Author has written 9 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, and Ranma. Obligatory profile update. Wow. It's been a while. Well, I'm finally in the home stretch of a short young-Kenshin fic. Four or five chapters maybe? I will hopefully be posting it in the next month. Because if it doesn't happen then, I have so much going on this summer that it might not happen until late August. I just watched Kyoto Inferno and The Legend Ends this past week. Great sword fights there! I was a little disappointed that they felt the need to mess with the storyline so much. And I did have some beef with how The Legend Ends ended, mostly regarding characters' states of well-being. Ah well, the things you have to do when converting to movie format, I suppose. Still, the casting was, IMO, well done (oooh, I did have mixed feelings about Misao though), and the fight scenes WERE wonderful. Is it too much to hope for a live-action Jinchuu?! (Probably.) 9/3/10 I finally have an avatar! As evidinced by my lack of avatar since I joined , it's something I usually never think about, but somehow it popped into my head and I went straight to the OAVs to get some screen shots. Shinta's too cute for words. I think I'm gonna dress my baby as him for Halloween. She has red hair. Pull it back in a little mage, give her a wooden top to carry around. Yeah, I'm definitely doing that. 3/4/10 Yes, I changed the formerly lousy title of my latest fic from "A Ship in the Harbor" to "Sakuradamon." I'd considered the latter title, and also some variations on it, originally, then decided it wasn't subtle enough. I have since decided to hell with subtlety. Sakuradamon is a much more fitting title anyway. 3/20/08 Time discrepancy in "Shinta's Choice" fixed! Thanks, twp, for catching that. Funnily enough, I spent some thought at that part trying to decide how much time should have elapsed. Apparently not enough thought! 8/11/06 Thank you Kristy-chan for finding my Okon glitch. I thought I had corrected that but apparently I hadn't. oops 6/20/06 Here come the excuses. So I'm getting a head start on my Masters and taking three summer classes which last until July 7th. Whew, hard work that. I have also been preparing for a recital which I just gave this weekend. Anyway, this is why my story has lay in a state of, ah, incompletedeness for some time. I promise July will bring updates! 5/4/06 Alright, all my classes are done and I am GRADUATING May 13th! I deeply apologize for my massive delays in chapter posts. It's not that I didn't want to work on the story, it's that I was completely bogged down with recitals and stuff for graduating. I'm going to be taking a couple of summer courses at UNT but I think I'll have ample time to work on my writing projects then. 2/14/06 I'm still writing! Until mid-March though I am incredibly busy, auditioning at music schools and giving a recital, so there probably won't be an update anytime soon. But it's coming sometime! |
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