Author has written 6 stories for Codename: Kids Next Door, Resident Evil, Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Titanic.
Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction
Whatever happens in my dreams
I know it can't be worse than this
So I prefer to sleep
- Mother of Light by Epica
I am so sorry for not writing/updating/...basically doing anything for months. I've been really preoccupied with the move to Greece, and now just settling in. I'm trying to focus on my original works, rather than fanfiction, but I am really into Stephen King's The Stand so I'm thinking about writing something for that...maybe ;-) Something to look forward to, anyway.
3. Dec. 90
Place of Residence:
Crete, Greece
Writing, painting, sketching, singing, all the artistic stuff
Idols in Life:
Mum, Francesca Lia Block, and Tuomas Holopainen
Life Philosophy:
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Place you would like to go:
Finland, Japan, Egypt, and England even though I've already been to England...
What makes you laugh:
Jokes, Emppu Vuorinen, Marco Hietala, and Anette Olzon
All-Time Top 5 Artists:
Within Temptation
All-Time Top 5 Movies:
Cabaret (1972 starring Liza Minelli and Michael York)
Moulin Rouge! (2001 starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor)
Romeo + Juliet (1996 starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes)
Titanic (1997 starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio)
Dawn of the Dead (1978 starring Ken Foree and Scott H. Reiniger)
Worst Nightmare:
Zombies take over the world...;)
Scrunchii’s FanFictions
Sour Times (Original)
Resident Evil
Geri, the leader of a four-person team, has taken her team to Silent Hill in search of survivors after the virus escaped Raccoon City but what they find there could save the world – or destroy it.
Status: Complete
Remember You, Remember Me
A one-shot from Helga’s point of view as the R.M.S. Titanic sinks and she remembers Fabrizio…
Status: Complete
Sleeping Sun
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Clopin Trouillefou finds a girl named Lily White who, for unknown reasons (which will be revealed, it’s not just to create conflict) hates gypsies but has to take care of her nevertheless.
Status: On hiatus
The Dying Embers of Broken Anger
Codename: Kids Next Door
The KND are now fourteen and in the eighth grade. Wally asks Kuki out just in time for Christmas but when the two finally go out on their date, Kuki’s old secrets come back to the surface to haunt her.
Status: Complete
Codename: Kids Next Door
A one-shot about Kuki and Wally. The two have gotten in a fight and Kuki goes out to the park to think.
Status: Complete
Upcoming Stories
Sorrow (probably not the permanent title)
The story of Titanicwith my own two characters, Lucy Lockson and Mark Frank who, while they keep convincing themselves they are just friends, constantly find themselves sleeping in the same bed with no clothes on! The story will not focus solely on Lucy and Mark and will also focus on Tommy Ryan, Fabrizio de Rossi, and Helga Dahl with Jack and Rose as more side characters since we already know their story…
When to be expected: Probably not soon as I am preoccupied with my Resident Evil fic.
Dummy: Sour Times
Resident Evil
The re-write of my original Res. Evil fic, Sour Times. This version features a much larger cast of characters, new twists, new locations, new deaths, new mysteries, and, possibly, a new ending!
When to be expected: Soon
17. 03. 07: I've just realized I never posted the second chapter of Sour Times. I'll post it right after I finish writing this. I promise, I'll start working on it again, I just need to find the time. Between my original story, Farwell to the Coffee Lands, school, finding time for friends/my boyfriend, chatting with people about Nightwish, etc. there's not a lot of time for fanfictions. Unfortunately fanfictions are at the bottom of my list :( Sorry. I'll get working as soon as I can, but we're also preparing to move to Greece (we move to Crete this June, we're probably leaving on the 13th but the date may change) so there's a lot of stress with selling the house, getting ready to move, etc. I'm trying people, I really am:p - Cheers! Steph
If you want to talk to me, see pics of me, learn more about me, you can email me at lady_glass34@ or you can visit my MySpace: http:///divine_decadance
So that’s all, folks. Hopefully you like my fanfictions and maybe you even think I sound like a nice person (which I like to think I am). If you want me to read or review anything of yours, just tell me!
Much love and big kisses,