Author has written 6 stories for Golden Sun. New year's resolution, for about the 10th year in a row: FINISH EVERY WIP. I've got some newer stuff published over at ao3 - but I want to work on some of these old fics before posting anything else here. Favourite pairings: Golden Sun: Tons, though Dark Dawn didn't open up as many possibilities as it shut down. Valeshipping and Mudshipping are both kinda "sounds nice enough" to me, so I'm not too heartbroken by the canon. My personal headcanon is busy building up an eventual Alex/Felix/Isaac/Mia/Veriti/the Ice Queen group marriage... More realistically, I find most pairings or trios involving Isaac, Felix, Mia, Alex, Jenna, Sheba, Amiti, Rief or Eoleo pretty interesting. Fire Emblem: The lack of Ilyana/Lucia in Radiant Dawn broke my heart. ;_; Ike/Soren, Ena/Rajaion and Tibarn/Reyson are pretty cool too. In FE7, Serra/Lucius looked like the shiniest, shippiest support, but Lucius turned out to be one of the few guys Serra can't hook up with in the epilogue. Go figure. Tales of Symphonia: Colette/Zelos. They had that one skit where they bonded, coming down the mountain... It always seemed like there should have been more. Skies of Arcadia: Fina/Aika/Vyse. Such an OT3. FFVII: Aerith/Zack/Cloud/Sephiroth. And if anyone's seen any Scarlet/Tifa around, drop me a link? You'd have thought there'd be tons... |
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