Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hello there you unfortunate little people who came looking on this profile, hoping to see spectacular stories. You will be gutted to know that my stories are not fantastic... in fact I haven't even written them yet! So, a little about me. My name’s Rachel, I have just turned 16 and I'm really into fanfiction, especially Harry Potter ones. I've written a few stories before, but they have been based on my own characters, so I can't really post them on here! I have very recently published the first chapter of a Story called "Inner Strength". It is only the prologue and I'm not even sure if its any good. It seems very anti-climatic and the fight scene is crap. I have a good idea for the rest of the storyline though... but I don't even know if I will ever get round to writing it. And I still can't decided wether to make it Ron/Hermione or Ron/Harry or Ron/ anyone else. Why don't you, the people who read these damn things, get in touch with me? Or not. I really should get round to writing it. Ah well, if anyone is interested in reading any of my other stories that are just like my creations, email me. I think you should be able to find my email address by clicking on some button or another. I hardly ever finish my stories, I get bored half way though and just stop. I have completed one story though, but I wrote it years ago and its rubbish. My latest story is called "The Truth Hurts". I have written 8 chapters so far (I think, I can’t remember of the top of my head). If it is not too big headed to say so, I am an excellent author (I came top in English in my year at school), but my biggest problem is plotlines. IE, I cant think of any good ones. If you can think of any good stories for me to write, tell me. Hang on, if you thought of any good stories, you would probably write them yourself... Ah well This is turning into one long rant isn't it? Well, I'll just briefly tell you about the other love of my life (apart from fanfiction) then I shall leave you in peace. Music. Listening and making. It's so great. I personally play Saxophone, Violin and Piano to a fairly reasonable standard, if I way say so myself. I play a bit of guitar too. Its odd... I play in lots of orchestras and jazz bands and stuff, yet I hate listening to jazz and classical music. Ah well. I listen to more modern stuff. If you got to the end of this long profile, pat yourself on the back. You did well, my friend. |
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