Author has written 12 stories for Sherlock Holmes, Howl's Moving Castle, and Final Fantasy XV.
Hi everyone! I thought I'd drop this profile update to give an announcement: though my in-progress fics are finished (as in, I have finished writing them) and will continue to be updated weekly until the full stories are available on this site (or AO3), I have no plans to continue writing fanfiction past this point. You've all be wonderful readers and my FFXV series has taught me so much about writing. As such, I'm putting fan works aside, and am currently working on my (hopefully) debut novel. If you like my writing style and enjoy genderfluid shapeshifters fighting racism and colonialism, you can follow me on twitter for updates.
It's been a crazy ride, everyone. Thanks for everything.
quantum_leek on AO3 (If you prefer reading on AO3)
@EmeryWordsmith on Twitter (If you want to follow my non-fanfiction writing, or just generally connect with me off ffn.)
P a t r e o n: www. P a t r e o n. com / EmeryDrake
My fan work will always be free, but supporters get early access to chapters plus behind-the-scenes exclusives.
Stories: Past, Present, and Future:
When Master Meets his Match:
(Sherlock Holmes, book-based)
Oneshot: about what would happen if someone handed Sherlock Holmes an infant. With Holmes, Lestrade, Watson, of course, and made up characters of insignificance.
Which is Full of Saucepans:
(Howl's Moving Castle, book-based)
Oneshot: I accidentally stumbled upon Calcifer's "silly little saucepan song," and was compelled to write this fic. It includes a link to the song, and a translation from Welsh to english. Just a little fluffy oneshot about silly songs and weedkiller. Includes Howl, Sophie, Calcifer, Michael, Martha and... I guess Lettie and probably Fanny. But they're only implied.
(Final Fantasy XV)
[Cover art commissioned from gabriele-b on deviantart]
Part 1 in Shattered Dreams series.
This is a story about Regis and his children (contains an OC addition: Noctis' twin sister), about how they cope with the loss of their father and about the too-brief time they had with him. It's written partially along the game's timeline and partially in flashbacks. I try to explore Noctis' in-game motivations a bit, since we see very little explanation for some of the things he does, but mostly I focus on the king: who he was as a person and what he meant to his children, especially his daughter.
Of Endurance:
(Final Fantasy XV)
[Cover art commissioned from haruuuka on deviantart]
Part 1 in Onus series.
Following the death of his wife and queen, Regis is left to face the pressures of ruling a kingdom while raising twins on his own. This story covers the first year following Aulea's death, in which King Regis struggles to come to terms with his grief and find a new balance for his life in her absence. It features Clarus, Cor, and Weskham, a couple (side) OCs, and a great deal of bromance between Regis and his bros. Also a lot of cute dad!Regis learning how to dad.
Of Succession:
(Final Fantasy XV)
[Cover art commissioned from haruuuka on deviantart]
Part 2 in Onus series.
Two years after the death of Aulea, Regis finds himself faced with a new burden: the question of succession. Meanwhile, Accordo is having a revolution, Niflheim is harrying Lucis' borders, the weight of the Wall is beginning to take its toll, the council is harassing Regis to give Lucis a new queen, and all he wants to do is spend a quiet evening with his children once in a while.
(Final Fantasy XV)
[Cover art commissioned from gabriele-b on deviantart]
Part 2 in Shattered Dreams series.
This is the story covering the ten years of darkness during Noctis' absence. It includes a huge amount of lore-exploration and plothole-filling, because canon material is the worst at explaining anything about anything. Ignis, Iris, and Cor feature heavily alongside Reina, and, of course, everyone's favorite daemonic, revenge-obsessed great-uncle. Let's face it; Ardyn is the best thing about this story.
(Final Fantasy XV)
Part 3 in Shattered Dreams series.
[WARNING: Major plot spoilers for Remnants in this synopsis.] A fix-it fic, in all respects. The story of what comes after Remnants or--more accurately--what happens instead of Remnants, when Reina wakes right after departing from Insomnia. The timeline is very much in line with the Kingsglaive film, however, the plot contains much more butt-kicking and badassery, and much less everyone-dying.
Of Decision:
(Final Fantasy XV)
[Cover art commissioned from haruuuka on deviantart]
Part 3 in Onus series.
Timeline divergent: Up to this point in the series, the timeline has been exactly what happened preceding the Shattered Dreams series. But I got bored of writing prequels when everyone knows exactly where it will end up. It felt a bit futile. Instead, this story begins exploring an alternate timeline inspired by the question: what would happen if Regis took Reina seriously from the start?
Updates weekly on Wednesdays.
In Progress:
(Final Fantasy XV)
Part 4 in Shattered Dreams series.
In the fourth and final story of the series, a full cast of characters (Reina, Noctis, Regis, Ignis, Iris, Cor, Ravus, Luna, and Ardyn) bond together to deliver a reckoning. At the same time, Reina faces her own inner daemons, struggling to come to terms with what she became in her Dream and the fact that no one around her remembers the ten most important years of her life.
Updates weekly on Mondays.
Of Defiance:
(Final Fantasy XV)
Part 4 in the Onus series.
After his foresight-gifted daughter dreamed of her twin brother's death on the throne, Regis Lucis Caelum resolved not to allow either of them to be used for the greater good. But his promise to them may cost more than he ever anticipated. This is a tale of turning against fate, defying gods, forging unexpected alliances and--most of all--a tale of fatherhood and accepting that all children grow up.
Audio Dramas / Podfics:
Episode 1: https:// youtu. be / -HNAqYus5pw
Episode 2: https:// youtu. be / bEJDmXVSKS0
Episode 3: https:// youtu. be / TNolZtFv7Rs
(Fractured podfic is also available on SoundCloud for stream or download. Links on my AO3)
Episode 1: https:// youtu. be / KKQADau6ydU
Episode 2: https:// youtu. be / 5UyFlpTjpLA
Episode 3: https:// youtu. be / 5lD7lz3CmSo
Episode 4: https:// youtu. be / eHsDEewTnBg
Episode 5: https:// youtu. be / DYtsu1Kbc2Q
Episode 1: https:// youtu. be / eFvTEnrDr2w