No, I don't have a beta, so more work for mee~ :D As of right now, Harry Black is still being written at an abnormally slow pace. My excuse is that I'm taking AP World History and DBQs have killed me thirty times over. |