Author has written 1 story for Young Justice. Hmph. Well. I tend to be awful at being punctual, sorry in advance. I love writing, and I love accepting prompts! So please send me them whenever and I will try my hardest to put your ideas to life. I will accept prompts from the following fandoms: Young Justice ROTG HTTYD Doctor Who Supernatural Yuri!!! On Ice (I would write for Harry Potter but I don't think I'm worthy) Steven Universe Danny Phantom The Elder Scrolls Series Anything Marvel/DC Anything Disney I guess Merlin Sherlock Star Wars Ratchet and Clank I'm just gonna stop there but send in prompts even if they aren't in any of the fandoms listed and there's a very high chance that I am in that fandom. (And yes, before you ask, I have... no life...) Also, I LOVE AU's. So if you have any AU prompts, send them please! |
Drag0nst0rm (157) Emeraldbuttercup (29) FrankandJoe3 (271) | MugetsuPipefox (19) ProtectorKorii (7) Rickudemus (39) | writerofberk (201) |