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Joined 08-25-15, id: 7078581, Profile Updated: 07-03-20
Author has written 6 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, and Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS.



DuPre the Melodious Cellist ATK: 1400 DEF: 800 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 4 - Scale 1

Pendulum Effect: If you attack an opponent’s monster with a Special Summoned monster you control while you control another Special Summoned monster, target the second monster and add the ATK of the targeted monster onto the attacking monsters ATK until the end phase.

Main Effect: Once per turn you can target one monster you control other then this card, increase its ATK by 500 until the end phase.

Argerich the Melodious Pianist ATK: 2200 DEF: 1600 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 5 - Scale 9

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, during either player’s turn, you can negate a card effect that would target a Special Summoned monster on the field.

Main Effect: If you use this monster for a Tribute Summon, this monster can be used for the full cost.

Mozarta the Melodious Pendulum Maestra ATK: 2600 DEF: 2000 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 8/Scale 4

Pendulum Effect: If you control another Melodious Pendulum monster in your other Pendulum Zone, you can double its scale until the end phase.

Main Effect: Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 "Melodious" monster from your hand or grave.

Harmony the Melodious Diva ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200 Light/Fairy/LVL 4

When this card is Special Summoned then you can Special Summon one level four or below Melodious monster from your hand.

Serenade the Melodious Pendulum Diva ATK: 400 DEF: 1900 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 4 - Scale 3

Pendulum Effect: You can banish this card from your Pendulum Zone to Special Summon one LVL 5 or higher monster from your Extra Deck or Graveyard.

Main Effect: This card can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of any monster. After this card is Special Summoned to your side of the field, you can Normal Summon 1 "Melodious" monster during your Main Phase this turn, in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only gain this effect once per turn.

Queen Knight: Loyal Defender [2600 ATK / 2100 DEF / Light / Level 6 / P.S.5 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn you can change the attack points of a monster in the field by its defence until the end of the turn. The fairy monsters gain 200 attack points.

Monster effect: Each time this card attacks or a monster is attacked you can change the attack points of the monster chosen by its defence

Queen Knight: Guardian of the Red Moonlight [1900 ATK / 300 DEF / Light / Level 5 / P.S.3 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn "Queen Knights" monsters cannot be destroyed in battle but you must discard a card to activate this effect. When this card has made a pendulum summon you can take a card from your deck and then add it to your hand but you must return a card from your hand to your deck.

Monster effect: If this card destroys a monster of your opponent you can add to your hand a monster fairy from your cemetery or deck. When this card is send to the extra deck you can banish a fairy monster from your extra deck and then draw a card.

Queen Knight: White Catalyst [1800 ATK / 1300 DEF / Light / Level 4 / P.S.9 / Warrior / Tuner / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: When you have made a Synchro Summon on the field you can select a card from your opponent and deny its effects until the end of the next standby phase of your opponent. When you have made a pendulum summon with this card you can select one of the monsters that you have summoned to the field and convert it into tuner until the end of the turn.

Monster effect: If this card has been used for Synchro Summon material you can negate the effect of a monster of your opponent and at the same time convert its attack points to 0. You can banish this card from your graveyard to deny the destruction in battle of a Synchro monster in your field.

Harmonious Pendulum/Spell Card

This card is treated as a Queens Knight Card. You can banish all the pendulum cards that have been sent your extra deck and then select a monster in your field and this can earn 500 attack points for each card banished.

Melodious Prima Simphony [2200 ATK / 2400 DEF / Light / Level 7 / P.S. 8 / Warrior / Pendulum] Pendulum Effect: When the attack of a monster has been altered in your field you can select a monster of your opponent and at the same time you can diminish its attack equal to the points that your monster has altered.

Monster effect: While this card is in the field, the attack of Melodious monsters cannot be altered by card effects of your opponent.

Queen Knight: The Chosen One of the Gods [2800 ATK / 1900 DEF / Light / Level 6 / P.S.3 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: You can destroy this card from your pendulum zone and you can add a monster of Ritual and a Ritual Spell Card. Ritual monsters cannot be chosen by the effects of your opponent's cards.

Monster Effect: When this card is Pendulum Summoned: You can add a Ritual Monster and a Ritual Spell Card to your hand. Also while this card is on the field the Ritual Summon cannot be negated.

Alsop the Melodious Conductor ATK: 200 DEF: 2200 Light/Fairy/LVL 6

When this card goes to the graveyard from your hand or the field, you can destroy one monster your opponent controls. If it has a higher level than this card; you can inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent.

Bass the Melodious Songstress ATK: 2400 DEF: 1800 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 5/Scale 4

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, you can half the ATK and DEF of one monster on the field until the End Phase.

Effect: If this card is Special Summoned you can half the ATK and DEF of this monster to change the ATK and DEF of one monster your opponent controls to 0. This card can inflict piercing damage. These effects last until the end phase.

Smyth the Melodious Pendulum Maestra ATK: 2300 DEF: 1800 Light/Fairy/LVL 9 – Scale 9

Pendulum Effect: During either players turn, if a monster effect would make at least two monsters you control leave the field, negate the effect. Your opponent draws a card each time you use an effect.

Main Effect: If another Melodious monster you control leaves the field, banish this card and Special Summon that card to the field.

Bachta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2300 DEF: 1600 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 6/Scale 3

Pendulum Effect: Once per monster, if a Special Summoned Melodious Monster would be destroyed then it is not destroyed.

Main Effect: If this card is destroyed by battle: You can target one Special Summoned monster you control, increase its ATK by 1000.

Beethovta the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2400 DEF: 1800 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 7/Scale 7

Pendulum Effect: If a Melodious monster you control has destroyed an opponent's monster via battle then you destroy this card in your Pendulum Zone and then target the Melodious monster. It can attack again.

Main Effect: If a Level four or higher Fairy monster is targeted for an attack, you can send this card from your hand to the graveyard to negate the attack.

Opera the Pendulum Melodious Diva ATK: 2300 DEF: 1000 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 4/Scale 4

Pendulum Effect: When your opponent Normal Summons a monster, that monster can't attack that turn.

Main Effect: This card cannot attack the turn it is Normal or Special Summoned.

Flat the Melodious Tuner ATK: 100 DEF: 200 Light/Fairy/Tuner/LVL 1

If you control a face up Special Summoned monster you can Special Summon this card from your hand or graveyard. Banish it once it leaves the field if you use this effect.

Queen Knight: Amelia the Fusion Sage ATK: 0 DEF: 800 Light/Fairy/Pendulum/LVL 1/Scale 1

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control or from your hand as Fusion Materials. If you have this card in your Pendulum Zone and another in your other Pendulum Zone, you can use material from the deck as well.

Monster Effect: Banish this card from your graveyard to prevent the destruction of Fusion Monster.

Queen Knight: The Herald of Light [2600 ATK / 1900 DEF / Light / Level 7 / P.S.9 / Warrior / Pendulum] – Rom OC

Pendulum Effect: Destroy this card and you can choose a monster of Fusion, Ritual, XYZ or Synchro that you have on the field and this cannot be destroyed or affected by card effects.

Monster Effect: When this card is used as material for a summoning of a Fusion, Ritual, XYZ or Synchro Monster. The monster gains this effect. * This turn the monster's original attack doubles but only for this turn.

Melodious Kuriboh 0 ATK / 0 DEF / Light / Level 2 / P.S.6 /Tuner/ Fairy / Pendulum

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn you can cancel damage involving a Melodious monster in your field but this card is destroyed from your pendulum Zone.

Monster effect: If a Melodious monster is destroyed in battle you can send this card from your hand to the graveyard and then cancel any damage that you would have suffered from that attack, then all your monsters enter defence mode.

Queen Knight: The Valkyrie of the South ATK: 1000 DEF: 300 Light/Warrior/Pendulum/LVL 3 –Scale: 5 – Created by Romadrox8975

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn during either players turn, you can change the position of an opponent's monster.

Monster Effect: This card is always treated as a Fairy-type monster. If this monster is attacked, you can change this cards position.

Queen Knight: Amethyst Warrior ATK: 1400 DEF: 1400 Light/Warrior/LVL 4 – Created by Romadrox8975

This card is always treated as a Fairy-type monster. If this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon one Level 4 Light-type monster from your deck.

Queen Knight: Tuner Knight ATK: 1600 DEF: 1000 Light/Warrior/Tuner/Pendulum/LVL 3 – Scale 2 Created by Romadrox8975

Pendulum Effect: Send this card from your Pendulum Zone to your Extra Deck, target one monster you control and change it into your field into a Tuner.

Main Effect: This card is always treated as a Fairy-type monster. If this card was used to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster, it can gain 400 attack points.

Queen Knight: The Pendulum Warrior ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 Light /Warrior/Pendulum/LVL 7/Scale 4 Created by Romadrox8975

Pendulum Effect: When you have a Fairy Type Monster in your other Pendulum Zone, you can decrease or increase the Pendulum Scale of this card by the other Pendulum Monsters Scale.

Main effect: This card is also treated as a Fairy-type monster. When this card attacks an opponent's monster, it inflicts damage equal to the ATK points of the destroyed monster.

Carreno the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2600 DEF: 1400 Light/Fairy/LVL 7

When this card is sent from your hand or field, you and your opponent draws one card. If this card is Special Summoned, send one random card from your opponents hand to the graveyard.

Braveheart ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Light/Fairy/LVL 1

During either player's Damage Step, when a LIGHT monster you control battles: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; that monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling, until the end of this turn.

Queen Knight: Majestic Griffith [1500 ATK / 1200 DEF / Light / Level 1 / Beast / Effect] Monster

When an effect is activated that will destroy a fairy-type monster in your field you can destroy this card instead they will not be affected. While this card is in the field, the fairy-type monsters gain 1000 attack points.

Queen Knight: The Servant of Horus [2100 ATK / 1000 DEF / Light / Level 5 / P.S.8 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control; this turn, you can use it as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon using its Rank as if it were a Level (even if this card leaves the field).

Monster effect: You can deny the effect of a card but this card returns to your hand

Queen Knight: The Servant of Nephthys [2500 ATK / 700 DEF / Dark / Level 7 / P.S.2 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: You can revive a monster XYZ from your graveyard and make it become rank 7. But your attack becomes 0 and its effects are denied.

Monster Effect: If you have a XYZ monster in the field this card can become an Overlay Unit and once per turn the monster equipped cannot be affected by card effects.

Queen Knight: Spiritual Priestess [2200 ATK / 1900 DEF / Light / Level 5 / P.S.6 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn you can return a monster in your field and then you can add a ritual monster to your hand. When you have made a pendulum summon with this card you can select a monster in your field and when this is going to be sacrificed for a Ritual material this can count as two sacrifices.

Monster Effect: If this card is called by pendulum you can return it to your deck and then add a magical ritual card to your hand. This card can return to your hand at the end of the turn and then you can select a card from your opponent and return it to the hand.

Queen Knight: Celestial Lyrilusc [0 ATK / 0 DEF / Light / Level 1 / P.S.0 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: When you perform an XYZ summon you can make the monster win 200x attack points for the monster's rank. When you make a Pendulum Summon you can choose a monster that you have summoned and make the level of all the monster that has been pendulum summoned become the same.

Monster Effect: If this card has been summoned by pendulum you can change its level from 1 to 10. If this card has been used as material for an XYZ summon you can make that Monster unaffected by card effects.

Melodious Prima Symphony [2200 ATK / 2400 DEF / Light / Level 7 / P.S. 8 / Warrior / Pendulum] Pendulum Effect:

When the attack of a monster has been altered in your field you can select a monster of your opponent and at the same time you can diminish its attack equal to the points that your monster has altered.

Monster effect: While this card is in the field, the attack of Melodious monsters cannot be altered by card effects of your opponent.

Queen Knight: The Scarlet Alchemist [200 ATK / 900 DEF / Light / Level 6 / P.S.6 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can Special Summon one Tuner Monster from your graveyard or deck.

Melodious: The Shining Diva [1500 ATK / 2900 DEF / Light / Level 9 / P.S.5 / Warrior / Pendulum] - Rom OC

Pendulum Effect when you are going to receive damage in battle summon this card directly to your field.

Monster Effect: This card is treated as Queen Knight When this card has been summoned to the field with a special summon, all fairy monsters cannot be destroyed in battle or card effects.

Queen Knight: Glorious Swordwoman [1900 ATK / 1000 DEF / Light / Level 6 / P.S.2 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: If this card was put in your pendulum Zone because you changed it for a Queen Knight monster you can activate the following effect: When a Queen Knight monster is attacked you can cancel its destruction and at the same time the damage you will have suffered returns half (Destroy this card by activating this effect and you cannot add to your hand a Queen knight monster the turn that this card is activated).

Monster effect: If this card was pendulum summon to your field, you can choose a card in your pendulum zone and replace it with this card on the field. This card is treated as a Fairy-type.

Queen Knight: The Moonlight Warrior [0 ATK / 0 DEF / Light / Level 3 / Warrior / Effect / Tuner]

When this special summon card you can draw a card from your deck and if that card is a monster you can not only add it to your hand but this card can increase or decrease the level of this card in two. When this card is sent to the cemetery, you can return up to two cards in your field to your deck then shuffle them and take two new cards. You can Special Summon this card from your hand when you have a Queen Knight Monster on the field.

Queen Knight: Star Crimson [2500 ATK / 1800 DEF / Light / Level 7 / Warrior / Synchro]

Monster Effect: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, this cards attack doubles during the damage phase. When this card leaves the field, draw a card.

Beach the Melodious Maestra ATK: 2300 DEF: 1800 Light/Fairy/Synchro/LVL 7

When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can tribute Special Summoned monsters you control (expect this card) to destroy up to as many face up cards your opponent controls.

When this card attacks, half the attack of the monster it battles until the end of the battle phase.

The Melodious Prima Maestra ATK: 2000 DEF: 1400 Light/Warrior/Synchro/LVL 6

For each Melodious monster on the field, this card gains 500 ATK. Once per turn during either players turn, you can banish a Melodious monster from your graveyard and negate the effect of a card on the field while this card is on the field.

Queen Knight: Arturia the Pendragon [2500 ATK / 2000 DEF / Light / Rank4 / Warrior / XYZ] Monster Effect:

Discard one overlay unit and make the attack of the monster of your opponent controls 0. When this card destroy a monster from your field, you can add one fairy monsters from your deck to your have the same or less attack of the destroy monster.

Queen Knight: The Revolutionary XYZ Black Paladin 3000 ATK / 2500 DEF / Light / Rank 7 / Warrior / P.S.10 / XYZ / Pendulum

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn when a Fairy Monster on your field is attacked, you can double your monster's attack points.

Monster Effect: If this card is destroyed you can place it in your pendulum zone. If the materials used for this card were at least one Xyz Monster, you can gain these effects. All your opponent's monsters lose their effects. Destroy as many level 8 or less Monsters that your opponent controls possible, and this card gains 1000 points for each destroyed monster.

Aquamarine the Melodious Maestra Teacher [1700 ATK / 1300 DEF / Light / Rank 4 / Warrior / Xyz] – Rom OC

Two Level 4 Melodious Monsters

When this card is in the field, fairy-like monsters cannot be affected by the effect of your opponent's cards. Once per turn you can detach an overlay unit from this card and select a monster on your field and you can double the attack points of that monster by this turn.

Queen Knight: The Divine Valkyria 3600 ATK / 3000 DEF / Light / Level 10 / Warrior / P.S.13 / Ritual / Pendulum

Pendulum Effect: Select a monster in your field and it can attack without being affected by card effects.

Monster Effect: When this card is destroyed it can be placed in one of your Pendulum Zones. If this card battles, your opponent can not activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster in the Graveyard.

Melodious Prima the Exceptional 500 ATK / 2500 DEF / Light / Level 7 / Fairy / Ritual Monster

Effect: Once per turn you can double the attack of a fairy monster in the field until the End Phase. Once per turn when a monster of your opponent attacks a monster from your field, you can deny that attack and this card gains defence points equal to the attacking monsters.

Queen Knight: The Brave Paladin ATK: 2000 DEF: 1400 Light/Warrior/Fusion/LVL 7

One Queen’s Knight Monster 1 or more Warrior-type Monsters

Target one Monster your opponent controls, it loses 200 attack for each Queen Knight in your extra deck and graveyard. Depending on the amount of Warrior-type you used as Fusion Material for this card you can negate a card effect during the turn it is Fusion Summoned.

Angelic Harmony/Spell

Destroy a card in your field and then select an Xyz monster on your field that monster gains level equal to the destroyed monster.

Harmonious Pendulum/Spell Card

You can banish all the pendulum cards that have been sent your extra deck and then select a monster in your field and this can earn 500 attack points for each card banished.

Synchro Ritual Harmony of Fairies/Spell Card

When your opponent has more monsters in the field that were known from the extra deck, you can perform a Ritual Summon from your deck and a Synchro of fairy monsters with less than 2500 attack from the field, using materials from your deck , cemetery or pendulum monster of the extra deck. When this effect is used you cannot summon monsters special summon the rest of the turn.

Altar of the Goddess/Ritual Spell

Add one Ritual Monster from your when you play this card.

Tribute Monsters from your field, Pendulum Zone or hand to Ritual Summon one Pendulum-Ritual Monster. You must tribute Monsters whose level equals or are higher than the Ritual Monster.

The Festival of Fairies/Continuous Spell – Created by Romadrox8975

All monsters of Light attribute or Fairy-type receive 500 ATK points. Banish this card and you can return two Light-type monsters from the graveyard and then shuffle them into your deck, draw 1 card.

Pendulum Assist/Quick-Play Spell

If you control two Pendulum Monsters, banish one and increase the ATK points of the other by the banished monsters ATK until the End Phase

Deifying Tone/Spell

Target one face up Melodious monster you control, all monsters your opponent controls with less defence then the targeted monsters attack, switch battle positions.

Vocal Change/Spell

Target one Special Summoned Melodious monster then target another Special Summoned Melodious monster. Banish the first and then the second monster gains the first monsters ATK DEF and effect.

Melodious Choir/Continuous Spell

During your main phase one, you can inflict 400 damage to your opponent X the amount of Special Summoned monsters you control.

Pendulum Power/Quick Play Spell

Double the attack points of one Pendulum Monster you control until the End Phase then banish it.

Soul Bind/Continuous Spell

All monsters currently on the field have their ATK’s reduced to zero. (Any monsters summoned after this cards activation are not affected.)

Each user can send as many Spell Cards from their fields during either players turn to then target that monsters they control and return their attack points to the original amount.

Back-up Melody/Quick-Play Spell

Special Summon 2 "Melodious Tokens" (Fairy-Type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These Tokens cannot attack or be used for material other than a Tribute Summon. You cannot Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card, except for LIGHT monsters

Scale Switch/Quick-play Spell

Return two Pendulum Monsters in your Pendulum Zone to your deck and set two new ones in your Pendulum Zones. You can only use this effect once per duel.

If your Pendulum Monsters in your Pendulum Zone were destroyed last turn, banish this card from your graveyard and place from your extra deck.

Harmonious Pendulum/Spell Card

This card is treated as a Queens Knight Card. You can banish all the pendulum cards that have been sent your extra deck and then select a monster in your field and this can earn 500 attack points for each card banished.

Melody of the Fairies/Field Spell

If a fairy monster has been destroyed in battle or card effects you can add a Queen Knight monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. While this card is in your field the Queen Knights monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Rhythm Wind/Trap

Return up to two Fairy Pendulum Monsters in your Pendulum Zones, then destroy that many Spells/Traps your opponent controls.

Soul of the Queen Knights/Continuous Trap

If you have Queen Knight Monsters in the field, all the damage you will receive for card effects or battle is reduced by half. If a fairy monster is destroyed in battle you can add a Pendulum monster that is in your extra Deck or graveyard to your hand.

Melodious Song Break/Trap

If your opponent controls three or more monsters, target one of them and destroy it. Then you can add one Melodious Pendulum monster from your deck with ATK equal or less then the destroyed monsters ATK.

Fairy Drive/Trap

Half the damage from an attack on a Fairy Monster and then add a Fairy Monster from your deck to your hand.

Melodious Fortune/Trap

Tribute one Melodious monster you control and increase the lifepoints of either player by the amount of the tributed monster. These changes last until the End Phase.

Melodious Mute/Trap

Target one Melodious monster you control then all effects of your opponent’s monster with a level less than the targeted card is negated.

Melodious Requiem/Trap Card

You can send a Melodious monster directly to the graveyard and cancel the attack you received. If the Melodious monster that you sent to the graveyard is a Pendulum monster, you can earn half of the life points equal to the attack points of the destroyed monster.

Early Stage Exit/Trap

Halve the damage you would take from a Fairy Monsters destruction, then you can add one Fairy Monster from your deck to your hand whose attack points are equal or less than the amount of damage you took from this cards effect.

Soul of the Queen Knights/Continuous Trap

If you have Queen Knight Monsters in the field, all the damage you will receive for card effects or battle is reduced by half. If a fairy monster is destroyed in battle you can add a Pendulum monster that is in your extra Deck or graveyard to your hand.

Show End/Trap

When you take battle damage, end the Battle Phase. Then add one Melodious Pendulum Monster from your deck with a LVL less than the monster that inflicted battle damage.

En-Celestial Sword/Trap Card

Equip only to a Fairy type or warrior monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. This card and the equipped monster cannot be destroyed by card effects. Once per Battle Phase, if either player's turn, if the equipped monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK the destroyed monster had on the field. If the equipped monster is destroyed by battle: You can destroy the monster that destroyed it, and if you did, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK the destroyed monster had on the field. You cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters.


Last Minute Entertainment/Spell

Special Summon one Performapal monster from your grave. The monster gains 300 ATK points.

No Performance/Quick-PlaySpell

If your opponent activates a monster effect during your turn, negate the effect.

Ritual Entertainer Magician ATK: 2300 DEF: 1400 Dark/Spellcaster/Ritual/LVL 7

This card is always treated as an Odd-Eyes Monster.

When this card is Ritual Summoned, destroy one Monster your opponent controls, this effect cannot be negated. When this card destroys your opponents Monster, after damage calculation, inflict damage equal to the destroyed Monster’s attack.


Superheavy Samurai Soul Catchersuit ATK: 0 DEF: 2000 Earth/Machine/LVL 4

If you control no monsters and have no Spells/Traps in your graveyard and are being attacked directly you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

If this card is not destroyed by battle from an opponent’s monster, immediately after damage calculation take control of that monster.

Superheavy Samurai Soul Cracked Amour ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Earth/Machine/LVL 1/Tuner

If you control a Superheavy Samurai monster in face up defence mode, you can equip this to one face up monster your opponent controls. The monster equipped with this card loses all its ATK points.


D/D/D Rise Emperor Napoleon ATK: 2600 DEF: 2000 Dark/Fiend/Ritual/LVL 10

This card can be Ritual Summoned by Dark Contract of the Raven.

All set Spells and Traps your opponent controls cannot be activated while this card is on the field. This card gains 200 ATK monster with a different Special Summoning type on your field. This effect can only be used once per summon.

D/D/D Prime Churchill ATK: 2400 DEF: 1800 Dark/Fiend/Ritual/LVL 6

This card can be Ritual Summoned by Dark Contract of the Raven.

When this card is Ritual Summoned, you can Special Summon one D/D/D Monster from your graveyard. Once per turn, if a D/D/D monster is Special Summoned while you control this card, you can add half of that monsters ATK to this card until the End Phase.

D/D Horseman ATK: 1900 DEF: 600 Dark/Fiend/Pendulum/LVL 5 – Scale 3

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fiend-Type Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your Extra Deck as material.

Main Effect: If a Fusion D/D/D Monster you control is destroyed by battle, banish this card from your hand and Special Summon that Fusion Monster.

D/D Savant Archimedes ATK: 100 DEF: 200 Dark/Fiend/LVL 3

When this card is Normal Summoned, you can add one Dark Contract Ritual Spell and Ritual D/D/D Monster from your deck to your hand. If you do, take 3000 damage. You can only use this effect of "D/D Savant Archimedes" once per duel.

D/D/D Revenge King Odysseus ATK: 2300 DEF: 1800 Dark/Fiend/Pendulum/LVL 8/Scale 1

Pendulum Effect: If a D/D/D Monster is Special Summoned to your field, once per turn during either players turn, you can draw one card.

Main Effect: You can Tribute Summon this card by banishing two face up Dark Contract Cards.

D/D Savant Darwin ATK: 1600 DEF: 800 Dark/Fiend/Pendulum/LVL 4 /Scale: 8

Pendulum Effect: If this card and another are in your Pendulum Zone, you can skip your battle phase this turn and Special Summon one banished D/D/D Monster whose LVL or RNK is between those scales.

Main Effect: You can banish this card from your graveyard, target one D/D Monster or Dark Contract in your graveyard and add it to your hand.

D/D Loch Ness ATK: 2000 DEF: 1400 Dark/Fiend/LVL 6

When this card is sent to the graveyard, you can activate one of the following effects.

Add one face up Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand

Send one face up Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your graveyard

Dark Contract with Pain/Continuous Trap

If you took damage from a Dark Contract during this turn, increase all D/D monsters ATK you controlX the amount of damage you took until the end phase.

Dark Contract with the End/Trap

If you would take effect damage during the battle phase, reduce it to zero and the end the battle phase.

D/D Reuse/Quick-Play Spell

If you control a face up D/D Monster, target one Spell or Trap Card in your graveyard and replace this cards effect with the targeted cards effect and activate it .

Dark Contract of the Raven/Ritual Spell

When this card is activated you can add one Ritual D/D/D monster from your deck.

This card can be used to Ritual Summon one "D/D/D” monster. You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal or exceed the level of the Ritual monster you Ritual Summon from your field or grave.

If you take damage from a Dark Contract card you can banish this card from your graveyard and Special Summon one Ritual D/D/D monster in your grave. Banish the monster when it leaves the field.

Dark Contract of Change/Continuous Spell

You can only activate this card if you control a face up D/D/D monster. Special Summon one D/D/D monster from your graveyard and Special Summon it with its effects negated, its ATK and DEF become zero and it's destroyed during the End Phase. Then declare a number from 1 to 8, all D/D/D Monsters on the field become that level.

Pay 1000 lifepoints during your next Standby Phase.

Dark Contract of Summoning Change/Continuous Trap

If a monster on your field would be destroyed by battle or by card effect then you can send that card to your graveyard and Special Summon one monster of the same Summoning type from your graveyard. It can't be destroyed during this turn. Once per turn during your standby phase: Take 1000 points of damage.

Dark Contract of Shield/Continuous Trap

If a D/D monster is destroyed by battle, you can pay 1000 lifepoints and then make damage from that battle 0. Destroy this card during the End Phase. If you control two or more D/D/D monsters, you can banish this card from your graveyard and draw cards X the amount of D/D/D monsters you control.


Twilight Ninja Kotaro ATK: 3000 DEF: 1900 Earth/Warrior/LVL 9

This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls. If this card destroys a monster via battle, inflict that monsters ATK points to your opponent as damage.

Ninjitsu Art of High Power/Spell

Target one "Ninja" monster and double its ATK until the end phase.

Ninjitsu Art of Defence/Spell

If you control a level five or higher Ninja monster, turn all monsters your opponent controls into defence position.


Abyss Script – Encore/Spell

Target one Abyss Actor monster you control; It gains one more attack this turn

Abyss Stage – Changing Room/Spell

Banish one Pendulum Abyss Actor from your Pendulum Zone and target one Abyss Actor you control; add the banished Abyss Actors ATK to the targeted Abyss Actor until the end phase.

Abyss Script – Spooky Night/Spell

Target one Abyss Actor monster you control; this turn, if it battles, reduce the opponents monsters ATK to 0.

Abyss Actor Recast/Trap

If you took damage, destroy one Abyss Actor Pendulum Monster in your Pendulum Zone and inflict half of the amount of damage you took onto your opponent.

Abyss Actor Helping Hand/Trap

Gain lifepoints equal to one monsters ATK points that your opponent controls. Banish this card from your graveyard during either players turn if your lifepoints are less than your opponents. Negate a Spell/Trap card that your opponent activates.


Prediction Hope/Spell

All card effects your opponent controls at the time of playing this card are negated. You declare a type of card: Spell or Trap. Your opponent's cards remain negated until your opponent plays a card of the same type you declared.

Flip Fortune/Trap

Banish one set monster you control and set a level four or lower monster from your deck to the field. This is treated as a Special Summon.



Fluffal March/Quick-Play Spell

Target one Fusion Frightfur monster you control then that monster can attack once more X the amount of Fluffal monsters you banished this turn.

Fusion Glory/Spell

Target one Fusion monster you control and it switch attacks with one Special Summoned monster your opponent controls until the end phase


Dianah, Queen of the Fusion Lunalight Beast [2800 ATK / 2000 DEF / Light / Level 7 / Beast-Warrior / Fusion] - Rom OC

1 Dark Monster 1 Dark Monster

If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can make this card gain ATK equal to 1 opponent's Special Summoned monster, until the end of this turn. Once per turn: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher monster your opponent controls, negate its effect. If this Fusion Summoned card is destroyed: You can destroy all your opponent's Special Summoned monsters.

Fusion Fighter/Trap

If a face up Fusion monster you control failed to inflict battle damage during your battle phase, then inflict damage to your opponent equal to the monster with lowest ATK which was used as Fusion Material for the face up Fusion monster.

Lunalight Final Waltz/Trap

If a Lunalight monster you control would be destroyed during your battle phase then negate the destruction. That Lunalight monster can attack once more this battle phase.

Lunalight Calling/Trap

Target one Lunalight monster in your graveyard; Special Summon that targeted monster.

You can banish this card from your graveyard and target one Lunalight monster you control which attacked this turn, it can attack once more this turn but damage is halved.

Battle Rage/Trap

Pay halve of your lifepoints and target one Monster you control who battled this turn, it can attack once more this turn.

Crimson Moon/Spell – Rom OC

Fusion Summon using Lunalight Monsters in your graveyard as material.

Lunalight Mask/Equip Spell

Equip only to a Lunalight, it can attack twice.

Kaira the Queen of the Lunalight Beasts [4000 ATK / 4000 DEF / Light / Level 10 / Warrior / Fusion] - Rom OC

1 Fusion Monster 1 Fusion Monster

Monster effect: When this card is summoned to the field, all the monsters on the field lose half of their attack points except for this card. It cannot be affected by your opponent's card effects and can attack all of your opponent's monsters.


Reversal Gift/Spell

Take damage equal to the difference between yours and your opponent’s lifepoints. Target a monster you control and increase its ATK by the same amount.

Predaplant Healing/Quick-Play Spell

Target the highest ATK Predaplant Monster you control, gain lifepoints equal to that amount.

Fusion Boost/Trap

If a Fusion Monster is destroyed, gain lifepoints equal to its attack or draw a card.

Predapain/Continuous Spell

Once per turn when a Predaplant Monster you control attacks a Monster with a Predator Counter, that Monster loses attack equal to the attacking Monster's attack until the end of the Damage Step.


Once per turn destroy a face up card you control on your field then summon a Dark Monster from your graveyard.


Attribute Knights – See each chapter.


Cyber End Judgement Dragon ATK: 4000 DEF: 2800 Light/Machine/Fusion/LVL 10

3 Cyber Dragons

This card can attack all Monsters your opponent controls but they take no damage from battle. This card can then attack X the amount of Monsters it destroyed this turn during the same Battle Phase.

Cyber Sharpening/Equip Spell

Equip to a Cyber Dragon Monster; increase its attack by 500. When the equipped Monster leaves the field inflict damage equal to its attack to your opponent.

Cybernetic Prison/Trap

Banish a Cyber End Fusion Monster you control; banish a card your opponent controls X the amount of Fusion Materials used to summon. Return both Monsters during the End Phase.

Ultra De-Fusion/Quick Play Spell

Pay halve your lifepoints and return one Fusion Monster you control back your extra deck. Then summon one of the Fusion Materials used to summon it from your graveyard then summon a copy of the same Monster from your deck. You can only use this effect once per turn.


Celestial Tech Emperor Kinmei ATK: 500 DEF: 1200 Light/Fairy/LVL 5/Pendulum/Scale 3

When this card is Pendulum Summoned add a Spell from your deck to your hand. You can only use this effect once per turn.

Celestial Lock/Continuous Spell

You must send a card from your deck to the graveyard to attack this turn. One Monster you control can only attack this turn. Shuffle this card into your deck then add one Spell Card in your graveyard to your hand.

Pendulum Scale Shift/Spell

Special Summon one Monster from your graveyard with the same Pendulum Scale as one in your Pendulum Zone. You can only use this effect once per turn.

Pendulum Power Storm/Quick Play Spell

Target one opponent’s Monster and reduce its attack equal to the lowest Pendulum Monster’s attack that you control. It can’t be destroyed in battle and you must attack it if able. You can only use this effect once per turn.

Tech Conversion/Spell

Set one Tech Celestial or Celestial Tech Pendulum Monster in your graveyard into your Pendulum Zone. You can only use this effect once per turn.

Emperor Fusion/Spell

Fusion Summon a Pendulum-Fusion Monster using Monsters face up in your extra deck.

Celestial Tech Emperor Alexander ATK: 2300 DEF: 2000 Dark/Machine/LVL 7/Pendulum/Scale 8

Pendulum: Pendulum Summons cannot be negated. Destroy one Pendulum Monster on the field then add one Pendulum from your extra deck.

Monster Effect: If this Monster destroys an opponent’s Monster, you can target that Monster and take control of it and it is treated as a Celestial Tech Monster and loses its effect and his attack become 0.

Tech Celestial Utopia ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 Light/Fairy/LVL6/Pendulum/Scale 6

Pendulum: Once per turn, when any player’s monster declares an attack: You can negate that attack. But because of that You discard one card from your hand.

Monster: If a Monster your opponent controls attacks, tribute this card and end the Battle Phase.

Tech Celestial Stardust Wyvern ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 Wind/Dragon/LVL 7/Pendulum/Scale 8

Pendulum: Once per turn, when your opponent activates an effect, you can destroy this card and negate the effect. Then Special Summon this card to your field during the End Phase.

Monster: If your opponent controls a non-dragon type Monster, negate their effects.

Celestial Tech Emperor Caesar ATK: 1800 DEF: 1000 Dark/Machine/LVL 5/Pendulum/Scale 1

Pendulum: Pendulum Summons cannot be negated.

Monster Effect: If this card is Pendulum Summoned, you can reveal your opponents hand and banish one Spell or Trap and inflict 500 damage.

Tech Celestial Neos ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 Dark/Wind/Pendulum/LVL 7/ Scale 8

Pendulum: If you Fusion Summon a Fusion-Pendulum Monster, double its attack points.

Monster: You can Fusion Summon with Monsters on your side of the field using this card as Fusion Material. If you control a Fusion-Pendulum, you can use material on your opponents side of the field as well.

Tech Celestial Wise Magician ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 Dark/Magician/Pendulum/LVL 7/Scale 3

Pendulum: Destroy this card and set a new Pendulum Monster in this card’s Pendulum Zone from your deck.

Monster: Pendulum monsters on your field cannot be affected by card effects from your opponent. If a pendulum monster will be destroyed on your field destroy one pendulum card on your pendulum zone and stop destruction

Celestial Tech Emperor Meiji ATK: 1900 DEF: 800 Dark/Machine/LVL 4

When this card is used as a fusion material, equip it with a monster of your opponent and take possession of it until the end of the turn. Banish this card from your graveyard and add a Pendulum monster from your extra deck to your hand.

Celestial Tech Ultimate Ruler ATK: 5000 DEF: 5000 Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/LVL 12/Scale 13

1 Celestial Tech Fusion Monsters 1 Celestial Tech Monster

Pendulum: Destroy all cards your opponent controls and Special Summon this Monster.

Monster: When this Fusion Summoned card attacks, it can attack directly. This effect cannot be negated.

Celestial Tech Emperor Charlemange ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000 Dark/Machine/Fusion/Pendulum/LVL 8/Scale 1

1 Celestial Tech Monster 1 Celestial Tech Monster

Pendulum: Destroy one card on your field, summon this card.

All monsters with attack higher than 2000 on your opponent’s field lose 1000 attack. When a pendulum monster is attacked by a monster of your opponent you can change its attack points for the attacking monster.

Tech Celestial Augustus Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/LVL 8/Scale 8

1 Celestial Tech Monster 1 Celestial Tech Monster

Pendulum Destroy one card on your field, summon this card.

Monster: When this card if Fusion Summoned, Special Summon one Celestial Tech Monster from your deck to the field.

Tech Celestial Fusion

Fusion Summon one Tech Celestial Monster from your field and Pendulum Zones.

Celestial Gate/Continuous Trap

While you control a Tech Celestial Monster, for each one, you can stop your opponent from summoning one type of summoning method.



Xyz Rank Change/Trap

Target one XYZ monster you control and return it to your Extra Deck. Then Special Summon one XYZ monster with the same type and Rank from your Extra Deck. Any XYZ Materials attached to the previous monster are attached to the new monster.


Lyrical Luscinia - Flight/Equip Spell

Equip only to a Xyz Lyrical Luscinia monster you control. Up to three times overall you can pay 300 lifepoints to attack once more this turn.

Lyrical Luscinia - Bird Song/Spell

Target one Lyrical Luscinia XYZ monster you control. You can pay 1000 lifepoints per each Lyrical Luscinia in either your grave or hand then attach them as XYZ material to the targeted monster.

Lyrilusc - Ruby Robin ATK: 100 DEF: 0 Winged Beast/Wind/LVL 1

If a Lyrical Luscinia monster is destroyed, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

Lyrical Luscinia - Power Flight/Trap

Target one monster on the field then banish from your graveyard as many Lyrical Luscinia's equal to its selected LVL or RNK then destroy it. The controller of the card takes damage equal to its ATK.

Lyrilusc Rescue/Trap

Detach one Xyz Material from your Lyrilusc Xyz Monster when being attacked. Increase its ATK to make it equal to the attacking Monster until the end of the turn; also it cannot be destroyed in battle this turn.

One Power/Equip Spell

Equip only to a rank one Monster you control. Target one Monster you control, the equipped Monster gains 400 attack X the difference in this cards rank and that Monster’s level or rank.


The Phantom Knights of Deep Blade/Trap

If you are attacked, target one Phantom Knight you control and halve the damage.

If you are attacked directly, you can banish this card and then send one Phantom Knight Monster from your extra deck to the graveyard. Reduce the damage you would take by the sent cards ATK.

The Phantom Knights Dragon Servant ATK: 0 DEF: 2200 Dragon/Dark/LVL 7

If you control a XYZ Monster, you can Special Summon this card.

When this card is used for a XYZ Summon, target one Monster your opponent controls and negate its effects and reduce its level to one.

The Phantom Knight: Skull King [500 ATK / 200 DEF / Light / Level 3 / P.S.2 / Warrior / Pendulum] Pendulum Effect: Once per turn you can return three cards The Phatom Knights that have been banished and return them to the deck, then draw a card

Monster Effect: When this card is in your graveyard you can banish it and steal two cards

The Phantom Knight: Ghoul [1000 ATK / 1000 DEF / Dark / Level 4 / P.S.5 / Warrior / Pendulum]

Pendulum Effect: If you have a XYZ monster in the field, you can attach an overlay unit using a The Phantom Knight monster you have in the graveyard.

Monster Effect: If this card is used as a Material for the invocation of a monster XYZ, it can earn 1000 points even after this card was sent to the graveyard.


Breeze Power/Trap

When your opponent attacks a Monster you control which has a different ATK then its original amount, banish both Monsters and inflict damage equal to your attacked Monster to both players.

Ice Spirit – Frost Blade ATK: 2600 DEF: 1700 Water/Winged-Beast/Xyz/Rank 5/OU 2

2 Level Five Monsters

Once per turn, detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and reduce its attack by 500, then draw one card.

Resistance-Rank Up-Magic/Quick-Play Spell

Target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, Monster that is 1 rank higher than that target, by using that target as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to that target also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) Increase that Monster’s attack by 800.

Gale Eagle ATK: 1600 DEF: 0 Water/Winged Beast/LVL 4

If you control a Water, Winged-Beast Monster, you can Special Summon this card. If this card is used as Xyz Material, add one Rank Up-Magic Card from your deck to your hand.


Silent Honour Red Paladin 3000 ATK / 2200 DEF / Dark / Level 8 / Warrior / Fusion – Rom OC

2 Water Monsters

This card has been summoned using XYZ monsters as materials you can make the attack of all the monsters of your opponent become 0. When this card is destroyed in battle you can return a monster that is in your graveyard and the attack of it doubles.

Shark Edge ATK: 1500 DEF: 1900 Water/Fish/Xyz/RNK 3/OU 2

2 Level 3 Water Monsters

Once per turn you can detach one Xyz Material from this card, increase this cards ATK by the ATK of a Water Monster in your graveyard.

Rank-Up-Magic Fusion Force/Spell

Target 1 Shark Xyz Monster on your field then Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 Xyz Monster that is 2 Ranks higher than that monster, by using it as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon.)

Then Special Summon this card as the Monster you targeted, immediately after this, Fusion Summon one Shark Monster using this card as one the materials.

Absorb Shark ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Water/Fish/LVL 3

When you would take effect damage, you can Special Summon this card from your hand and negate the damage. The amount of damage you would’ve taken becomes this cards DEF.

Damage Shark ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Water/Fish/LVL 3

When you take damage, you can Special Summon this card from your hand and this cards ATK becomes equal to the amount of damage you took. You can tribute this card and inflict damage to your opponent equal to its ATK.

Silent Honour: Dark Knight ATK: 2800 DEF: 1500 Water/Aqua/Xyz/RNK 5/OU 1

2 Level 5 Water Monsters

Once per turn you can target one Monster your opponent controls and add it to this card as Xyz Material and this card gains that cards ATK.



Windwitch - Glacier Bell ATK: 500 DEF: 300 Wind/Spellcaster/Tuner/LVL 3

When this card is Normal Summoned you can inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent.

A Windwitch monster Synchro Summoned using this card gains 300 ATK.

Windwitch - Freeze Bell ATK: 1600 DEF: 800 Wind/Spellcaster/LVL 4

When this card is summoned you can add one Windwitch monster from your deck or graveyard to your hand. You cannot Special Summon any monsters for the rest of this turn expect WIND monsters.

Windwitch - Flake Bell ATK: 300 DEF: 100 Wind/Spellcaster/Tuner/LVL 2

If you control a face up Synchro Monster and this card is in your graveyard, you can banish this card and all monsters your opponent controls are switched into defence position. Inflict 200 points of damage for each monster who switched.

Windwitch - The Pendulum Bell 1700 ATK / 1000 DEF / Light / Level 2 / Spellcaster / PS 6

Pendulum Effect: Banish one Windwitch monster in your graveyard and then inflict 200 damage X that monsters level. You can only use this effect of Windwitch - The Pendulum Bell once per turn.

Windwitch – Sleet Bell ATK: 300 DEF: 1000 Wind/Spellcaster/Tuner/LVL 3

If your opponent took damage from an effect, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

Windwitch - Glitter Bell ATK: 2000 DEF: 1600 Wind/Spellcaster/Synchro/LVL 6

1 Tuner 1 or more non-tuner WIND monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of ATK of the monsters which were used to Synchro Summon this card.

Windwitch - Frost Bell ATK: 2800 DEF: 2500 Wind/Spellcaster/Synchro/LVL 8

1 Tuner 1 or more non-tuner WIND monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned target one monster other this card on the field and then destroy it. Your opponent takes damage equal to the destroyed monsters ATK.

When this card is destroyed by battle you can Special Summon one Windwitch monster from your graveyard.

Unity the Shinning Windwitch ATK: 3500 DEF: 2800 Wind/Spellcaster/Synchro/LVL 10

1 Synchro Tuner Monster 1 Non Synchro Tuner Monster

Once per turn during either player’s turn, you can negate an effect your opponent activates. During either player’s turn you can tribute this card to destroy all cards on the field and for each Monster destroyed, your opponent takes halve of their attacks as damage

Callistis the Synchro Brilliant Witch [2500 ATK / 2000 DEF / Wind / Level 7 / Spellcaster / Synchro]

When the effect of a monster of your opponent is activated you can deny it and at the same time destroy that monster in addition cause damage equal to the attack points of that monster to your opponent.

Return of the Windwitch/Spell

Return one face up Windwitch monster you control and then target one Windwitch monster in your graveyard with the same level as the returned monster. Special Summon it.

Broken Bell/Trap

When you take damage from an opponent’s attacking monster, you destroy the attacking monster and inflict halve of its attack points to your opponent as damage.

Scrap Synchro/Spell

Your opponent draws one card and they reveal it. If it is a monster card, it is Special Summoned to your field with its effects negated. If not, you take 1000 points of damage. Then target one monster in your graveyard with the same level and Special Summon it with its effects negated then immediately after this effect activates, Synchro Summon one Synchro Monster

Freeze Wand/Equip Spell

Equip only to a Windwitch Monster. Increased the equipped monsters ATK by 800 and if it destroys a monster via battle, inflict 800 points of damage to your opponent.

Synchro Shrink/Spell

Target one Synchro monster you control and one monster your opponent controls with a higher ATK. Reduce the opponent’s monster to the targeted Synchro monster's ATK. If it's ATK had more than 2000 ATK then your Synchro monster then you can draw a card.

Synchro Shift/Spell

Special Summon one Synchro monster which was returned to your Extra Deck this turn.

Double Chime/Quick-Play Spell

Target one Windwitch monster which has activated its effect this turn, reactivate it's effect and if it dealt effect damage than double the damage inflicted.


Sacred Mirror Force/Trap

When an opponent monster attacks you directly: Destroy all face up monsters they control in attack position and gain lifepoints equal to halve of one of the destroyed monsters ATK.


Synchro Boost/Equip Spell

Target one Synchro Monster you control, increase its ATK by 1000.


Thorn Shield/Trap

If you are attacked directly, target that Monster and change its Type to Plant.

Shinning Petal/Equip Spell

Equip only to a Plant or Dragon Synchro Monster. Increase its attack by 500 and it can make a second attack this turn. It is destroyed at the End Phase on the turn you equip it with this card.

Rose Reduction/Trap

When you take battle damage, for each Rose Token you control, reduce the damage by 300. Banish this card from your graveyard, destroy all Rose Tokens on the field and inflict damage to your opponent for each X 300.

Power Rose ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Dark/Plant/LVL 1/Tuner

Banish this card from your graveyard then target one Synchro Monster you control. Increase its attack by 500 and it can attack each Monster your opponent controls.

Plant Storm/Spell

Destroy one Black Garden Field Spell and one Rose Dragon Monster, draw two cards

Tuning Seed ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Earth/Plant/LVL 1/Tuner

If you control a Plant Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn You can declare a Level from 1 to 4; this card becomes that Level until the End Phase.

If this card is in your graveyard, you can Special Summon it by destroying a face up Continuous Spell or Trap you control.

Seed Gift/Quick-Play Spell

Special Summon two Plant Tokens (Seed Tokens X 2 ATK: 1600 DEF: 0 Dark/Plant/LVL 4) to your opponents field. They take no damage this turn. You then draw two cards.

Plant Planting/Spell

Pay halve of your lifepoints and Special Summon Plant Tokens (Plant Token ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Earth/Plant/LVL 1) to your opponents field X the amount of free spaces they control.

Neo Majestic Dragon ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Light/Dragon/Tuner/LVL 1

Cannot be used as a Synchro Material, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Majestic" monster. You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you control a Synchro Monster.

Roseater ATK: 1800 DEF: 900 Earth/Plant/LVL 4

When summoned this card can inflict 100 damage X the amount of cards in your opponent’s hand.

Black Rose Rebirth/Trap

Special Summon one “Black Rose” Monster from your graveyard and then you can add a Tuner Monster from your deck to your hand whose level is four or below.

Majestic Blue Rose Dragon ATK: 3900 DEF: 3000 Dark/Dragon/Synchro/LVL 10

When this card is Synchro Summoned banish all Spells and Traps your opponent controls, your opponent cannot activate any effects in response to this effect. Once per turn target one Monster your opponent controls and make its attack zero, your opponent cannot activate any effects in response to this effect.


Field of Fire/Field Spell

When activated, inflict 500 damage X the amount of monsters your opponent controls.

Field of Ice/Field Spell

When activated, banish one card your opponent controls until their next standby phase.

Field Essence/Equip Spell

You can only activate this card while you have a face up Field Spell. Equip to one monster you control, increase its attack by 1000.

Field Rebirth/Continuous Trap

Once per turn, you can send one Field Spell from your hand or field to the graveyard, then Special Summon one monster from your graveyard.

Field of Light/Equip Spell

When activated, declare one type of card. Monster, Spell or Trap. Your opponent cannot activate that type of card until their next standby phase.



Ancient One Ritual Dragon ATK: 2500 DEF: 2200 Dark/Dragon/Ritual/LVL7

You can Ritual Summon this card with Ancient One Ritual.

When this card is Ritual Summoned, destroy all cards on the field with an original of LVL 5 or higher except this card. This card gains 300 ATK for each monster with an original LVL 5 or higher in your opponent’s graveyard and field.

Ancient King Ritual Dragon ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500 Dark/Dragon/Ritual/LVL 10

When this card is Special Summoned you can destroy all other the Special Summoned Monsters that are on both fields and this card gains 800 points for each destroyed monster. When an opponent Special Summons a monster, it is destroyed.

Ancient Knight of Blades ATK: 2300 DEF: 2000 Dark/Warrior/Ritual/LVL 6

When this card is Ritual Summoned, your opponent chooses two monsters in their graveyard and they are shuffled back into their deck. This card gains 100 attack points X that amount.

Ancient Golem ATK: 2000 DEF: 1400 Dark/Rock/LVL 5

If this card is sent to your graveyard from anywhere except the field, you can Special Summon it. Once per turn when this card is summoned via its own effect, inflict 200 damage X the amount of cards in your graveyard.

Ancient Magician 1000 ATK DEF 700 Dark/Spellcaster/LVL 4

If this card is used as Ritual Material for an Ancient One monster, draw one card from your deck.

Ancient Wanderer ATK: 1200 DEF: 800 Dark/Warrior/LVL 3

When this summoned card is the only Monster on the field, you can Special Summon one Ancient Monster from your deck. Your opponent draws a card. You can only use this effect once per turn.

Ancient Retrieval/Spell

Add one "Ancient One Ritual" Card from your graveyard to your hand and then draw one card.

Ancient Knight of Beginning ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Dark/Warrior/Ritual/LVL 1

You can tribute this Monster and Special Summon one Ancient Ritual Monster from either your graveyard or one that is banished.

Ultimate Ancient Offering/Ritual Spell

This card is also treated as Ancient One Ritual

Special Summon one Ancient One Ritual Dragon from your graveyard or that is banished. Immediately after, tribute it and Special Summon one level ten or higher Ancient Ritual Dragon Monster from your deck. (This is treated as a Ritual Summon)

Ancient One Ritual/Ritual Spell

This card can be used to Ritual Summon one "Ancient" monster. You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal or exceed the level of the Ritual monster you Ritual Summon from your hand, graveyard or field.

Ritual Defence/Trap

If attacked, banish one Ritual Monster from your graveyard and end the Battle Phase. Then you can add one Ritual Spell Card from your graveyard to your hand.

Ritual Crossing/Trap

If you are targeted for a direct attack, negate the attack then you can add one Ritual monster from your deck whose attack is less than the difference between yours and your opponent’s lifepoints.

Ritual Hurricane/Spell

You can only activate this card if you control a face up Ritual Monster. Destroy all Spells and Traps your opponent controls.


Ritual Soul/Trap

When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Target one face-up monster your opponent controls and then send one Ritual monster from your hand with ATK equal or less then the targeted monsters ATK. Destroy the monster.

Spirit Sacrifice/Trap

Banish a Spirit monster from your graveyard and then target a monster your opponent controls with a level equal to or more then the banished Spirit monster. You and your opponent take damage equal to the targeted monsters ATK.

Spirit Summon/Spell

Pay 1000 lifepoints, you can perform an additional Normal Summon for a Spirit Monster in your hand.

Spirit Soul/Spell

Send a Spirit Monster from your hand to the graveyard then add one level four or below Spirit Monster from your deck to your hand, you than must Normal Summon it.

Spiritual Samurai 2500 ATK / 2200 DEF / Light / Level 7 / Warrior / Ritual – Rom OC

When this card is Ritual Summoned, returns all cards on the field with an original of LVL 4 or higher except this card to the hand. This card gains 300 ATK for each monster with an original LVL 4 or higher in your opponent's graveyard and field.

Freedom Bird ATK: 600 DEF: 200 Light/Winged-Beast/Pendulum/LVL 1/Scale 1

Pendulum Effect: You can Pendulum Summon Spirit Monsters, ignoring their summoning conditions. Once per turn when you inflict damage from a Spirit Monster to your opponent, you can add one Monster from your deck to your hand.

Main Effect: When this card is summoned, add one Spirit Monster to your hand from your deck.

Caged Lion ATK: 900 DEF: 700 Dark/Beast/Pendulum/LVL 1/ Scale 9

Pendulum Effect: All Spirit Monsters summoned when using the Pendulum effect of Freedom Bird return to your hand during the End Phase on the turn they are summoned. Once per turn during either players turn, show one Spirit Monster in your hand to negate one card effect on the field.

Main Effect: When this card is destroyed, add one Spirit Monster to your hand from your deck.

Ritual Spirit Warlord ATK: 2000 DEF: 700 Earth/Warrior/Spirit/LVL 6

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. This card can be used as a full tribute for a Ritual Summon. The Ritual Summoned Monster using this card gains 500 ATK.

Spirit Recall/Continuous Spell

When a Spirit Monster returns to your hand, draw one card X the amount returned.

Spirit Release/Spell

This card can be used to Ritual Summon any Spirit Ritual Monster or any Monster with the word “Spirit” in its title. You must also Tribute monsters from your field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. If a Ritual Monster is destroyed in battle, banish this card and Special Summon one Monster from your graveyard.

Ritual Loop/Trap

Banish one Ritual Spell Card from your deck and target one Monster your opponent controls, take control of it. When the Monster leaves the field, add the banished Ritual Spell to your hand.

Ritual Wall/Trap

If you have a Ritual Spell or Ritual Monster in your hand, reveal it and you don’t take damage from an attack.

Ritual Release/Trap

Banish one Ritual Monster you control, each player takes 300 damage X its level.


Blue-Eyes Baby Dragon ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Light/Dragon/LVL 1

When you are attacked directly, summon this card in attack and end the Battle Phase. Then if you have a Normal Blue-Eyes Monster in your graveyard, you can Special Summon that Monster.

Magician with Blue-Eyes ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Light/Spellcaster/LVL 4

When this card is summoned, You can add one Ritual Spell which lists "White Dragon" in its text or name, from your deck to your hand.

Dragon Fusion/Trap

Fusion Summon one Dragon-type Monster from your extra deck using Dragon Monsters from your hand and/or field as materials.

Calling of the Dragon/Trap

Add one Normal-Type Dragon Monster from your deck to your hand then banish this card.

If this card is in your graveyard, you can banish it and then add one Normal-Type Dragon Monster from your deck to your hand.

You can use only one Calling of the Dragon per turn.

Blue-Eyes Roar/Trap

If a Blue-Eyes Monster you control is destroyed, you can Special Summon a Blue-Eyes Monster from your graveyard with 1000 more attack then its original attack. If you would take 2000 or more damage from your opponent you can banish this card from your graveyard, negate the damage.

Dragon Shield/Equip Spell

A Dragon Monster equipped with this card cannot be destroyed by card effects, battle and you take no battle damage from battles involving it.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Digimon AU: Alternate Universe by moviefan-92 reviews
A full alternate universe Digimon Season fic. Tai, Davis, TK, Kari, Takato, and Takuya are brought to the Digital World by a mysterious power. There they befriend Shoutmon, who agrees to be their guide to help them find their way home. Along the way, they'll make friends and face many enemies as they try to free save the world with the power of Digivolution. Bad Summary.
Digimon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 142 - Words: 647,768 - Reviews: 515 - Favs: 257 - Follows: 225 - Updated: 7/15 - Published: 7/29/2015 - Taichi Y./Tai K., Hikari Y./Kari K., Daisuke M./Davis, Takeru T./TK
Dimensional Switch by RWBY Lover 25 reviews
Seven years before the start of Arc-V what would have happened if Clear Wing and Odd-Eyes switched their masters and send them to different dimensions. How would this chaged the outcome of the story and what lies ahead for the boys that were taken away from their homes join Yuya in his adventures in the City and Yugo through his adventures in Miami City
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 112 - Words: 475,200 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 121 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 4/9 - Published: 1/16/2017 - Yuya S., Yuzu H., Yugo, Rin
My Best Pals (and Yuri) by Pignite reviews
(SPOILERS FOR THE FINALE) A comedic sequel that takes place after the events of the ARC-V anime. Yuya is sharing his body with Yuto, Yugo and Yuri. Life is always changing, and the four of them are going to try and figure things out together. But with four wildly different personalities, there's bound to be some clashes.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 65 - Words: 250,777 - Reviews: 299 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 106 - Updated: 2/16/2018 - Published: 3/29/2017 - Yuto, Yuya S., Yugo, Yuri
Moonlight Sorrow by Nox Magnus Dux reviews
There was no parasite. Selena betrayed the Lancers and captured Yuzu by her own free will. If only they knew why Selena would forsake her honor so willingly. If only they knew that Selena was breaking their trust to save the soul of another... (Selena x Yuri)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 180,620 - Reviews: 363 - Favs: 179 - Follows: 146 - Updated: 11/6/2017 - Published: 9/5/2016 - [Selena/Serena, Yuri]
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The White Day Festival by DigiKouichi reviews
It's the day of the school festival and Whites Day is in full swing! Boys are returning gifts, the school is covered in pink and white, and the classrooms are brimming with activity! It's the perfect place to take a loved one on a date! But with four souls in one body, will it be easy? will it be fun? can a date be romantic when you have no privacy? Thankfully, Yuya and the guys s
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Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V! An Alternative Universe reviews
Taking place in an alternative universe where many things are the same but many things are not. What if Yuzu was the main character? What if the Pendulum history was different? Maybe if there was five dimensions? The story follows Yuzu and her best friend Yuya as a strange day changes their lives forever and opens up a whole multiverse of mystery. With help/ideas from Romadrox8975
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 183 - Words: 818,663 - Reviews: 977 - Favs: 123 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 7/7 - Published: 11/23/2016 - Reiji A., Yuya S., Yuzu H., Lancers Selection
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - An Alternative Universe reviews
In another universe Aoi Zaizen is the main focus. Aoi is trying to move on from a difficult past while having to deal with everyday issues. Duels take place within LINK VRAINS which hides many secrets including links to Aoi's past. Despite this, Aoi wishes to keep away from the network. Two paths will collide which begun in the past. With help/ideas from Romadrox8975.
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 37 - Words: 130,397 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 5/28/2018 - Yusaku F./Playmaker, Aoi Z./Blue Angel, Ema B., Ryoken K./Revolver
VRAINS Christmas reviews
When Ai wonders what Christmas is about, he finds out Yusaku isn't a big fan. Ai, wanting to get onto Santa's good list, tricks Playmaker to a duel with Blue Angel who is making the wishes of little kids come true in LINK VRAINS. Playmaker is less then impressed but still goes ahead regardless. Can Blue Angel help Playmaker find a Christmas spirit?
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,784 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/24/2017 - Complete
Yu-Gi-Oh! enGAGE II - The Five Worlds reviews
Malik and his friends are drawn into a deadly war between the five worlds. With Malik knowing he is one the five Kings but without any memories or powers, he must face his past aswell as his future. With his friends, evil threats and strange mysteries including the power of the Growth summon are waiting to be discovered. Sequel to Yu-Gi-Oh! enGAGE!
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What if the Doktor turned Yuzu onto Yuya while she was brainwashed. What sort of person is evil Yuzu? Can Yuya face his best friend in battle? Takes place after the duel with Serena and Ruri.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! enGAGE! reviews
In a rundown City in America, a once famous dueling City is now a non dueling zone. However a band of duelists known only as "The Fightback" are ready to take back their City from the reigns of the mysterious president, Derek Sampson. The group's leader Malik however also holds deep dark secrets from him own team including a new summon, never seen before.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 29 - Words: 97,817 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 4/16/2016 - Published: 12/29/2015 - OC - Complete