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Joined 05-04-05, id: 807493
Author has written 9 stories for Final Fantasy IX.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in any of my fics, except my original characters.

If you want info relating to my stories, skip the personal stuff.

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Height: 5ft. 9 1/2 in.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Occupation: University Student

Location: Indiana

Currently working on: The Apprentice

Favorite Games: Final Fantasy IX (an underrated game), Drakan: The Ancient's Gates (a very underrated game), Super Smash Bros. Melee, Jade Empire, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil (Remake for Gamecube), Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil 4, Wild Arms 3, StarFox 64, StarFox: Assault, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 3, The Legend of Zelda: Ocerina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy I (for the GBA), and many others.

Favorite Characters: Vivi Ornitier, Zidane Tribal, Freya Crescent, Eiko Carol, Dagger/Garnet, Kenshin Himura, Kuja Tribal, Aragorn, Gandalf (both grey and white), Yoda, Vegeta, Freiza, Makoto Shishio, Aoshi Shinomori, Seijuurou Hiko, Sanosuke Sagara, Chun-Li, Kaoru Kamiya, Jon Talbain, Felicia, Sub-Zero,and many more.

Favorite Good Guy: Vivi Ornitier

Favorite Bad Guy: Makoto Shishio

Favorite Quote: "The only thing stronger than anything is me! Only the fittest survive in this world in the end! If you're strong you live, and if you're weak you die, and I'm the one who deserves to LIVE! The Weak shall become food for the strong. So DIE and let me FEAST!"- Makoto Shishio (Rurouni Kenshin)

Dislikes: perverted people, immature people, people who treat others unfairly, tornadoes, floods, poverty, people who use other people,illegal drugs, guns, people who don't try their best, people who think that men who love men are not men and people who think that anal penetration feels good when all it really is is dangerous, dirty, and degrading, and a few other things.

Likes: nice people, loyal people, generous people, people who are willing to learn, Warriors, Men, Women, my video games, my parents, my brothers, humorous people, my friends, and a few other things.

I Enjoy: playing video games, reading fan fiction, watching TV, reading novels, and a few other things.

I'm a fan of Final Fantasy IX, and when I looked at the fan fictions on this site, I was impressed for the most part, but something seemed to be missing. I wanted to find a Final Fantasy IX fan fiction that could combine Action/Adventure with emotional bonds with the characters. I did find those, but one thing was missing. I wanted to see a strong relationship with a character or characters, and I don't mean romance. Finally, I just couldn't help it, and decide to write a story like that myself. Since I'm new at this, I decided to just focus on one character. I must say that I'm pleased to see that my story is getting positive reviews. That makes me happy. I will continue writing, and reviewers...keep on reviewing.

If you believe in the sacred bond between men and that men who love men are naturaly masculine then try this site http:/// even if you don't believe it, check the site anyway, especially if you're a guy as I've found that the site really speaks to men in a way no other site seems to.

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy IX, this forum might interest you. http:///index.cgi?

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy this forum might interest you. http:///index.cgi

If you're a fan of Final fantasy and kingdom hearts this forum might interrest you. http:///Final_Organization/index.php?act=idx

My story (A New Life) is finished. Future stories are

Happy Halloween, Vivi (October 30th, 2005) one-shot. COMPLETE

The Perfect Thanksgiving (November, 2005) one-shot. COMPLETE

Merry Christmas, Vivi (December, 2005) one-shot. COMPLETE

Be My Valentine (February, 2006) one-shot. COMPLETE

The Apprentice (Summer, 2006) main story. IN-PROGRESS

I'll list other stories when I come up with them. Times may change due to time constraints (mainly school) but I'll try to get them done. I'll do everything in my power to make sure the main story is posted during the early summer.

Story Summeries:

A New Life: Beginnings

The story starts out when Vivi Orunitier, aBlack Mage,arrives in the kingdome of Alexandria to watch the performance 'I want to be your Canary.' While walking to the performance, a flash of light blinded him. When the light cleared he saw a man on the ground. This man's name is Michael.

Michael had no recollection of the events that lead up to his arrival. Once he figured out where he was he joined Vivi, andescorted him to the ticket booth. At the ticket booth, Vivi found out that his ticket was a fake. They decidedto find another way in.

That's when they met a small rat kiddecided to help them if they became his slaves. They agreed and the rat kid decided to help them. A while later, they discover that the rat kid's name is Puck. They eventually snuck into Castle Alexandria, and ducked behind the nobles seats in order to watch the play.

While this was going on, the theater troupe Tantalus, the ones putting on the performance are scheming to kidnap the heir to the Alexandrian throne, Princess Garnet. During the middle of the performance, two thieves, Zidane and Blank, infiltrate the castle to try and capture the princess. Zidane runs into a cloaked woman and questions her. Instead of responding she ran past him and nearly knocked him down. He caught a glimpse of her and realised that she was Princess Garnet. Zidane quickly persued her.

Meanwhile, the queen's two jesters, Zorn and Thorn, overheard what was happening and immediatly went to tell Queen Brahne. They gave their report to General Beatrix and she relaid it to the queen. The queen immediatly ordered General Beatrix and Captain Adelbert Steiner to find Garnet.

Steiner quickly searched the castle hoping to find Garnet before Beatrix did. His search took him up to one of the castle towers. That's when he noticed movement on the tower that was opposite of his tower. He looked over and saw that Garnet was being chased by Zidane.

Garnet eventually climbed onto the tower wall, and leaned off over the edge. Zidane rushed over to the edge, and saw that she had grabbed onto a rope and was swinging over to the theater ship. Zidane grabbed another rope and pursued Garnet. Steiner did the same as Zidane and Garnet.

Zidane continued to persue Garnet until she eventually stopped. That's when he found out that Garnet wanted to be kidnapped. Zidane and Garnet, with help from Cinna, another member of Tantalus they tried to avoid Steiner. Steiner eventually cornered them, but Blank came tothe rescue.

Zidane and Garnet quickly used an elevator system to go up on stage. Steiner pursued a few seconds later. Once on stage Garnet played the part of Princess Cornelia who was the main woman in the performance. After a little more improvising, they play reached its tearful conclusion.

Just as the play was ending, however,Michael, Vivi, and Puck were discovered by the guards. Puck managed to escape, but Vivi and Michael were chased up onto the stage. Vivi cast a fire spell to try and defend himself, but his spell missed the two guards and hit Garnet instead. She immediatly threw off her cloak and revealed to the audience who she really was.

Steiner and the two knights tried to take Garnet back by force. Zidane, Vivi, Michael, Garnet, and Marcus (another member of Tantalus) fought him and his men. The two knights fled, but Steiner remained.

The theater ship started to take off, but the queen started to fire on the ship. She didn't destroy the ship, but the ship did end up crashing in Evil Forest.

In Evil Forest,Garnet was abducted by a monster. Zidane, Vivi, Michael, and Steiner decided to go look for her. They eventually found her, but they couldn't quite beat the monster that they were facing. Blank came in just in time and helped kill the monster. Once Garnet was rescued, the group had to run away from a large heard of monster. Worst of all, Evil Forest was starting to petrify. Everyone, except Blank who helped save Zidane from the monsters, made it out before Evil Forest became fully petrified.

Once out of Evil Forest, the group made their way to the Ice Cave. Inside the cave, the group succumbed to a powerful blizzard spell. Zidane and Michael were able to wake up, and confronted the monster, Black Waltz no.1. They defeated him, and his spell was broken. The group left the IceCaves and moved on to the villiage of Dali.

In Dali,Dagger (Garnet's newalias) told the group that she wanted to be kidnapped because she knew that the theater ship was headingfor Lindblum.She wouldn't say why she had to go.

After reasting in Dali,Steiner went off to try and find some mode of transportation to get the princess back to Alexandria without anyone knowing. While he was doing that,Zidane, Dagger, and Michael found out that Vivihad been abducted. They eventually found a way into an underground factory that was beneath Dali. There they found Vivi, and they also found a factory where Black Mages, like Vivi, were being mass produced. Before they couldfigure things out, they had to hide from the workers. Unfortunatly, they ended up getting packed into the boxes used to transport the mages.

Steiner finally found out that he could take the princess on the cargo ship that had arrived at Dali. He got there in time to see them loading some of the crates onto the ship. Once the workers saw him, they ran back into the underground factory. Zidane, Michael, Dagger, and Vivi were able to break out of the boxes that they were contained in.

Steiner told the group that the cargo ship was heading to Lindblum. Before he could say anymore, Black Waltz no.2 showed up and tried to take Dagger back to the castle. Dagger refused and the group fought the Black Waltz. They defeated the waltz and decided to go back to Dali to rest up.

During the night Vivi snuck off to the cargo ship. Michael followed him. Vivi asked Michael if those mages in the factory looked like him. Michael said that they did, but that Vivi was who he was and nothing could change that. Vivi felt better after hearing this. After talking a bit more, the two went back to the inn to regroup with the others. Once regrouped they boarded the ship.

Once on board the ship, we saw that the Black Mages we saw in the factory were alive. They were moving around and monitering the ship. Vivi tried to talk to them, but they wouldn't even acknowledge his existance.

After the ship took off, Steiner revealed that the ship was going to Alexandria. In response, Zidane walked over to the bridge and took control of the ship. That's when Black Waltz no.3 attacked the ship. The Black Mages on the ship tried to protect Vivi from the Waltz, but the Waltz used his magic and destroyed all the mages. In a rage, Vivi and the rest of the group, except Dagger who was now pioletting the ship, attacked the waltz. They defeated the waltz but he retreated before they could finish him.

Dagger pioleted the airship towards South Gate, a large gate used to control air traffic between Lindblum and Alexandria. The waltz wasn't finished with us. He pursued the ship on an airboat, and tried to blasttheir ship out of the sky. Since the cargo ship didn't have clearance to enter, the gate started to close.Their shippassed through the first gate of south gate and was quickly speeding towards the last gate which was halfway closed. The Waltz pursued them into the gate, but his own spell set his ship on fire. His ship spun out of control and smashed into South Gate. The cargo ship barely managed to make it through the gate.

After getting through the gate, the ship docked at Lindblum. Once the ship was safely docked, the group was escorted to see Regent Cid. Cid agreed to try and help Dagger reason with her mother.

After speaking with the regent, Michael and Zidane decided to go to a local bar. At the bar, Zidane met an old friend of his, Freya Crescent; a Burmecian Dragon Knight.

After eating at the bar, Zidane and Michael returned to the castle to pick Vivi up; Dagger and Steiner were going to stay in the castle. Once they picked Vivi up, they also signed up for the Festival of the Hunt; an ancient Lindblum event. After they signed up they checked in at a local inn, and slept.

During the night, Michael had another dream. He got up and went to a local church to pray. What he didn't know was that Vivi had followed him. Michael discovered him and the two of them started talking.

After that, they went back to the inn, ate breakfast, and met up with Zidane. Zidane wanted to go to his hideout in Lindblum, but Vivi and Michael decided to go and explore Lindblum.

After buying supplies for the Festival of the Hunt, Michael and Vivi went to the castle and met up with Zidane and Freya. At the castle, a guard instructed them on the rules of the hunt. After that, Zidane, Michael, Vivi, and Freya left for their assigned spots.

In the end, Michael won the Festival, and was awarded the title 'Master Hunter' by the regent himself. The celebration was cut short when a dying Burmecian soldier entered the throne room and informed the regent that Burmecia had been attacked by Black Mage soldiers. Dagger had a feeling that her mother was behind this and wanted to go with Freya, Zidane, Vivi, and Michael since they had decided to go, but Zidane refused to let her.

Later,after Michael had finished taking a bath, he went towards the dinning room. Before he entered, he sawSteiner and Dagger leave the room. Dagger revealed that she was going home to talk to her mother. Michael decided not to stop her from doing what she beleived was right.

Once she was gone, Michael entered the dining room and found everyone passed out on the floor. He decided to eat some of the food, even though he already knew that the food had been druged with'sleeping weed'; a sleep inducing medicine. After he ate the food, he passed out on the floor.

While he was out, he had another dream. Helater woke up and woke the others up as well. Once everyone was up, they assumed that Dagger had drugged them in order to go to Burmecia. Though Michael knew the truth about where she was really going, he didn't tell them. Eventually, they all left to go to Burmecia.

While on the way toBurmecia, they entered amarsh where they met a strange character by the name of Quina. She decided to accompany the group in order to learn more about food. On the way to Burmecia, the group passed through Gizamaluke's Grotto and fought againsAlexandria's Black Mage soldiers.

Eventually, the group made it to Burmecia. The place was a wreck. In Burmecia the group finds out that Burmecia is indeed behind the attack. When the group reached the royal palace, Freya and Zidane infiltrated the castle while Michael, Vivi, and Quina tried to find another way in.

While inside the castle, Freya and Zidane spied on a meeting between Quenn Brahne, General Beatrix, and a mysterious man known as Kuja. From what they gathered it seems that the people of Burmecia had fled to Cleyra; a ginat tree in the middle of a desert that is protected by a powerful sandstorm. Before Zidane and Freya could hear anymore, a Burmecian soldier entered the room and tried to fight General Beatrix. Before this could happen Freya and Zidane entered the area, and prepared to face Beatrix while the soldier escaped.

Meanwhile, Michael, Vivi, and Quina finally found a way into the castle. Unfortunatly they were ambushed by twenty Black Mages. Michael oredered Vivi and Quina to go help Zidane and Freya because he knew how powerful General Beatrix was. Once they were gone, Michael fought and defeated the twenty Black Mages that had ambushed him.

His victory was short lived for General Beatrix had seen the whole thing and was going to fight Michael. Michael knew that he had other things to do, so he quickly escaped from Beatrix and went to find his friends.

He found them in the thorne room. They were all, thankfully, alive, but uncouncious. After helping them recover the group decided to go to Cleyra.

While this was going on, Dagger, Steiner, and Marcus(whome they ran into on their way to Alexandria) had been captured by Queen Brahne's men.

A New Life: Brotherhood

After getting through the sandstorm and asending the tree, the group arrived in Cleyra. Freya went off to see wthe king, Zidane went off to look around town, Quina went off to find sometihgn to eat, and Vivi and Michael decided to find a place to bathe.

After their bath, Michael decided to check in at the local inn while Vivi went off to explore the town. Once Michael got to the inn he immediatly fell asleep.

While asleep he had another dream. The dream was interrupted by an angry voice. Michael woke up, and saw a Burmecian soldier yelling at Vivi. In a rage, Michael grabbed the Burmecian by the throat and pinned him up against the wall. Thankfully, he calmed down before he did anything that he knew he'd regret. He lat Dan go and truned to Vivi. Michaelspoke with Vivi and comforted him yet again.

After that, they left the inn and were confronted by Dan. He apologized to Vivi about how he acted and what he said. Vivi accepted his apology and Michaelaccepted it as well as long as Dan would accept Michael's apology for roughing him up. Dan accepted Michael's apology, but this was cut short by ascream.They turned and saw that an Antlion was attacking someone.

Dan went off to get help while Michael and Vivi decided to fight the creature. Both of them found out that the person that was being attacked was Puck; the rat kid that Vivi and Michael had met in Alexandria. After a while, Michael and Vivi defeated the Antlion and it retreated back into it's subteranian home.

Once the creature was defeated, Dan returned with Zidane, Freya, and Quina. Freya was shocked to see Puck because he had been missing for years. Freya revealed that Puck is the Prince of Burmecia. Puck decided not to stick around and left; Vivi decided to go after him. Freya left to tell the king about Puck and Zidane decided to go with her. Quina decided to run off and see if she could find something edibal.

Michael was left alone with Dan. Michael told Dan that he needed to get his family out of Cleyra. Dan was sckeptical but he agreed to leave. Once that was over Michael went bakc to the inn and slept.

Meanwhile, Dagger confronted her mother about the war, and Kuja showed up. He put Dagger to sleep with an enchanted spell. The queen then ordered Zorn and Thorn to extract Dagger's Ediolons (Powerful magical spirits). Zorn and Thorn succesfully extracted all of Dagger's Ediolons and the queen departed to go to Cleyra.

Meanwhile, in Cleyra, Michal had another dream. When he woke up, he found that it was to quiet in the room. He looked out the window and saw that the sandstorm had vanished. He knew that this meant that Cleyra was going to be attacked.

He left the inn and met up with Vivi, Zidane, Quina, and Freya. Michael decided to stay in Cleyra just in case Alexandria's soldiersmanaged to get past them. They agreed and left Cleyra to see if the enemies had arrived yet.

After a while, Cleyra was attacked by Alexandrain soldiers and Black Mages. Though they had taken quite a fewcasualties, Cleyra managed to withstand the first wave with the help of Freya's lost lover Fratley.

Later, in the cathedral, Fratley revealed that he had no memory of Freya, their relationship, or anything else aside from the fact that he knew he was a Dragon Knight. This devistated Freya, but she put on a brave face. Fratley left, and Freya decided to not dwell on what he said too much.

A scream pierced the room and they saw that General Beatrix had gotten into the cathedral. She grabbed the magic stone that was on the harp and left. Zidane, Freya, Vivi, and Quina followed her, but Michael had to help the king and the high priest when some Black Mages appeared in the room.

Once the mages were disposed of, he ran outside and saw that the group had lost to Beatrix again. After they recovered, the group decided to follow Beatrix. They followed her onto Brahne's flagship; the Red Rose. Once on board they witnessed as Brahne summoned Odin, Warrior of Darkness (One of Dagger's extracted Ediolons) to destroy Cleyra. Odin destroyed all of Cleyra in an instant.

Everyone was shocked by this. None of them had ever seen such power before. Before they could dwell on this, they had to hide from the soldiers.

While onboard the ship, they found out that Brahne was going to execute Dagger for treason once she got back to Alexandria. This shocked the group, but Vivi decided that we should use the telepods on board the ship to get to Alexandria before Brahne. The group agreed, and used the pods to get to Alexandria.

When they arrived, they found Steiner who had just escaped from the dungeon. They told him what was going on, and he agreed to accompany the group.

Eventually, they found Dagger at the bottom of a hidden room behind the queens fireplace in her room. Zorn and Thorn attacked the group, but they were easily defeated. Dagger was taken up to the queen's chamber. She hadn't awakned yet for Kuja's spell was still active.

Michael went back to make sure that no one had followed them. When he was satisfied he returned and saw that the others had been fighting General Beatrix. Michael decided that enough was enough; he challanged Beatrix to a duel. He fought well, but Beatrix proved to powerful for him to defeat. Michael was defeated, and thanks to Zidane's interferance, he was able to keep his life.

Zidane confronted Beatrix and told her about Dagger. Once she saw the princess, Beatrix rushed to her side and realized that the queen really did intend to kill her. Steiner was shocked, he still couldn't believe that thequeen would do such a thing. Beatrix used her magic and was able to break Kuja's spell. Dagger woke up much to everyone's relief.

This was short lived as Queen Brahne arrived and ordered Zorn and Thorn to kill everyone gathered in the room. Michael, Freya, and Beatrixdecided to stay back and buy time for the othersto escape. While they were fighting the monsters that Zorn and Thorn summoned, Steiner came back to assist them. Michael decided to go after the others and help them escape. On the way dow, Michael ran into Marcus and Blank (Blank was cured of his petrification by Marcus.). They decided to go and help Steiner, Beatrix,and Freya.

After they left, Michael made his way down to the others and saw them fighiting a giant snake. He helped them fight the snake, and the snake retreated. After that, they boarded thegargenttrolly; a trolly pulled by a large insect known as a gargent.

Suddenly, the gargent started picking up speed, and we soon saw the reason; the snake we just beat was chasing the gargent. Thanks to the snake we missed the gargent station that would've take us to the city of Treno; which was our intended destination. Instead the trolly crashed into Pinnacle Rocks.

At Pinnacle Rocks, Michae lhad a dream about his past love interest, Mary. After the group got up, they were confronted by Ramuh, the Eidolon of thunder. He told Dagger that he summoning destroyed Cleyra. Dagger asks Ramuh for help, and Ramuh agrees, if she can pass his test. After a while, Dagger passes the test and Ramuh joins her as her Eidolon.

After that, the group left Pinnical Rocks, only to find that brahne was attacking the city. After Brahne's attack, the group entered the city and found that Regent Cid was alright. He informed the group about Brahne's mysterious weapon supplier, Kuja, the man that Zidane, Vivi, and Michael met in Burmecia, and the same man Dagger met in Alexandria.

After much discussion, Cid told them to go to the Outer Continent. Since they couldn't fly there or take a boat since Alexandria now controled Lindblum, they had to go to an excavation site in Qu's Marsh. The group made there way to Qu's marsh.

Once there, the group saw that Quina had survived Cleyra's distruction. She rejoined the group and helped them find the excavation site, fossil Roo. Once the excavation site was found, they entered the site and made their way to the basement. In the basement, they had to face a horrific creature called Armodullahan. They couldn't destroy the creature so they ran away from it.

Once they excaped the creature, they were confronted by Lani;a bounty huntress who had been hired by the queen to retrive Dagger's pendanet and kill Vivi. The group wouldn't comply with her demands so she attacked them. Michael and Zidane teamed up and dfeated Lani. She ran off, vowing that she'd be back. After that, the group made their way through Fossil Roo and exitied out of the caverns to find themselves in the Outer Continent.

After a few days of walking around, they found the Dwarven city of Conde Petie. They entered into the city and met the dwarves. After a while of looking around the city and asking if any of them had seen Kuja or a white dragon that he usually flies on, they ran into a black mage. Once the mage saw them it took off.

The group followed the mage to a village in the forest that was filled with mages. Unlike, Brahne's mindless mage drones, these mages could speak and think just like Vivi, which shocked the group. The group was viewed by the mages with fear, but after a while the mages began to get used to the group's presence.

During there stay, Vivi met with the villiage's leader, Mr. 288, who told Vivi abou the Black mages limited lifespans. Vivi became a little more distant to the group do to this, and despite Michael's prying, he refused to talk about what was bothering him, though Michael already knew full well what ws bothering him.

While in the village, Dagger found out from a Mage that a white dragon had been spotted leaving the continent from time to time and that it always flew from the sanctuary behind Conde Petie. With this information, the group went back to Conde Petie.

At Conde Petie, the group found out that in order to go to the sanctuary they had to get married. Dagger decided to marry Zidane, and Michael decided that he'd creat a distraction to get the gaurd away from the area so that he, Vivi, and Quina could get to the sanctuary.

On the path to the sanctuary, the group ran into a purple hiared girl with a horn named Eiko. She lived in Madain Sari, a village that was close to the sanctuary and Conde Petie. The group decided to take the girl home. On the way to her home, they were attacked by a giant green monster. During the battle, Eiko summoned and Eidolon known as Fenrir, revealing herself to be a summoner like Dagger.

After the battle, the group reached a fork in the road. One side lead to the Iifa Tree, which the dwarves refered to as sanctuary, and the other lead to Madain Sari. The group decided to take the path to Madain Sari.

Once in Madain Sari, the group had time to rest and gather there strength for tomorrows trip to the Iifa Tree. During there stay, Eiko told them about the destruction of Madain Sari and the death of the summoners. She was also curious about Dagger and her ability to summon.

During the night before there trip, Michael had another dream about Mary, and went out for a breath of fresh air. Once outside, he noticed Vivi staring out into the sea. He spoke to Vivi and was able to get him to tell Michael what was bothering him. Michael comforted Vivi and told him that death was something that all of us faced at some point in our life, but that despite that people still decide to continue living.

After that, Vivi told michael that he wanted to be more human. Michael decided to help him out, and made Vivi his blood brother. Vivi was happy about this and was able to rest easily, knowing that his brother would be there to protect him.

The next morning, Michael discovered, by accident, that he could now use Black Magic due to the black mage blood now flowing through him. Before leaving, Eiko joined the group to help them get into the Iifa Tree because it was sealed by an Eidolon and only a summoner can break the barrier.

Once at the Iifa Tree, Eiko broke the barrier and the group entered the Iifa Tree. The group descended into the very deapths of the Iifa Tree and confronted Soulcage. This creature was responsible for the creation of the Mist on the Mist Continent. Michael and Vivi teamed up to destroy Soulcage and burned him to ashes. After that, the group left the Iifa Tree and saw that the mist surrounding the Iifa Tree was thinning. However, Eiko recieved word from one of the moogles living with her in Madain Sari that sometihng had happened back at the villiage.

The group returned to Madain Sari, and found out that the Villiage's treaure, a jewel, was stolen. They began searching for the jewel. During the search, Eiko was captured by Lani, who also revealed that it was she who took the jewel. She demanded that the group hand over the jewel or she'd kill Eiko.

Before Lani got her hands on the jewel, a red haired man attacked Lani and forced her to give him the jewel. Lani gave the jewel to the man, scowled, andretreated. The red haired man then turned his attention to Zidane and demanded that Zidane fight him. Zidane accepted his challange, and fought the man. After afew minutes,Zidane beat the man and was able to get the jewel back. The man demanded that Zidane finish him off. Zidane spared him, and the man ran off.

After all this, Michael collapsed to the ground, uncouncious, and had another dream. This dream revealed how he got to Gaia. He was trapped in his house by a fire and then a flash of light showed up and the next thing he knew, he was in Alexandria. Michael wasn't the only one who fell uncouncious, Dagger too suffered the same fate, and found out that she was really a Summoner who survived the distruction of Madaian Sari by escaping, with her realmother, by boat.

After this, the group prepared to leave to go back to the Iifa Tree. Before they could do this, the red haired man returned and asked Zidane why he spared him. Zidaen said that the man could join them and find out for himself. The man, who introduced himself as Amarant, decided to join the group and find out what it was that made Zidane strong.

After the group made it to the Iifa Tree, they spotted Kuja flying in on his dragon. The group quickly made there way to Kuja. Once they were there, Dagger confronted Kuja about the war. Kuja claimed that the war was her mother's idea, and that he meerily gave her a little push. That's when he motioned for the group to see what was behind them, and they saw that Alexandria's Navy had the Iifa Tree surrounded. Kuja summoned up a monster to distract the group while he flew off to deal with Brahne.

Dagger was determined to help her mother and went to free the Eidolon that was sealed in the Iifa Tree. Dagger managed to free the Eidolon, but it wasn't the kind that could help her save her mother.

The group watched on as Brahne summoned Bahamut, the king of the dragons,to attack Kuja. Kuja survived Bahamut's assault and summoned forth his ship, the Invincible. He used his ship's power to enslave Bahamut. Bahamut was easily enslaved and turned on Brahne, destroying her entire navy while Kuja made his get away.

The group noticed a small ship escape from the destruction and Dagger immediatly recognized it as her mother's escape ship, the Blue Narciss. The group went down to the beach and saw that Brahne was dying. Dagger stayed by her mother's side while the rest of the group prepared the ship to travel back to Alexandria. After a while, Queen Brahne passed away. The group loaded her body into the ship, and set sail for Alexandria. After they made it to Alexandria, they returned the queen's body and the group decided to stay in Alexandria.

A New Life: Angel

After the queen's funeral, dagger was to ascend to the throne. This upset Zidane, because he knew that he'd likely never see her again. So, he decided to gosulk at thelocal bar.

During the time, michael and Vivi were walknig around Alexandria, when Blank invited them to Ruby's newMini Theater. Vivi agreed, but Michael decided to go to the castle, because he remembered something important that was going to happen at the castle.

Once at the castle, Michael spoke to Beatrix and was able to steal the love letter that he knew she had. He decided to hold onto it and give it to Vivi, since he knew that it was Eiko who wrote the letter.

After that, Zidane, Vivi, and the rest of the group showed up at the castle to see Dagger. Dagger made a brief apperance, and everyone complemented her stunning attire; all, that is, except for Zidane. Zidadne knew that anything he said to Dagger would've been a lie because his feelings for her were greater than any words he could've come up with.

After the group left, Michael gave the love letter to Vivi. Vivi took the letter and met Eiko at the docks. After they spoke. The group was inviited to go to Treno by Dr. Tot.

In Treno, Zidane went off to participate in a card tournament, while the others went off to do as they pleased. While Michael was wondering around Treno, he spotted Vivi talking to a man. After a while, the man left and Vivi walked out of Treno.

Michael followed Vivi and found him in a cave near Treno. Vivi told Michael that the cave was his old home. He then told Michael about his grandfather. After that, Michael and Vivi decided to head back to Treno.

Once they got back, they found that Zidane had won the tournament. They also saw that RegentCid was with him. Cid was testing out his new airship, the Hilda Garde 2, an airship that ran on steam power. Things, were going well, until Eiko showed up and informed the group that Alexandria was under attack.

The group quickly reassembled and boarded Cid's ship. They soon departed for Alexandria, and saw that Bahamut was attacking the town. During the flight, Eiko's pendant began to glow and she jumped off the ship. The next thing we knew, a large fortress like creature with huge wangel wings manifested itself above Alexandria castle. It was Alexander, theLegendary Eidolon.

However, the Hilda Garde 2, broke down and the group had to land, quickly. They landed right next to the castle, and began searching for Dagger and Eiko. Eventually, they found out where they were. Zidane decided that he'd save them by himself and asked the others to leave. The others left, all though, reluctantly.

After they left the castle. They saw the giant eye from the Iifa Tree floating above Alexander. Michael knew what was going to happen and told everyone to dive into the lake. They all quickly dove into the lack, just when the eye fired an explosive blast at Alexander, killing Alexander and destroying most of Alexandria Castle, as well as part o the surrounding town.

The group resurfaced and quickly went to find Zidane, Dagger, and Eiko. They found them, and quickly made their way to Alexandria's harbor. There, they found the queen's escape ship, boarded it, and sailed off to Lindblum. During the voyage, Cid and Michael saw that Kuja had escaped from Alexandria in the Hilda Garde 1, Cid's stolen airship. Cid and Michael also noticed that there were black mages on the ship, and that they were talking.

After a few days, Zidane awoke from his uncouncious state and met with Cid. Cid decided to inform the entire group of his plans. Before the meeting began, Eiko went off to get Dagger, since she was absent. After she left, Cid informed the group about the stolen airship and the talking mages. This news greatly upset Vivi, because he, like the rest of the group, knew that those mages must have been from the hidden Black Mage Villiage. Cid informed the group that they had to stop Kuja, and that they needed to turn Cid back into a human.

Before the meeting ended, Eiko bargged into the room and informed the group that Dagger had lost her voice. This shocked the group. Zidane, Eiko, Dr. Tot, and Steiner decided to go down to Dagger and see what could be done. Dr. tot informed the group that Dagger lost her voice due to all the trauma that she had suffered.

After that, Zidane went around town to find ingrideants for a potion that would change Cid back into a human. Once he go the ingrideants, Dr. Tot gave the potion to Cid. However, instead of turning into a human, Cid turned into a frog. That settled things, they had to find Hilda, and in order to find Hilda, they had to find Kuja. The group decided to go to the harbor and board the Blue Narciss.

However, as fate would have it, Zidaen, Dagger, Eiko, and Vivi noticed that Michael seemed distracted. He informed the group that he was just feeling homesick and that he just wanted to see his home again. That's when his ring began to glow and engulfed all of them in light.

When the light cleared The group found themselves standing on the burnt ruins of a building. It only takes Michael a second to realize that he's home. The group doesn't understand what's going on, and Michael decided to tell them everything. Once that was done, they went to Micahel's Master, Hiko, to see if he could explain what happened.

Once they reached his house, Hiko explained that Michael's ring had the power to cross dimenshions and worlds. He also, said that he's not sure about the rings history, and that Michael's father probably knew more about it. Michael and the group decided to saty at Hiko's and wait for Michael's ring to recharge so they could go home.

During there stay, Michael asked Hiko if he could learn the secession technique of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style. Hiko agreed and taught the technique to Michael.

The next day, Michael had a traumatic dream about an event in his past that he wanted to forget. This dream reminded him that it was time to let go and move on. He had his master drive him to the cemetary and he said good bye to his dead lover, Mary, who died of heart irregularities a year ago.

The next day, the group used Michael's ring to take them back to Lindblum. Once they returned, the group questioned where they had been. Michael told them everything. After that, the group set sail for the Black Mage Village.

After they arrived, Mr. 288 informed them about Kuja's Desert Palace, after some proding from Vivi. Once at the palace, they were captured by Kuja and placed into seperate rooms. Except for Michael and Vivi since they were captured together. Kuja made a deal with Zidane, that if he retrieved an artifact from him from Oilvert he'd free his friends. Zidane reluctantly agreed and picked Freya, Steiner, and Amarant to go with him to Oilvert.

After they left, Kuja decided to kill the remainder of the group anyway. Michael and Vivi quickly busted out of their room and saved the others. After that, the group made their way through te Desert Palace, and fought Kuja's security system. Eventually, Zidane's group returned from Oilvert and the two groups confronted Kuja. Kuja quicklystole the artifact from Zidane and had Zorn and Thorn kidnap Eiko.

The group quickly persued Kuja as he made his escape. They tracked him down to a temple on the Lost Continent. They heard from theBishop at the temple that Kuja's group passed through the templ and entered Mount Gulug.

The group entered Mount Gulug, and saw that Kuja was having Zorn and Thorn extract the Eidolons from Eiko. However, they couldn't do this because a summoners Eidolons could only be extracetd when she's sixteen years old. Suddenly, Eiko summoned Madeen and stopped the two jesters.

The group got down to Eiko and confronted Kuja. Kuja left and Vivi quickly followed him. However, the rest of the group had to deal iwth Zorn and Thorn's combined form, Meltigemini. The group made quick work out of Multigemini, and found Lady Hilda in another room in Mount Gulug.

Lady Hilda went back to Lindblum with the group and agreed to restore Cid to his human form, provided that he never cheat on her again. Once Cid was human again, he went to work on the Hilda Garde 3, while hilda informed the group of what she learned while in Kija's captivity.

Again, Dagger was absent from the meeting and steiner decided to go and see where she was. Once he left, Hilda told them that Kuja hoped to use this world as a means of finding a greater power. She also explained that Kuja came from another world known as Terra. She informed the group that there was a castle that held the key to opening a gateway from Gaia to Terra. Before the group could decide what to do, Steiner came back in and informed the group that Dagger isn't in Lindblum. Zidane believes that he knows where she is and leaves the rest of the group behind in Lindblum. Michael knew that Zidane was going to Alexandria, as it's the only other place that she'd go to.

During they're stay in Lindblum, Michael had a dream about his father's death and afterwards he was running away from a dark presence. Vivi noticed that Michael was sleeping and he wouldn't wake up. He informed the group and they tried all they could to wakee him up, but to no avail. Vivi decided to stay with Michael until he woke up.

During his guard duty, Vivi had a strange dream, and in the dream he saw Michael die by the hand of a shadowy figure. After three days, Michael finally awoke, much to everyone's relief, and Vivi informed Michael about his dream. Michael believed that it was just a dream, but that he'd be more careful.

Eventually, Zidane and Dagger returned from Alexandria and the group made their way to Ipsen's Castle. When they got there, Amarant decided that he'd find thekey alone and that he'd prove to Zidane that it's better to work alone than to work in a group. Zidane accepts Amarant's challange and picked three other people to go with him.Michael wasn't feeling all that well, so he decided to stay out of the castle.

Michael decided to sleep. During his sleep he was possed by the Angel of Music. Angel attacked Michael's friends, because they were a threat to his existance because he fed off of Michael's negative emotions. Vivi was able to break through to Michael and he was able to regain control of his body. Michael was also able to seperate from Angel.

Michael fell unconcious while Angel escaped. After the group got the four mirrors, they returned to Lindblum.

During his uncouncious state, Angel invaded Michael's mind and tuanted him about his weakness. Michael called out for help, and Mary showed up and cast Angel out of Michael's mind. Mary explained to Michael that he had to let go of his past if he wished to move on. Michael knew this, but he wondered if he could do it. Before Mary departed, Michael told her his true feelings for herand they kissed. After that, mary left and Michael woke up.

After Michael woke up, He and Vivi went up to the telescope. There, Michael spoke to Vivi about Angel, and finally reached a dicision. He had Vivi go and get the others while he went to the conference room. What he didn't know was that Angel heard the whole thing andd began to plot against Michael's plan.

In the conference room, Michael informed the group that he was going back to Earth. The others wanted to go back as well. Michael refused, but after a little prodding, he gave in.

Michael used his ring and teleported everyone to the front gates of a grave yard. There, Michael went alone to visit his father's grave. Once there, he was attacked by Angel. Angel reveild that he was really Michael's darkness, and that he had taken over the Angel of Music's body. He also reveiled that he'd fade away eventually unless he took control of Michael's body.Michael tried to fight Angel, but realized that he couldn't fight a part of himself.

Vivi came in to help Michael once he saw that Michael couldn't fight Angel. The battle was going in Vivi's favor until Angel tranced. Angel moved to strike Vivi and Michael pushed Vivi out of the way.

Vivi avoided the blade, but Michael ended up getting stabed through the chest. After Angel removed the sword, Michael died. Vivi, In his rage, tranced and brutally attacked Angel. Vivi ended up shattering Angel's body.

The others soon arrived and found Michael's body. Before they could grive, Angel reassembled himself. Since he possesed the Angel of Music's body, he couldn't die.

Meanwhil, in the space between life and death, Michael met his father. He beconed for Michael to continue on his journy to the after life, but Michael felt responsible for the trouble Angel had caused. He wanted to go back. His father admired his decision and let him go.

The others had been badly beaten by Angel, and could no longer fight him. Before Angel could finish any of them, Michael got back up and tranced. He attacked Angel, and defeated him.

After that, he and the others returned to Gaia. Once there, Zidane reveild what he found in Ipsen's castle. He held out four mirrors, and told us a riddle that was the key to unlocking the way to Terra. Eventually, the group figured out the riddle, and Zidane decided to split the group up in order to conquer each temple. Dagger and Eiko went to the water temple. Freya and Amarant went to the fire temple. Michael, Vivi, and Steiner went to the wind temple. and Zidane and Quina went to the earth temple.

After they conquered all four shrines, they went to the Shimmering Island. There, the portal to Terra opened, and the group jumped through.

They found themselves in a strange, blue world. They eventually located a village and saw that it's inhabitants looked a lot like Zidane. Evetually, a strange Genome told Zidane that he had to speak with the overseer, Garland, if he wanted answers.

Zidane confronted Garland and Garland revield that Zidane was a Genome, like his brother Kuja, and that he was sent to Gaia to sow discord and chaos. Zidane tried to fight Garland, but Garland used his power to beat Zidane and locked him up.

The rest of the group went after Zidane and eventually found him. He didn't want the groups help, but they were finally able to get through to him. Together, the group confronted Garland and defeated him.

This victory was short lived, for Kuja soon arrived on the scene and fought the group. THe group fought well, but Kuja tranced and used his powerful Ultima spell. The spell badly wounded the entire group.

Kuja, after achiving victory over the group, killed Garland and declared himself as the new ruler of both Terra and Gaia. This was short lived, as Garland's spirit told Kuja that he wouldn't live long enough to do that. He designed Kuja to have a finite lifespan, and it was nearly up.

This truth greatly affected Kuja. He refused to let either Terra or Gaia or even the multiverse exist without him. In his rage, he unleashed his Ultima spell on Terra, destroying the surface of the planet.

The group stole Kuja's ship, the Invincible, saved the Genomes, and quickly fled Terra.

Once they were back on Gaia, they saw that the Mist had returned. Not only that, but now it covered all of Gaia. Kuja was up to something, and the group knew that it was nothing good.

A New Life: Conclusions:

Before going off to face Kuja, the group decided to take the Genomes to the Black Mage Village. After that, they flew towards the Iifa Tree, where they saw a large portal over the tree.Thousands ofsilver dragnss flew out of the tree andattacked the invincibel. Thankfully, Regent Cid, hisLindblum airship fleet, andBeatrix on the Red Rose came to help them out. With their help, the group managed to make it into Memoria.

Memoria was a place constructed from peoples memories. The group managed to see some of te events that happened in their past. Garland's Voice informed Zidane that Kuja was after the Crystal, the source of all life.

Zidane and the group entered the crystal world and confronted Kuja. They managed to defeat Kuja, but not before he cast his Ultima spell, rendering the group uncouncious.

When the group woke up, they found themselves on a firy hill known as the Hill of Dispare. They were confronted by Necron, the spirit of the Iifa Tree. The group defeated Necron, and thanks to an unkown source of magic, they escaped Memoria.

The group found themselves outside the Iifa Tree, and noticed that the tree was violently dying. Cid arrived and got everyone on board his ship. All, except for Zidane, for he chose to stay and save Kuja; for Kuja was still alive.

Two days later, the group has split up. Dagger, Steiner, and Quinareturned to Alexandria with Beatrix, Eiko went to live with Cid and hilda, Freya went back to Burmecia, Amarant ran off to who-knows-where, and Michael and Vivi went backto the Black Mage Villiage.

While at the Black Mage Villiage, Michael was visited in his dreams by the no longer possesed Angel of Music. He gave Michael a small fragment from the Crystal that Kuja nearly destroyed. He told Michael that he could extend the Black Mages lifespans with the crystal fragments powers. He also informed Michael that he alone didn't have the power or the knowledge to use the crystal's full power.

Once Michael woke up, he realized who had the maical know-how to do the job. He used his ring and teleported himself to Kuja. He found Kuja, but couldn't find Zidaen. He hoped that ment that Zidaen was still alive and well. He used the crystals power, and revieved Kuja. After that, Michael told Kuja his plan. Kuja agreed to help him, since he was willing to repent for his sins.

Michael took Kuja back to the Black Mage Village. All the mages, especially Vivi, were very skeptical about Kuja, but they agreed to the plan. Kuja used the crystal fragment and was successful in extending their life spans. He also changed the genders of some of the mages so that they could reproduce.

Eight months later, Michael and Vivi recieved a letter from Dagger, inviting them to her birthday party. It also contained two tickets for 'I Want to be Your Canary.' Michael and Vivi left, and brought Kuja along with them, because Michael felt that the group had a right to know that Kuja was still alive.

Once they arrived at Alexandria, they ran into Puck. Michael asked Puck to help get Kuja into the castle. Puck agreed and the two of them ran off.

At the castle, Michael and Vivi reunited with their friends. After that, the play began. During a pivotal moment, the figure known as Marcus threw off his cloak and hood to reveil that he was really Zidane.

Upon seeing Zidane on the stage, Dagger immediatly ran down to the stage and threw herself at Zidane. Everyone else applauded as they looked upon the tow of them holding each other.

After that, the entire group met in the throne room and welcomed Zidane back. He explained that Kuja was the one that kept him alive. The roots of the Iifa Tree were about to crush him when Kuja pushed him out of the way. At that moment, the guards enetered the room and escorted Kuja into the room.

Michael quickly quelled the tension in the room by explaining everything to them. After a while, the group grudgingly forgave Kuja. After that, Michael challanged Beatrix to a rematch. Beatrix gladly accepted, and the two of them fought out in the courtyard.

They fought hard, and when it was over, Michael claimed victory. After that, the group settled down for the night.

The next day, Michael spoke with Regent Cid, and asked him about constructing an Education District in Lindblum. The District would replace the Industrial District, which was destroyed during Alexandria's attack. He wanted the districtto contain a large school and a library. The library was to also serve as a home for Vivi and himself, since they were planning on moving to Lindblum.Cid agreed to this plan. Michael was pleased, after all, he felt he could do more good at Lindblum then at the Black Mage Villiage. He also wanted to get Vivi and Eiko together.

After breakfast, Michael, Kuja, and Vivi returned to the Black Mage Village. Vivi and Michael began to plan for what they were going to do.

A year later, Zidane and Dagger have married, Kuja became Dr. Tot's apprentice, Freya and Fratley married and now ruled Burmecia since Puck stepped down from the throne, Amarant was traveling the world with Lani, Quina was now the head chef at Alexandria Castle, Eiko is now the princess of Lindblum, the Education District has been constructed, Michael and Vivi have begun integrating the Mages and Genomes into society, Mr. 288 and Mikoto were in love, Michael and Vivi are now living in their library home, called The Mage, and an old enemy has been resurected back on Earth and is looking for revenge against Michael and Vivi.

Happy Halloween, Vivi:

Halloween has arrived and Michael decideds to throw a Halloween party at the Black Mage Village. He invited the entire gang to the party, and it was a big hit.

After the party, Michael took Vivi to Earth to trick-or-treat for the first time in his life. Unfourtunatly, Michael and Vivi stumble across the bodies of two, brutally mauled, women. Michael and Vivi tracked dow the killer, and Michael was surprised to find that the killer was an old enemy of his, Cory Bain.

Michael decided to fight Cory, but before the battle started, Cory turned into a werewolf. That immediatly explained the wounds Michaael found on the two women. Michael fought Cory, and waas nearly killed if Vivi hadn't intervined. With Vivi's help, Michael beat Cory, and turned him over to the police. After that, Michael and Vivi decided to spend the night at Master Hiko's house.

While in Jail, Cory was visited by Phantom, Michael's ressurected darkness. He asked Cory if he'd care to help him kill Michael and Vivi. Cory agreed, and Phantom transported both Cory and himself to Phantom's home, castle Phantom, which was located in another world.

The Perfect Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving is only a few days away, and Michael dedcides to take the gang to his Masters house to celebrate. Of course, they had to go shopping foreverything they needed. Michaeltook the group to the store. The shopping was hectic, but they managed to get what they needed. After that, the group settled down for the night.

Phantom saw this, and sent Tantarian to crash the party the next day.

The next day, Hiko found Tantarian's book, and opened it. As soon as he did, Tantarian attacked him. While the others continued to prepare the Thanksgiving Dinner, Michaelfought Tantarian. Thanks to Vivi's intervention, Michael was able to beat Tantarian. After that, the group settled down to their Thanksgiving dinner.

Merry Christmas, Vivi:

Michael sent Vivi into town while he set up his Christmas present. During his time in town, Vivi ran into a sick boy named Shane Thomas. Vivi took Shane home, and met Shane's mother, Linda Thomas.

Aftertaking Shane to his room,Linda informed Vivi that Shane has been very sick for the past few months and was not going to survive tonight. After hearing this, Vivi decided to stay with Shane.

He went up to Shane's room, and the two of them talked. They became fast friends, but Shane eventually passed away. After telling Linda, Vivi left to see Michael.

Vivi told Michael everything, and Michael comforted him. He then showed Vivi his present. Vivi was surprised, Michael had decorated the entire room the way he said some people decorate it. While Vivi went around exploring, Michael sat down in one of the chairs nd fell asleep. It may not have been a great day for Vivi, but he was gratful that his brother was here for him.

Be My Valentine:

Valentine's day has come, and love is in the air. Michael returns to Earth to visit Mary's grave.

Vivi decides to spend the day with Eiko. He takes her to the Tantalus Hideout while hesets up a dinner date for them back at his place. After setting things up, he went back to get Eiko, and the two of them enjoyed their meal back at his place. After that, Vivi took Eiko back to the palace.

During this, Phantom was looking for the right girl to impregnate with his offspring. He eventually found the girl and seduced her with his magic and trickery. During their intercourse, the woman's fincee bursts in on them. Phantom kills the man, hypnotizes the mans friend into believeing that he killed his friend in a jealous rage, and hypnotized Eliza into believeing that this was all true. He also told her that she would have a child, and she was to name him Wraith. After that, Phantom left, and his trail was covered up.

That's it for now, I'll post more summeries when I post more stories.

Character Profiles:

(Warning: These profiles contain spoilers for my first story (A New Life). Read on at your own expense)

Michael Ornitier

History: His past isn't exactly a happy one. Oh sure, he's had his happy moments (haven't we all). He's also had his sad moments, but he seems to take them pretty hard. To start off, his mother died when he was born. 15 years later, his father died from cancer. When his father died,he was taken in by hisMaster, Seijuurou Hiko. He would look out for him until he turned 18. Once Michael turned 18, he inherited his fathers house, and moved back in. Ayear later he met Mary. It started off slow, but eventually the two fell in love. Sadly, it wasn't ment to be. A year after Michael admitted to himself that he loved her, she died due to heart irregularities. Yeah, basically his life sucked (but then, has there ever been a moment in your life where you haven't said that).

After her death, dark thoughts pleagued his mind. He tried to move on, but he could never truly get his Father and Mary out of his mind. The only one he culd turn to was his Master, but that wasn't enough. He was slowly slipping into darkness. He very well would've fallen if not for the intervention of fate.

A year after Mary's death, Michael had returned home from Purdue University for Summer vacation. Before he left, he had heard news that someone had been burning down buildings near his neighborhood. As fate would have it, that man broke into his house the night Michael returned home. Michael confronted the man, but he was too late to stop him from torching the house. The man died in the fire, but Michael was trapped in the burning house. When all seemed lost, he called out to his Father. Amazingly, A white light surrounded him and he was transported out of the house and ended up in Gaia (on the streets of the Kingdome of Alexandria to be more specific).

That was when he met Vivi. He joined Vivi, and by doing so became part of the great adventure that is Final Fantasy IX. During their adventure, Michael decided to train Vivi so he could rely on something else other than his magic to pull him through a fight. His friendship with Vivi strengthened to a point where he asked him if he'd like to become his Blood Brother. Vivi agreed, and the two of them became Blood Brothers.

Michael is fiercely loyal to his friends, especially Vivi. It would not be a wise idea to threaten or harm any of his friends. Eventually, thanks to his friends, he was finally able to say good bye to Mary and his Father. However, not everything is so simply put behind you, for when he started to move on, he forced the hand of a dark presence that had been growingwithin him since his Father's death.

This creature called himself Angel. He imprisoned Michael within his own mind in order to take over his body. Vivi was able to free Michael, and Michael used his mind to split him and Angel apart. Angel escaped, but later returned to fight Vivi. During the fight, Michael pushed Vivi out of the way of one of Angel's attacks. Michael died as a result of this.

While he was dead, Michael met his Father. His Father wanted him to go on to Heaven, but Michael wanted to help his friends. His Father said that he could go back if he wanted to. After thinking about this, Michael decided to return to help his friends. Once he returned, he fought and killed Angel. After that, they continued on their quest to defeat Kuja.

After Kuja and Necron were defeated, Vivi and Michael decided to stay at the Black Mage Village. Eventually, Michael was told a way on how he can extend the Black Mages life spans. He followed the instructions and was successful in extending their life spans. A few years later, Michael and Vivi moved to Lindblum.

Currently, they live in the newly constructed Education District, on the fifth floor of a library know as 'The Mage.' Michael is trying to get Eiko and Vivi hooked up. As for himself, well, I suppose it's only a matter of time. As for his future, well let's just say that his adventures are far from over.

Abilities: Michael is a Master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style. He is also capable of using both Black and White magic due to his blood bond with Vivi and a gift he recieved from his Father before he came back to life. He is also able to use his ring to travel to other worlds and dimensions, but he doesn't know how to use it to travel to worlds he hasn't visited before. His ring still holds many mysteries. He's also able to combine his spells with Vivi's spells in order to form a more powerful spell.

Phantom (F.K.A. Angel):

History: Phantom is Michael's greatest foe. He is the embodiment of all Michael's pain and negative emotions. When Michael started to turn away from his pain, Angel felt threatened. Angel took over Michael's mind and tried to destory his source of comfort; his friends. Vivi was able to free Michael, and Michael was able to seperate from Angel. Angel returned laterto try and destroy them again. He failed, and was killed by Michael.

Unbeknownst to Michael or anyone else, Angel has returned. Angel had decided to change his name to Phantom. He still holds great hatred towards Michael and Vivi. Michael and Vivi are still blissfully unaware of Phantom's return.

Currently, Phantom resides in Castle Phantom. The Castle is located in an unknown world. Phantom is slowly gaining power in this place, and has allied himself with a great evil. When the dark forces in this world rise, Phantom will bring Michael and Vivi into this world so he can finally destroy them. Once they are gone, nothing can stop him from ruling the multi-verse.

Abilities: Like Michael, Phantom is also a Master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style. He is also capable of using Black Magic. He is also able to travel to different worlds. Unlike Michael, he doesn't need a magic ring to do is unknown what his other abilities may be or if he has any more at all.

Cory Bain:

History: Michael knew Cory since Elementary School. He was a school bully, but he wasn't just any normal bully. Cory was the worst kind of bully. He was cold, cruel, sadistic,and ruthless; and he enjoyed it. Nothing gave him more pleasure than to see his victims suffer. He only got worse as he got older.

Michael and Vivi ran into Cory on Halloween night. It had been about 3 years since Michael had last seen Cory. That night Cory had mutilated and killed two girls. Michael prepared to fight him, but Cory had a secret. Cory reveiled to Michael that he was a Werewolf. With Vivi's help, Michael was able to defeat Cory. Cory was arrested and brought to jail.

While in jail, Cory was visited by Phantom. Phantom asked Cory if he would serve him. Cory agreed to serve him, but only if he got him out of his cell. Phantom agreed and teleported Cory to Castle Phantom.

Currently, Cory is Phantom's right hand man. Cory enforces Phantom's will, and severly punishes those that defy Phantom. Needless to say, he loves his job.

Abilities: Cory can transform into a werewolf at will. Due to him being a werewolf, Cory has heightened senses, a quick healing ability, and increased strength and agility.

Seijuurou Hiko:

History: Hiko is Michael's Master. He trained Michael in the ways of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style when Michael was a young boy. After Michael's Father died, Hiko took Michael in and cared for him. Hiko knew of the darkness inside of Michael, but Michael kept pushing him away. Hiko currently resides in a two story house in the middle of a forest.

Abilities: He is a Master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style. He also knows how to make fine qualityvases andpots.


History: Mary was a sweet girl with a talent for art. Michael first met her during his study hall when she was having trouble with her math. Michael helped her with it, and made sure that she learned how to do it herself. That was the routine for months. Mary would do her work andMichael would look over it and help her when she made a mistake.

Eventually, Michael asked Mary out to his senior prom. Mary agreed, and they went to the prom. After the prom, Mary realized that she loved Michael. Sadly, it wasn't ment to be. She died on March 24th, 2004; the day before Michael's birthday.

Abilities: Mary was a talented artist.

I'll add more characters when they show up.

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Butterfly by Reinbeauchaser reviews
Injured and bleeding in an alleyway, Leo is discovered by an unlikely source. With his memory gone, will he teach his rescuer how to live again? Who knows, but if you read the story, you might find out! :0
Ninja Turtles - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 47 - Words: 177,723 - Reviews: 746 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 45 - Updated: 1/31/2007 - Published: 12/2/2004 - Complete
A Drama King's LiveJournal by PsychDragoonX-Archives reviews
Kuja gets a LiveJournal. Enough said. Kuja posted again!
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 4,411 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 21 - Updated: 1/7/2007 - Published: 3/11/2006 - Kuja
Trayline by Karu Leonnese reviews
In which 'The customer is always right', has never been so wrong. [AU, triangle]
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,354 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 8/29/2006 - Published: 10/23/2005 - Vivi O., Kuja
How Dare They! by Queen Ghidorah reviews
Shao Kahn never liked fanfiction to begin with. For one thing, it had a bad habit of showing him and his associates in the most unflattering of roles. Still, he never raised much of a fuss about it…until he found out exactly what "yaoi" meant. ON HIATUS.
Mortal Kombat - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,074 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 5/7/2006 - Published: 6/9/2005 - Shao Kahn
Beautiful Equilibrium by Bloodshy Testament reviews
Vivi's been trapped with his old nesmisis, Black Waltz Three! Black Waltz's Two and One must cooperate with Vivi's old teammates to save thier brother's life! Three is faced with a little self evaluation! Well, alot of evaluation. Rated for lang. & AT
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Angst/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 27,969 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 5/4/2006 - Published: 8/23/2005 - Vivi O., Black Waltz
Black and White by Lord Pyro reviews
Oneshot, Viko. During the groups stay on Terra, Eiko decides to go out and find Zidane, what she ends up finding, however, is her feelings for a certain other party member...
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,752 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 9 - Published: 3/17/2006 - Vivi O., Eiko C. - Complete
Objection! by PsychDragoonX-Archives reviews
Kuja court! You know how Kuja gets bashed a lot and called homosexual out of insult? Well, I, Vince, sue them! Kuja court now accepting new cases.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,615 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 1 - Updated: 2/13/2006 - Published: 1/3/2006 - Kuja
Predator: Return to Earth by Raptor-Chick reviews
The sequel to Birth of a Hunter. Matt returns to Earth for Celia's 18th birthday and discovers how much they have changed. He also discovers how hard it is to not solve problems Yautja style. Rated for language and violence. FINISHED!
Aliens/Predator - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 12 - Words: 21,838 - Reviews: 103 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 12/25/2005 - Published: 3/19/2005 - Complete
Batman And Nightwing : The True Alien Vs Predator by Jcarlton reviews
A continuation of Batman : Dead End, and a story to tie in the two greatest scifi universes : Alien and Predator. All those who hated 2004's AvP movie are welcome.
Aliens/Predator - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 7 - Words: 61,380 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 7 - Published: 10/1/2005
Translyvanian Terror by Zephi the Fox reviews
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Creme, Shadow, and Rouge all win a free trip to Translyvania, but their vacation will soon turn into a nightmare. FINISHED!
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Horror/Mystery - Chapters: 18 - Words: 33,861 - Reviews: 113 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 8/23/2005 - Published: 5/13/2005
Does Your Soul Define Who You Are by Silvermoonlight GJ reviews
When your stranded in the deepest darkest region of space with only a hunter by your side. You come to realize who your true friends and enemies really are.
Aliens/Predator - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 32 - Words: 156,992 - Reviews: 443 - Favs: 445 - Follows: 164 - Updated: 7/17/2005 - Published: 1/2/2005 - [Human, Predator/Yautja] - Complete
Poor Twisted Me by Ozzy Anmudis reviews
This story is finsihed. Thanks to all my readers out there.
Teen Titans - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 107,285 - Reviews: 396 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 6/22/2005 - Published: 4/25/2004 - Raven, Beast Boy
Rivals or Friends? by Wolfox Okamichan reviews
Wolf and Fox are rivals. However, a quick turn of events could change on what they think about each other. Please RnR! Chap 18: Fox and Leon...
Star Fox - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 27,528 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 6/13/2005 - Published: 3/18/2004 - Wolf O'D., Fox M.
Predator:Birth of a hunter by Raptor-Chick reviews
A nearly dead Predator is discovered by 2 young humans. Later, on his way home he has to deal with the problem of hitchhikers... Rated for language and violence.FINISHED!
Aliens/Predator - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 25,744 - Reviews: 153 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 3/12/2005 - Published: 10/30/2004 - Complete
Bad Guy Bakery: Chapter 2 by Nidonemo reviews
The second chapter in the BGB series! Bowser discovers the power of coffee and Gannon seems to have a drinking problem! How wonderful! Remember to Read and Review!
Mario - Rated: T - English - Humor/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,874 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 4 - Published: 9/15/2004
Metroid: Transitions by Cantonbags reviews
A lone pirate is trapped on a Galactic Federation ship...holding the first ever captured metroids.
Metroid - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 15,194 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 2 - Published: 9/5/2004
Hi I'm Daisy by This Ruined Puzzle reviews
When The Characters of Mario Kart (Double Dash) just can't take it anymore (note it's pretty stupid but I was just frustrated with Daisy today)
Mario - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 620 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 1 - Published: 6/14/2004
Darkstalkers The Series: Season One by ZekaelErebus reviews
The Darkstalkers are discovering each other in the world of men, but as they do, higher agendas related to far more powerful forces of darkness are being set in motion.
Darkstalkers - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 13 - Words: 38,664 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 6/8/2004 - Published: 5/2/2004 - Complete
Mobile 2: Going Back: by Fancy Face reviews
(Chappies 16-17 is now up!) When Buffy returns to NYC with Spike and Dawn, things get interesting when they meet the turtles.
Ninja Turtles - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 25,577 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 4/19/2004 - Published: 11/10/2003
Meant To Be by ChaosShadow reviews
Sonadow. First one, so please be kind...Anyways, Sonic has been depressed about what happened at ARK, and misses Shadow. Dedicated to My boo! [Complete]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 22,771 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 2/7/2004 - Published: 10/22/2003 - Sonic, Shadow - Complete
Guan Yu's Escape from Wu by C.C. Combs reviews
This is what I think would happen if Guan Yu would have gotten loose and not been executed by Sun Quan
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,254 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 2 - Published: 11/24/2003
Bowser's Encounter With The Email Survey by Eladard Kikur reviews
Someone sends Bowser an email survey, which annoys Bowser VERY much...
Mario - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 622 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 7 - Published: 11/23/2003 - Bowser - Complete
Happy Birthday, Vivi! by Vividoll reviews
Vivi turns ten, and the rest of the FFIX gang throws him a party. But what happens when things get a little out of hand? Rated for swearing and alcohol reference.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Humor/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 9,164 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 11/14/2003 - Published: 10/2/2003
They Had It Coming! by Undead Ballerina reviews
The ladies of Dragonlance finally get fed up with their men and perform their own version of Chicago's "Cell-block Tango"
Dragonlance - Rated: T - English - Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,085 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/28/2003
Children Of The Night by R A I N11 reviews
VIKO fluff N stuff *Complete*
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 8,930 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 3 - Updated: 4/29/2003 - Published: 8/9/2002 - Complete
Bad Guy Bakery by Nidonemo reviews
What do the bad guys do when they aren't kidnapping, destroying, and trying to take over the world? Well... (Will continue after 10 reviews!)
Mario - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,808 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 2 - Published: 4/21/2003
Princess Peach Fights Back! by LethalDude457 reviews
Princess Peach gets even with Bowser. I hope you enjoy cause this is my 1st story.
Mario - Rated: T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 777 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Published: 4/19/2003
Mobile by Fancy Face reviews
TMNT/Buffy crossover... Buffy gets sick of Sunnydale and decides to run away. She decides to go NYC. There she meets some interesting friends. *Now finished!*
Ninja Turtles - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 28,910 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 4/8/2003 - Published: 2/18/2003
Don't You Still Love Me? by MageInTraining reviews
The sequal to Two Kids,One Date. Eiko and Vivi are still dating, but Eiko can't get her mind off another guy and Vivi can't get his off another girl. What will happen? PleaseRR! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE FF CHARACTERS.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 14,284 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 1/11/2003 - Published: 5/14/2002 - Vivi O., Eiko C.
Hide and Seek by Ishmael1 reviews
Talbain fights in order to learn who he is
Darkstalkers - Rated: M - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,601 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 1 - Published: 10/24/2002
A Night In the Life of a Tomato Sauce Vampire by Nintendo Maximus reviews
Remember the SMBSS episode where Bowser is a vampire? Well, here's that episode from his pointofview!
Mario - Rated: K - English - Horror/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,094 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/8/2002 - Bowser - Complete
Things mario and Co. would never say or do by DeNerd reviews
The title says it all really. The idea is taken from Benjamin T. Kitsune's things Banjo Kazooie would never say or do. CHAPTER 2 NOW UP!
Mario - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,224 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 10 - Updated: 8/8/2002 - Published: 7/4/2001
Bowser and Mario by CherryCoke reviews
Mario and Bowser set out on adventure to save (guess who?) Peach. What possessed them to work together? **includes visits from some of our favorite N64 characters!! :)** PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! ^_^
Mario - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,609 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 3 - Published: 7/31/2002
The Worst of Two Worlds by MoDaD reviews
Evil has crossed paths as two separate villains secretly plot with one another in their bid for power. Sonic the Hedgehog and SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron crossover.
Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & SWAT Kats - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 36,329 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/23/2002 - Sonic, SWAT kats - Complete
The Good In All Of Us by BudTheSpud reviews
This story is loosely based upon the theory that Bowser is not all bad inside. This is the story about one man who stumbles upon the Mushroom Kingdom and its inhabitants and how he tries to help the King Of The Koopas find his good side.(FINAL CHAPTER UP)
Mario - Rated: T - English - Drama/Fantasy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 12,986 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 11 - Updated: 7/22/2002 - Published: 3/28/2002
Unchained Memory by Pyrasaur reviews
Bowser tries to figure out why Mario is his enemy, but there's something standing in his way...Based on Mario RPG. Don't let the Drama/Mystery rating mislead you, this gets pretty fluffy.
Mario - Rated: T - English - Drama/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,222 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 12 - Published: 3/31/2002
A tale of two mages by RustyViko4ever reviews
Well, here I go, taking a crack at SERIOUS Romance. SIXTH chapter up, yay! A lot of dialogue.This is after the end of the game, and follows our favorite black mage and the younger white mage. I had to put some small humor in so please forgive meR&R!
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 6 - Words: 11,115 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 3 - Updated: 1/11/2002 - Published: 1/5/2002
THE MEANING OF FRIENDSHIP by C. L. Furlong reviews
A season's shorty especially dedicated to those who can't have a Christmas like most of us do...
SWAT Kats - Rated: K - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,090 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 7 - Published: 1/9/2002
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Apprentice reviews
Chaos ensues as Michael, Vivi, and Amarant are sent to the late Edo period in Japan. The three find themselves seperated from each other and caught up in a power struggle that will change their lives.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 11,625 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 4/16/2007 - Published: 5/30/2006 - Vivi O., Amarant C.
Be My Valentine reviews
It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air. While Michael goes back to Earth, Vivi decideds to spend the day with Eiko. Also, a certain enemy of Michael's has his eye on a particular woman. ViviEiko fic.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,661 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 5 - Published: 2/13/2006 - Vivi O., Eiko C. - Complete
Merry Christmas, Vivi reviews
It's Christmas Eve, and Vivi is wandering around Lindblum. What happens when he meets a boy who won't survive the night.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,748 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 12/27/2005 - Published: 12/23/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete
The Perfect Thanksgiving reviews
Vivi and I decide to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends. Things turn bad when Phantom decides to ruin the party. battles, turkey, and crazy shoppers. It's all here. Oneshot
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,117 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/23/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete
Happy Halloween, Vivi reviews
Halloween has come, and I decide to take Vivi to Earth so he can trick or treat for the first time in his life, but things get freaky when we discover two corpses in an alley, and I meet someone I haven't seen in three years. Review please. OneShot
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 12,264 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Published: 10/30/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete
A New Life: Conclusions reviews
The Continuation of A New Life: Angel. This is the final book. It's almost over. The time has come. The time to start a new life is now, and neither Michael nor his friends will let it slip through their fingers. COMPLETE
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 25,104 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 10/18/2005 - Published: 10/9/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete
A New Life: Angel reviews
The continuation of A New Life: Brotherhood. Michael learns the hard way that unresolved things in his past will come back and haunt me. Can he resolve things before it's too late? COMPLETE.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 65,899 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 10/6/2005 - Published: 8/19/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete
A New Life: Brotherhood reviews
The continuation of A New Life: Beginnings. As the party prepares to enter Cleyra, Michael wonder when he will face Beatrix. He will find that he has much more to worry about than Beatrix. COMPLETE.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 58,047 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 8/16/2005 - Published: 7/4/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete
A New Life: Beginnings reviews
My first fan fiction. Michael is brought into the world of FF9. What will ensue when he embarks on the greatest adventure of his life? Only time will tell. COMPLETE.
Final Fantasy IX - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 63,212 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 6/28/2005 - Published: 5/7/2005 - Vivi O. - Complete