Author has written 4 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Gundam Wing/AC. Hello. I'm Jobi, Joanna, whatever you want to call me! I haven't been here in a while, been busy with High School, and my never ending quest for love and happiness. I've changed a lot, and so has my writing. I like to think it more grown up. :) I have a few stories jostling around in my brain, that I hope to one day realize. There are definitely three, maybe more if anything expands. I mostly write Final Fantasy VII, and mostly about Vincent. He's my favorite. I'm a geek, I know. Any of the stories that I write in the near future will be based on it's universe. I will be bastardizing the Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus plot lines to suit my own devices, however. I hope to write more, maybe in other fandoms, but probably not. I like VII's universe. It's most pliable. I can gurantee, however, that I'll begin, let alone finish any of these. I have the Nasty habit of getting easily distracted. Like with Politics of love? I have no idea where I was going with that. It could've been great. So, nudges are good. Nudge me often. Maybe that'll keep me writing. 01/29/07- And, Politics of Love. It's officially on hiatus. It's been a year and a half since I published it, and I still can't remember where I was going with it. I've read it, over and over, and It just won't come. Any help would be fantastic! |