Author has written 39 stories for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sammy Keyes, Holes, and National Treasure. 12/25/08: So, as of right now I'm thinking about working on some stuff. I just uploaded a new chapter for Diary of a Dark Lord so you might want to check it out. And for all of you "So This Is Middle Earth" fans, I AM thinking and planning for a new chapter. I'm trying to nail down a plot line, etc etc. Because if I don't do it before I get too far in the story, then half-way through I might abandon it and that would make you all unhappy, right? Right. So I'm hoping I'll have a new chapter up before next year(6 days...) but I can't promise anything. Also, The Saga of the Long Hyphenated Name Support Group is... er... stuck? I don't know, I hadn't thought about it in so long and I just realized it's been over a YEAR since I updated that. A YEAR. So expect a new chapter on that pretty soon, and I'm probably going to be wrapping that story up fairly quickly anyway. I've had some ideas for new stories but I don't want to follow through on any right now. You might see some new one-shots here in the next couple of months. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Also, I'm updating my stories list (at the bottom of this page) so you might want to check it out. OH! And Worst Romance Ever Written... umm... at this moment, I really have no idea when that will be finished. It WILL be finished eventually, but I cannot say when. Thank you to everyone who ever reviewed that story, I really appreciate it and I'm sorry I've been so negligent. I will finish!! Maybe by the end of '09. Oh, and apparently, even though it IS quite possibly the worst story I've ever written, Getting To Know You keeps getting hits and visitors. Which, to be quite honets, amazes me. But. Anyway. I guess I'm thankful. Even if it is kind of a piece of crap. shrug Merry Christmas and God bless! 10/21/08: Hello hello! I'm sorry I have not been updating all that much... right now I've really just been working on STIME(So This Is Middle Earth) and also a NOVEL(yes, a real, actual novel... isn't it exciting?? Haha...) so my other stories are... neglected. I feel like I've abandoned children. Looking at my note from New Year's Day this year, I am disappoined... I apparently had such great hopes and aspirations and now the year is coming to a close and will be over before we know it. But, I have updated some this year, and more in recent weeks, so... I will have to be satisfied. I am determined that STIME will be my first full-length, completed story and I am excited at that prospect. Also, here's a little piece of news... I have just signed up to be a beta reader, so... yeah. If any of my readers has ever wished I could be their beta, now I can! Officially. So. Let the requests flow in, haha. I'm sure they won't really, but hey, it's an option. Well, I suppose that is all for now... and I hope to be updating more regularly. I'll try to work on some stories other than STIME... 1/1/08: Happy New Year! Well, I haven't written anything new for far too long, I hate the fact that I rarely update, so it's part of my New Years' Resolutions to come back, write more, finish those I have started, and hopefully never abandon it again. (Though I'm sure FF has not missed me in the least) I have some new ideas for LOTR stories stirring in my brain, but I'm committed to not posting anything until I've written it and revised it so that it's accurate, etc etc. Mostly this is because I am (attempting) to stray away from the random and senseless stories I have been writing, and complete the journey into more serious fiction. But never fear, for I'm sure more than a few new random stories will slip through while I toil away on my real works. 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile. Even when you can't see Him, GOD is there! If you believe in GOD put this in your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you were sad when Steve Irwin died, copy and paste this into your profile. Fair Winds and Writing, NOTE ABOUT MY STORIES: Most of them are random, pointless one-shots. If that's what you want to read, I would suggest the following: Confessions(2 short chapters) What's In A Name?, Captain, or Christmas Eve Cookies. Those are the most popular ones... if you're looking for an actual story, then I would NEVER suggest Getting To Know You, which needs to be thoroughly rewritten. Umm, I guess Diary of a Dark Lord, Worst Romance Ever Written, and So This Is Middle Earth are my favorites. Oh, For A Conscience is okay but not great. MY STORIES COMPLETED: In-Progress: INCOMPLETE (The stories I am never going to finish) Oh, For A Conscience: Darth Vader has a visitor that only he can see: an excessively annoying teenage girl sent from Earth to try and turn him back to the light. Has he completely lost his mind? Thanks to everyone who read/reviewed this story! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it while it was going on. I'm sorry I'm not going to finish it, but really this story is a complete dead-end. I might eventually rewrite it and complete it but as of right now I don't really think that's going to happen. Thanks so much though! HIATUS |