Wooohoo! Thanks everyone for review! I'm back with the next chapter, and
it's time to make things clear, someone had sent me a flame, saying that if
I hated Tifa, the truth is that I don't, it seems like it, in the first
chapter mainly, but no, in fact I didn't like her so much, but I started to
play the game again, and I noticed that she and Cloud are a cute couple,
the same goes for Aeris and Cloud so I'm middle Cloti, and middle Cloris
(Whatever you call it) so if you see that I put her like that it's because
it was supposed to be funny! and Aeris does NOT sucks.
WARNING: This fic has a little CloTi romance!!
The confession of Tifa and the end of the world!
Tifa: "Cloud!"
Cloud: "He is still in there, I'm gonna rescue him! You'll do your important decision someday, and for me that time is now" *kneels down next to Tifa*
Tifa: "You were not supposed to say that"
*Appears Zidane*
Zidane: "Yeah! You imitation! That's on FFIX!"
Cloud: "Oh, yeah I knew, but I'm cutter than you AAAGH!"
Tifa: "CLOUD!"
Everything is white, all white.
Cloud: "Whoa, where the hell am I? Weeeee! A Toboggan! I haven't been in one since…wait, I have never been in one" he was sliding in the odd toboggan that leads to Sephiroth's place
The shirtless Sephiroth was waiting with his malicious face, with his masamune blade in hand , ready to battle . (N/A: Lol)
Sephiroth: "Bwaha! There you're, I've been waiting for you Cloud, only you and me!"
Cloud: "No thanks, I prefer girls"
Sephiroth: "NO idiot! Nothing like that!"
Cloud: "Then why are you shirtless?"
Sephiroth: "Because…*starts singing* I'm too sexy for my shirt, sexy for…"
Cloud: "Omnislash!!"
Sephirtoth: "Ah…aaaah..aaagh" *Sephiroth vanishes.*
Cloud: "*Sigh*"
*Sephiroth reappears*
Sephiroth: "F*ck your a$$hole, Cloud" *vanishes again*
Cloud: "-_-;"
Suddenly, the lifestream starts to flow…
Cloud: "Is this…Lifestream? The spirit energy? It's smells weird"
*Barret shows up*
Barret: "Hehe, I think that was me" *dissapears*
Cloud: x_x
Gets surrounded by a green light and a hand reaches for Cloud's hand.
Aeris: '*Cloud*'
Cloud: "Aeris?"
Aeris: '*So we meet again,uh?*'
Cloud: *starts to sob* "Why Aeris?! Why did you leave me! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"
Aeris: '*Nah, don't cry, I'm fine, is not bad this place, you would like it here, too bad you're alive*'
Cloud: "I can't reach your hand! You're so far!"
'*That's the idea… oh look! I gotta go! Sephiroth is making striptease again! Woooh!'*
Sephiroth: '*Yeah ladies! I'm yours! Hey Aeris! Come here! You're the next!'*
'* Cloud…take care, tell mom that I'll be fine, and say bye for me to everyone, don't worry about the planet, I'll come with something, buh bye!*'
Cloud: "But!" He realizes that Aeris and the light are gone and Tifa is next to him reaching for his hand.
Tifa: "Cloud! Give me your hand! Aaaaaaah!" the rock whom she has been stood broke, but Cloud runs ,wraps an arm around her waist and with the other hand grabs a rock.
Cloud: "That was close"
Tifa: " Yeah, I just hoped I brought my camera, you were acting so weird there"
Cloud: "And then I would broke it"
Tifa: "Ha-ha, how funny *hugs Cloud*
*makes a big effort to pull Tifa to the top of the rock*
Cloud: "Puff! Tifa you're so heavy!"
Tifa: "I am not! You're the weak one!" *Cloud smiles*
Cloud: "Hey where's everyone?"
In the airship…
Red XIII: "Hey Cid, where's Cloud and Tifa?"
Cid: "Errr…what do you mean by that?!"
Red XIII: "I mean that they aren't anywhere to be found!"
Vincent: "You left them?!"
Yuffie: "It was your fault Cait Sith! You were supposed to look after them!!"
Cait Sith: "Me?! I never agreed such a thing!"
Barret: "Yeah! You'll pay for this! BWAHAHAHA"
Cait Sith: "HELP!" Yuffie, Vincent, Barret and Red XIII started to punch the poor stuffed animal.
Cid: "Hey! Calm down guys!!" Everyone stopped punching Cait Sith and looked at him.
Cid: "I don't want you guys get dirty the floor, so do that later"
Cait Sith: ;_;
Cid: "Okay, let's go for Cloud and Tifa and fast!!!" Cid pulled the accelerator lever.
Back with Cloud and Tifa…
Tifa: "Calm down Cloud, I brought something just in case this happened" *hands him a gameboy advance*
Cloud: "Lol! Thanks Tifa! You're the best!" *sits down and starts to play Mario Kart*
Tifa sighed sat next to Cloud and gets deep in thought.
Tifa: "Cloud?"
Cloud: "Ah! F*ck you Yoshi! Ahem, sorry…yes Tifa?"
Tifa: "I've been thinking…that if we are going to die, I'd like to tell you something"
Cloud: "But we aren't going to die"
Tifa: "Hell, whatever…I just wanted to tell you that..I..I.."
Cloud paused the game and looked at Tifa.
Tifa: "Ah, what the heck?!" she pulled Cloud to her and kissed him, his eyes went wide and dropped the gameboy advance.
Yuffie: "AaAaAah, too romantic that makes me sick, hehehe!" *grabs Tifa's camera and takes a photo*
Cloud & Tifa: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! What the!?"
Barret: "BWAHA! You must give me a copy! I'm goin' to add it to my wallet" *reaches wallet* "See, this Marlene in diapers, Marlene and me, Marlene with Weidge, Biggs and Jesse, my wife Myrna that rests in peace, oh no! There's no space for Tifa's and Cloud's one!" *grabs Myrna's photo and throws it away. "There! Now I have space!"
Red XIII: "This is so embarrassing"
Vincent: "They reminds me… Me and *sniff* Lucrecia, Bwaaaaaaa!!"
Cid: "Hey! Morons!! Get your "%&"$& lazy butts over here and let's get outta here!!!"
Cloud: "Thanks god"
In the airship…
Cloud: "Will you stop that!! You're sticking that photo all over the airship!!"
Barret: "BWAHAHA! NOOO! It's so cool, we need to send more to Nibelheim, Rocket town, Wutai and.."
Cait Sith: "Where Am I? Ugh, my head hurts like hell"
Vincent: "Hey guys, look at that thing"
They stopped their stupidities and glanced to the big window.
Red XIII: "It's the meteor, the holy is having the opposite effect… what are we gonna do about it?"
Barret: "*to Cait Sith* What?! I thought you said that the Holy would stop it! What about Marlene!!"
Cait Sith: "No! Not again, please don't hurt me!!"
Aeris: '*Do not get your hopes down…I'll do the rest, the Lifestream will…WHAT'S THIS?!'* Aeris's spirit takes the photo of Cloud and Tifa kissing*
Cloud: "Err..umm.you'll see I…"
Aeris: '*Is so cute!! Can I get a copy?'*
Everyone's jaws dropped "WHAT?!"
Yuffie: "Haha! Of course!" *hands her a photo*
Aeris: '*Thanks, well gotta bring the Lifestream, bye! It was great being you guys, and Tifa…sorry about that slut thing, I think I was under the effect of Barret's mysterious fragrance!*'
Barret: "Hehe, sorry!"
Tifa: "No problem"
*Sephiroth pops of nowhere*
Sephiroth: '*LET ME SEE THAT*' stoles Aeris's copy
Aeris: '*Give me my copy! You stripper!!*'
Sephiroth: '*No!*'
Aeris: '*sighs* Well I better take care of the world now, because SOMEONE (when she says that she looks to Sephiroth) made this chaos!"
Sephiroth: '* Yeah, yeah, ALL ME!*'
And they dissapear
Cloud: "This is your fault Tifa"
Tifa: "Admit you liked it Cloud, stop saying it was my fault"
Cloud: "Okay"
Cid: "Hey everyone! The Lifestream is starting to flow!! Look" and everyone did.
The Lifestream started to flow from the earth and covered each part of the planet, trying to make disappear the meteor.
Aeris: '*Ugh! I need some help here *'
Barret: "Don't worry Aeris! I'll help you!"
Aeris: '*And what are you planning to do?*'
Barret: "Just wait and see…hey Cid! Do you have Diet Coke?"
Vincent: "Hope he doesn't do what I'm thinking he's going to do"
Cid: "Yeah, I have a few in the refrigerator"
*Barret opens the refrigerator, takes a Diet Coke and drink it all*
Red XIII: "This not time to be drinking"
Barret: "I'll be right back, I'll go upstairs outside"
Cloud,Tifa,Cid,Red XIII, Vincent and Cait Sith : 0______0???????
Outside the airship (A/N:I don't remember the name of that part of the ship)
Barret: "Well, at least I'm gonna do something to save this planet, for you Marleneeee!!!" *takes a big breath and taps his chest*
Vincent: "HE'S GONNA DO IT!! EVERYONE! DOWN, NOW!!!" Everyone gets down and covered themselves, the airship starts to shake.
The strange force joined the Lifestream turning into a VERY bright light, hitting the meteor fiercely.
In Midgar…
In Kalm..
Marlene: "Look Miss Elmyra!! That's my daddy!!"
Elmyra: "Are you sure? 0_0U"
All the world…(except Barret)
Barret: "It's called the BIG BURP!"
The light disappeared and so did the meteor
Aeris: '* Thanks Barret, my work here is done*' *disappears*
Cloud: "The meteor is gone!!!!!"
Everyone: "Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!"
To be continued?
Taco Sushi: "I can't believe it! I've made Barret a hero!"
Barret: "Hey! Do you have a problem with that?!"
Taco Sushi: "In fact yes, the Lifestream does the real work in the game"
Barret: "But not in this fic! HA!"
Taco Sushi: -_-U
Barret: "Errr…Do you want a copy of this photo?"
Taco Sushi: "Yes! Give it to me!!" *receives the photo*
Cloud & Tifa blush
Both: "Why us?!!"
I don't know if I should continue this fic!! You know, the game ends there!(well, in fact ends when Red XIII and his sons climbed up a cliff and watched Midgar covered in plants) And I don't know if I'll be able to do a sequel. Anyway, hope you liked this fic! Please Review!
WARNING: This fic has a little CloTi romance!!
The confession of Tifa and the end of the world!
Tifa: "Cloud!"
Cloud: "He is still in there, I'm gonna rescue him! You'll do your important decision someday, and for me that time is now" *kneels down next to Tifa*
Tifa: "You were not supposed to say that"
*Appears Zidane*
Zidane: "Yeah! You imitation! That's on FFIX!"
Cloud: "Oh, yeah I knew, but I'm cutter than you AAAGH!"
Tifa: "CLOUD!"
Everything is white, all white.
Cloud: "Whoa, where the hell am I? Weeeee! A Toboggan! I haven't been in one since…wait, I have never been in one" he was sliding in the odd toboggan that leads to Sephiroth's place
The shirtless Sephiroth was waiting with his malicious face, with his masamune blade in hand , ready to battle . (N/A: Lol)
Sephiroth: "Bwaha! There you're, I've been waiting for you Cloud, only you and me!"
Cloud: "No thanks, I prefer girls"
Sephiroth: "NO idiot! Nothing like that!"
Cloud: "Then why are you shirtless?"
Sephiroth: "Because…*starts singing* I'm too sexy for my shirt, sexy for…"
Cloud: "Omnislash!!"
Sephirtoth: "Ah…aaaah..aaagh" *Sephiroth vanishes.*
Cloud: "*Sigh*"
*Sephiroth reappears*
Sephiroth: "F*ck your a$$hole, Cloud" *vanishes again*
Cloud: "-_-;"
Suddenly, the lifestream starts to flow…
Cloud: "Is this…Lifestream? The spirit energy? It's smells weird"
*Barret shows up*
Barret: "Hehe, I think that was me" *dissapears*
Cloud: x_x
Gets surrounded by a green light and a hand reaches for Cloud's hand.
Aeris: '*Cloud*'
Cloud: "Aeris?"
Aeris: '*So we meet again,uh?*'
Cloud: *starts to sob* "Why Aeris?! Why did you leave me! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"
Aeris: '*Nah, don't cry, I'm fine, is not bad this place, you would like it here, too bad you're alive*'
Cloud: "I can't reach your hand! You're so far!"
'*That's the idea… oh look! I gotta go! Sephiroth is making striptease again! Woooh!'*
Sephiroth: '*Yeah ladies! I'm yours! Hey Aeris! Come here! You're the next!'*
'* Cloud…take care, tell mom that I'll be fine, and say bye for me to everyone, don't worry about the planet, I'll come with something, buh bye!*'
Cloud: "But!" He realizes that Aeris and the light are gone and Tifa is next to him reaching for his hand.
Tifa: "Cloud! Give me your hand! Aaaaaaah!" the rock whom she has been stood broke, but Cloud runs ,wraps an arm around her waist and with the other hand grabs a rock.
Cloud: "That was close"
Tifa: " Yeah, I just hoped I brought my camera, you were acting so weird there"
Cloud: "And then I would broke it"
Tifa: "Ha-ha, how funny *hugs Cloud*
*makes a big effort to pull Tifa to the top of the rock*
Cloud: "Puff! Tifa you're so heavy!"
Tifa: "I am not! You're the weak one!" *Cloud smiles*
Cloud: "Hey where's everyone?"
In the airship…
Red XIII: "Hey Cid, where's Cloud and Tifa?"
Cid: "Errr…what do you mean by that?!"
Red XIII: "I mean that they aren't anywhere to be found!"
Vincent: "You left them?!"
Yuffie: "It was your fault Cait Sith! You were supposed to look after them!!"
Cait Sith: "Me?! I never agreed such a thing!"
Barret: "Yeah! You'll pay for this! BWAHAHAHA"
Cait Sith: "HELP!" Yuffie, Vincent, Barret and Red XIII started to punch the poor stuffed animal.
Cid: "Hey! Calm down guys!!" Everyone stopped punching Cait Sith and looked at him.
Cid: "I don't want you guys get dirty the floor, so do that later"
Cait Sith: ;_;
Cid: "Okay, let's go for Cloud and Tifa and fast!!!" Cid pulled the accelerator lever.
Back with Cloud and Tifa…
Tifa: "Calm down Cloud, I brought something just in case this happened" *hands him a gameboy advance*
Cloud: "Lol! Thanks Tifa! You're the best!" *sits down and starts to play Mario Kart*
Tifa sighed sat next to Cloud and gets deep in thought.
Tifa: "Cloud?"
Cloud: "Ah! F*ck you Yoshi! Ahem, sorry…yes Tifa?"
Tifa: "I've been thinking…that if we are going to die, I'd like to tell you something"
Cloud: "But we aren't going to die"
Tifa: "Hell, whatever…I just wanted to tell you that..I..I.."
Cloud paused the game and looked at Tifa.
Tifa: "Ah, what the heck?!" she pulled Cloud to her and kissed him, his eyes went wide and dropped the gameboy advance.
Yuffie: "AaAaAah, too romantic that makes me sick, hehehe!" *grabs Tifa's camera and takes a photo*
Cloud & Tifa: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! What the!?"
Barret: "BWAHA! You must give me a copy! I'm goin' to add it to my wallet" *reaches wallet* "See, this Marlene in diapers, Marlene and me, Marlene with Weidge, Biggs and Jesse, my wife Myrna that rests in peace, oh no! There's no space for Tifa's and Cloud's one!" *grabs Myrna's photo and throws it away. "There! Now I have space!"
Red XIII: "This is so embarrassing"
Vincent: "They reminds me… Me and *sniff* Lucrecia, Bwaaaaaaa!!"
Cid: "Hey! Morons!! Get your "%&"$& lazy butts over here and let's get outta here!!!"
Cloud: "Thanks god"
In the airship…
Cloud: "Will you stop that!! You're sticking that photo all over the airship!!"
Barret: "BWAHAHA! NOOO! It's so cool, we need to send more to Nibelheim, Rocket town, Wutai and.."
Cait Sith: "Where Am I? Ugh, my head hurts like hell"
Vincent: "Hey guys, look at that thing"
They stopped their stupidities and glanced to the big window.
Red XIII: "It's the meteor, the holy is having the opposite effect… what are we gonna do about it?"
Barret: "*to Cait Sith* What?! I thought you said that the Holy would stop it! What about Marlene!!"
Cait Sith: "No! Not again, please don't hurt me!!"
Aeris: '*Do not get your hopes down…I'll do the rest, the Lifestream will…WHAT'S THIS?!'* Aeris's spirit takes the photo of Cloud and Tifa kissing*
Cloud: "Err..umm.you'll see I…"
Aeris: '*Is so cute!! Can I get a copy?'*
Everyone's jaws dropped "WHAT?!"
Yuffie: "Haha! Of course!" *hands her a photo*
Aeris: '*Thanks, well gotta bring the Lifestream, bye! It was great being you guys, and Tifa…sorry about that slut thing, I think I was under the effect of Barret's mysterious fragrance!*'
Barret: "Hehe, sorry!"
Tifa: "No problem"
*Sephiroth pops of nowhere*
Sephiroth: '*LET ME SEE THAT*' stoles Aeris's copy
Aeris: '*Give me my copy! You stripper!!*'
Sephiroth: '*No!*'
Aeris: '*sighs* Well I better take care of the world now, because SOMEONE (when she says that she looks to Sephiroth) made this chaos!"
Sephiroth: '* Yeah, yeah, ALL ME!*'
And they dissapear
Cloud: "This is your fault Tifa"
Tifa: "Admit you liked it Cloud, stop saying it was my fault"
Cloud: "Okay"
Cid: "Hey everyone! The Lifestream is starting to flow!! Look" and everyone did.
The Lifestream started to flow from the earth and covered each part of the planet, trying to make disappear the meteor.
Aeris: '*Ugh! I need some help here *'
Barret: "Don't worry Aeris! I'll help you!"
Aeris: '*And what are you planning to do?*'
Barret: "Just wait and see…hey Cid! Do you have Diet Coke?"
Vincent: "Hope he doesn't do what I'm thinking he's going to do"
Cid: "Yeah, I have a few in the refrigerator"
*Barret opens the refrigerator, takes a Diet Coke and drink it all*
Red XIII: "This not time to be drinking"
Barret: "I'll be right back, I'll go upstairs outside"
Cloud,Tifa,Cid,Red XIII, Vincent and Cait Sith : 0______0???????
Outside the airship (A/N:I don't remember the name of that part of the ship)
Barret: "Well, at least I'm gonna do something to save this planet, for you Marleneeee!!!" *takes a big breath and taps his chest*
Vincent: "HE'S GONNA DO IT!! EVERYONE! DOWN, NOW!!!" Everyone gets down and covered themselves, the airship starts to shake.
The strange force joined the Lifestream turning into a VERY bright light, hitting the meteor fiercely.
In Midgar…
In Kalm..
Marlene: "Look Miss Elmyra!! That's my daddy!!"
Elmyra: "Are you sure? 0_0U"
All the world…(except Barret)
Barret: "It's called the BIG BURP!"
The light disappeared and so did the meteor
Aeris: '* Thanks Barret, my work here is done*' *disappears*
Cloud: "The meteor is gone!!!!!"
Everyone: "Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!"
To be continued?
Taco Sushi: "I can't believe it! I've made Barret a hero!"
Barret: "Hey! Do you have a problem with that?!"
Taco Sushi: "In fact yes, the Lifestream does the real work in the game"
Barret: "But not in this fic! HA!"
Taco Sushi: -_-U
Barret: "Errr…Do you want a copy of this photo?"
Taco Sushi: "Yes! Give it to me!!" *receives the photo*
Cloud & Tifa blush
Both: "Why us?!!"
I don't know if I should continue this fic!! You know, the game ends there!(well, in fact ends when Red XIII and his sons climbed up a cliff and watched Midgar covered in plants) And I don't know if I'll be able to do a sequel. Anyway, hope you liked this fic! Please Review!