![]() Author has written 11 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Lord of the Rings, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Profile Updated: May 23, '10 Name: Hannah Star Wars fanfiction can be found: Here Like lots of other people on this site, I love to ramble on about things I like... Favorites Fullmetal Alchemist -m/a- (Lust, Noa, Winry, Scar ) Random quotes "Rubbish. Everything, this age and its people, is rubbish. This entire era is plummeting towards catastrophe and chaos. Even with great power, we cannot stop this flow of time." -Hito (RK) "You(Okita) should chew and taste your words before you spit them out so quickly."-Saito (RK) "Lesson # 3: If you see a stranger, Follow him." -Ed (CB) "Why don't we drink to me and my reflection in your lovely eyes?" -Andy (CB) "My ship works better when I kick it." -Spike (CB) Stories: Rurouni Kenshin Black: Under Reconstruction. It needs a new title...and of course I'll beta it. Also needs some plot work Blood Fever: Under reconstruction- I'm going to betathe whole thing and fix Saitou's characteriztion. Cry 'Havoc': On Hold, I will beta it when everything else is done. I won't give up on it yet. Perfect Enemy: Under Reconstruction- beta and tense rework. (It was an RP game when Yahoo still had it's doors open) Seasons: WIP Under Reconstruction- beta, characterization, plot --this is my Offical New Years Resoution Project :P Full Metal Alchemist To Live is to Love: WIP, Whenever insperation hits me, I'll update. Weeds/Papercut: Discontuined because of lack of responce. As you can see, I have my work cut out for me...More recent update can be found at my LJ account or click the homepage link at the top. Beta-ed projects will be put up at FicWad before they come up on FFnet. I have no where else to put up this junk so this will have to do...if you don't want to read then there is always the Hide Bio button at the top of this page... Fic Ideas Fallen Priest (RK)-Battouasi has always lived two lives. One a catholic priest and the other a blood thirstily hitokiri. Guilt has never been a problem before the day a raven haired 'man' joined his priesthood. When he finds out the truth about the 'pretty priest' his two lives collide. BxK (Rurouni Kenshin) I really hope to write this one! And I will...sooner or later. No, it won't be a vampire fic. No Sanctuary for the Evil - (YYH)...Just the title...lol...I was thinking of a story with Hiei and Kurama...Yoai or not, I'm not sure, I haven't done much romance for 'either side of the bridge'...Anyway It would be about how they might have met and all that junk..I might throw in team Urameshi..but that is a huge maybe. (Yu Yu Hakusho) This will be my first..and maybe only YYH fic, so I plan to write it. Test of Time: (FMA/Dragonlance Legends)After the death of a friend, Roy Mustang and Edward Elric are jolted into the past,when the magic of the infamous mage, Fistandantilus,goes array. With the grief of the friend still heavy on their hearts the two State Alchemists are forced to live through the last days of the doomed city of Istar. They are alone in a world where the King Priest rules and the True Gods oversee the lives of the people. However in the mayhem the two are separated, one with Cameon Majiere and the other at the tail of Tanis Half-elven. The only two from their time they must find this mage before they are killed in the Cataclysm that broke the world of Kyrnn in two. However there is one other fromCentral that hasbeen taken and he wanders alone, his faith tested by the Gods of this world.(Fullmetal Alchemist/Dragonlance Legends) God! This idea just won't leave me alone... It's an evil little plot bunny with the characters of Fullmetal Alchemist and Dragonlance Legends...damn it all! It just won't let my get on with my life...Anyway there would be spoilers for ep 25 on down. This was going to be yaoi...but I'm not sure yet...although there might be a weird thing going on between Ed and Raistlin. Testement: Kodokuno Yosai (Wolf's Rain) Kodoku no Yôsai High school, Nicnamed Devil's High from the amount of trouble it causes. Here, the Wolf Demon, Tsume, reins supreme unknown to the humans who reside in the building. However with the appearance of one of his brethren, a white demon known as Kiba, the school must be retaken. While the heat heightens a new, powerful demon treads on Tsume's territory. Now he must chose his 'Chosen' and rid the school its threats. (Crossover Wolf's Rain/YYH) Notes: I will tell you now that the other Demon will be Hiei...that is the YYH part, and will most likely be the only YYH char that will grace this fic, however I might throw Kurama in just to highten the Yaoi tension and yes, there will be some inter-anime romance...if you can call it romance... Sacrosanct- (FMA) Something’s are not meant to be achieved. Something’s come and go, however the life of a youngwoman is pulled into balance as she struggles with faith. The meeting of a temperamental teen with a voice to praise the Angels, and a mentor that knows more of her past then can be coincidence sets off more then this High Priestess can handle. Notes: No this is not going to be an Inyusha re-run, with Kikyo and such. It will focus on Lust, with Scars older brother, Scar and Winry as the main characters. This will be my Lust/Winry fic. So any of you who like the pairingI wrote about a while ago then look for this one. . Other Works: Orignal Fiction - FictionPress.com~ Star Wars FanFiction- Knight-Nix(on site) To all who are still reading this, Props to you. :P |