Author has written 4 stories for Sailor Moon, and Final Fantasy VII. My name is...ok I won't say it, just call me by my nickname "Taco" or "Taquito" however... you may wonder why did I pick that nickname, I just know I did it 'cause Taco is obviously mexican, so I am ^^, and sushi, well I don't know, is my favorite food (I didn't want to force my mind that much ok?)and yes I'm a girl I have 18 years old, yay! I can get drunk now without breaking the law! But that doesn't mean that I'm alcoholic!! I love drawing, right now I'm working in a page, I hope to finish it someday... Hehehe, I like writing too, but only when I get inspired or something like that, I don't consider myself a good writer, but I do my best, it has been a long time since I uploaded the last chapter, whatever the fic was, I don't remember, but I'll start again, I mean, I'll erase all my old fics, and write new ones.And well if you want to contact me, just add me in your contact list of msn, or yahoo msn (I'll download it soon I promise) Y a todas esas personas que estuvieron pendientes del fic en español "Anime celebrity awards" les pido unas disculpas por hacerlos esperar el corto tiempo de 2 años!!XD yay! y sólo quería avisarles que el fic está en proceso, así que...pues pueden seguir votando! :D |