Author has written 22 stories for NCIS, X-Men: The Movie, and Criminal Minds. Author update: 6/27/2017 As it seems that the Ziva/Gibbs pairing has fallen out of favor for most people I'm considering discontinuing writing this pairing. While I'm not fishing for compliments I would like to know what interest their still is in this pairing. Feel free to PM me. For me writing is nearly as important as breathing. I write original fiction and fanfiction. I'm finding I don't have one specific genre just whatever jumps in my head worms it way around and demands to be let out. On any given day I find at least three to four stories yelling at me to write them. I adore reviews as they feed my muse. I don't accept story ideas but links to forums or places with challenges are always welcome. I do my best to update each story as often as possible. However real life includes an amazing husband, four kids, homeschooling and a part time job. So as you can imagine time is limited. Thanks for reading. :) I've recently published my very first non-Fanfiction story please Follow me on FB Kate Benoit on Facebook I usually prefer to post stories I think are only realistic or within the realm of possible for the characters. Lately though I've found the urge to post some OOC and just plain fluff. Even a bit of fantasy. So don't be surprised if you get some surprises. For those following my Criminal Minds Series. I will get back to it I'm just stuck and another particular intriguing piece forced me to write it. So there's the possibility of a few surprises there as well. I've had quite a few mentions and requests for more NICS fiction. I have so many works in progress I'm seriously tempted to post a few more. I just worry about the long droughts you all seems to have to endure because my muse frequently vacations. I worry about becoming repetitive and sometimes my brain is just too full to get anything out. I have a Criminal minds begging to be published but there's Butterflies that has lost all interest for me..sigh. But I haven't given up nor do I intend to. I also generally only post one work in progress at a time. But I have few work in progress piece I might find my way to sharing very soon. Thank you all that continue following. I'm never certain until the reviews if anyone even still reads this stuff. Love hearing from you all. thanks again. |
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