Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, and Phantom of the Opera. I am 18 years old Estonian girl who is totally obsessed of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. and also obsessed of Evanescence. I also listen Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Scooter etc. I like reading but i have problems returning the books back to library, lol. no kidding :D I also like writing poems and drink coffee. I'm totally addicted of it. what else to add? well, i'm waiting your reviews and I might even upload new fanfiction ;) ok, i quess now you can start read and critisize :) I am delusional H/Hr fan, shipper, however you put it. I do not know why, Rowling made it perfectly clear on her interview, but then again who knows? so many great H/Hr shippers are trying to realize why she said so and could there be any way she will put H/Hr together. reading all of those made me believe in H/Hr still. and even if it will never happen, we always have our imagination and we can rewrite the end of the book on our mind. Besides my best friend, who ain't huge Harry Potter lover or fan, sees H/Hr moments as well. Even thought she has read the books only once.. by rereading them, I know I find more and more H/Hr moments.. that's why I won't give up on the ship. Every Harry Potterfanfiction I make are H/Hr one way or another way-so be warned -Rella- |
Gin-and-Tonic (1) GoldenLyre (4) Harmony-Forever (2) | Hermyfic (3) Oceans Phoenix (6) vain-princess (20) | xHarlequin Girlx (8) |