Author has written 22 stories for Naruto, and Tsubasa Chronicle. Welcome to the Archives! These are the Archives of N.O.T. It is our goal to inject into the world of Naruto fanfiction some HUMOR, as we have found there to be far too much angst in this fandom. Yes, we understand that the series contains a lot of angst, but there is also a great deal of humor to be found. That being said, we have decided to present you (the Reader) with our Naruto fanfiction. This will mostly be omake, although there might be a serious story or two here and there. These will be marked as such. Now, who are "we," you may ask? We are the Archivists: Sneaky Cat Slippery Liz Clever Audrey Sly Omi Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto. That honor belongs to his creator, Kishimoto-sama. General Warnings: An Offer: Well, that should be all for now, so - on to the fiction! We hope you enjoy! Your Archivists, |