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Joined 08-09-15, id: 7024501, Profile Updated: 01-02-19
Author has written 2 stories for Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, and Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Note: The image is not mine, it's owned by some talented artist whose name I don't know

Introduction to me

Some random things about me. I'm a girl who loves stories, whether shown through books, anime or games. I love writing and my dream job would be an author. My more realistic but still dream job would be a game developer. Finally on note of dreams, my complete unrealistic out there dream would be to be able to jump between any fictional world and meet all my favourite characters like the Doctor (Doctor Who), Link (Legend of Zelda), and Tyrion Lannister (Game of thrones). Also, Tyrion, don't die on me.

'Where She Once Cried' status update


Hello readers of WSOC, this is a status update on what I'm doing with the fanfic. I have been doing a serious rewrite that's taking much longer than expected. The biggest reason is because I want to rewrite earlier chapters in a way that allows the story to continue without major plot changes. This is so that loyal readers who have stuck with the fanfic from the beginning don't have their expectations betrayed and don't have to reread the story. It's proving a bit difficult. Right now I'm rewriting the Tōō arc which is a complete mess. There are subplots that are just stupid and pointless as well as just poorly executed chapters and pacing. I've sort of written myself into a corner. Still, I want to try fix somethings if only a little before continuing the story. The entire fanfic has been written over a long period of time in which my writing has evolved and changed. The Tōō arc especially is messy as at the time I was just throwing every idea I had with no real consideration. Please just bare with me as I clean it up. As I said before, WSOC has taken a long time to write. It's a time in which I've been super busy with life, so it was good to have something that forced me to write, if even just once a while. That's proving especially true lately where time flies by as life forces me to keep running without rest. To just pause and write is great for stress relief.

Other than WSOC, I've had many idea's racing around in my head. If you noticed the new fic I posted and am concerned it's going to take away time from WSOC, rest assured thats not the case. The new fic is plainly just to refresh and let me write something that I won't need to finish. In fact, I specifically chose Xenoblade X because I know less people will be waiting on another chapter. This means I can still contribute to the fandom but not feel the pressure to update. I have several large ideas that I want to write which I want to develop into full fics, but WSOC is my priority. As a sneak peak, these include Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia. Anyway, that's what's up. I thank everyone for their support and hope you look forward to where WSOC goes next. This is the last leg and I'll definitely finish!

About my writing

Back when I began creative writing, I was all about that fantasy and adventure. After beginning my first committed fan fiction which was strangely based in real life japan, that all died down a bit. My original stories also dwindled and I began to focus of fan fictions. However, my love for original characters hasn't wavered at all. In my writing, you'll always find the main character to be an OC. I also usually only write fan fictions that run parallel or follow the cannon of the original source. This is changing a bit recently, but I do have a love for sticking to the lore and foundations of a story.


If you've read this far, I'm flattered! Next, just some random favourites of mine.

Game: Legend of Zelda (Just...all of them), Fire Emblem awakening, Xenoblade X and Assassins Creed 3
Book: Harry Potter, Inheritance cycle, The Kingkiller Chronicles
Author: Tamora Pierce, Brian Jaques (and all the authors of my favourite books but these two are held close to heart)
Anime: FMA brotherhood, Death Parade, Scrapped Princess (First one I watched), 91 Days and Sakamichi no Apollon, Banana fish
Ghibli films: Whisper of the heart, Spirited away
Manga: Tegami Bachi, Pandora hearts and Akatsuki no Yona
Anime/manga character: Mikoto Suoh (K project),Balsa (Moribito) and Yato (Noragami)
Mainstream anime character: Gaara, Laxus Dreyar, Mikasa Ackerman and Greed
Superhero:Thor and Ironman
Food: Most fruit and Takoyaki.
Colour: Blue
Names: Aria, Asuka, Noah and James (Will probably all end up as characters)
Music artist/band: Of Monsters and Men, Imagine Dragons and Joe Hisaishi
Pokemon: Dragonair, Lucario, Charizard/ Greninja/ Decidueye (my starters!)
Legendary pokemon: Mew, Arceus, Xerneas
Animal: Owl, wolf and lammergeier
Artist: Leonid Afremov, Jack Storms, Miho Hirano

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 82,073 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 396 - Updated: 7/22 - Published: 7/27/2015 - [Akashi Seijuurou, OC] Kise R., Midorima S.
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Hobbit - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 59 - Words: 357,570 - Reviews: 3466 - Favs: 4,019 - Follows: 2,645 - Updated: 12/24/2015 - Published: 5/24/2013 - [Thorin, OC] - Complete
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Where She Once Cried reviews
Izumi Asuka is known as the Unrecognised Queen, on the same level as the generation of miracles. It's been three years since she left to study art in America and Asuka is going back to Japan. She know's the team has changed and so has she. With her limited time, Asuka must tie up loose strings and most importantly maintain the mask of a smile. Set after the extra game.
Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 41 - Words: 111,061 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 182 - Follows: 166 - Updated: 3/20 - Published: 9/4/2015 - [OC, Aomine D.] Generation of Miracle
So far, So near
As a member of BLADE, Elira Faust is tasked with helping mankind settle on planet Mira. The aliens that destroyed earth have followed them and are hell bent on finishing the job. In the fight for humanity, Elira is more focused on unravelling the secrets of Mira. Everyone must play their part, and perhaps hers will become more than a supporting role.
Xenoblade Chronicles X - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,859 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 7/17/2018 - Published: 1/27/2018