![]() Author has written 8 stories for BioShock. Hi there, I'm MasamuneZERO. I loved the Bioshock games, especially Infinite, but the way Burial at Sea ended left me in a bad way. Distraught would be a good word for it. I intend to write several side stories all related to Unbroken, to better explore various elements of the story as well as lay the foundation for further works, and as such will have Unbroken as part of the title. Also, while I will check the Complete option when I've told everything I intend to, I make no promises that that option will stay checked; I find I keep coming up with additional angles and ideas I'd like to write, especially in the vein of works that are already up. If Complete disappears from one of them, you know what it means. I used to update my 'main' story on Saturday night/Sunday morning and side stories on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, but now updates are coming (hopefully) once a week and on no particular day (still trying for the weekend, though.) Just thought I'd put that out there. And for the record: I do not ship Booker and Elizabeth. Warning: Spoilers for Bioshock Infinite and Burial at Sea ahead. Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, here's the chronology for what's published: Song of Sorrow- Bioshock Infinite: Unbroken - The Absent Twin/Alone in the Infinite (early parts)/Change of Heart (early parts)/Those Left Behind- I'm Home/Alone in the Infinite (later parts)/Change of Heart (later parts)/Those Left Behind/A Second Chance (Tears and time don't get along sometimes). Alone, Change and I'm Home are pretty interwoven in terms of when chapters take place, as is A Second Chance. This is a rough timeline for the many chapters of Unbroken, focusing mostly on when chapters take place in relation to one another. I've been working on it here and there for a while and I tried to keep it simple, but cross-checking and keeping consistent with multiple stories and timelines can be complicated. Parallel blocks roughly take place at the same' time', though don't necessarily interact. Edit, 8/11/19: Finally figured out how to put a link that fanfiction.net won't delete, even if it's a pain in the ass to switch the underscores with percent signs. I've been trying to figure out a good way to do this off an on for at least half a year. You should be able to just copy-paste the addresses after adding h t t p s : / / and replacing the underscores (_) with (%) to get to the timeline (done in Excel, for my sanity's sake.) I don't know why this site blocks any links that lead anywhere else. Feel free to let me know if something goes wrong. Page 1: /albums/p608/Masamune0/Unbroken_20Chapter_20Timeline_20Part_201.jpg In regards to Bioshock Infinite: Unbroken I don't write as often as many of the other Bioshock writers here, but the end of Burial at Sea really hurt. It was depressing and rage inducing, seeing Elizabeth's journey end the way it did. After all the suffering, pain and loneliness she experienced in Columbia, to continue suffering and then die in Rapture... it's heartbreaking. And to top it off, Sally singing to Elizabeth as she died, trying to comfort her... Infinite drew tears and gave me heartache, Burial at Sea broke my heart and shattered it to pieces. So an idea came to mind as I approached the end of Burial at Sea, one that I thought could feasibly happen; why didn't the Luteces do something? And so I started what I intended as a short story, Unbroken, though it grew a bit more than I expected. My intention was to create a well-written story that resolves Burial at Sea in a more satisfactory way, and in a manner true to Infinite, rather than relying on Rapture tech or the like. It's how I intend to reach closure with Infinite, at least until 2K decides to do something with these characters (hopefully they do, I truly hope they find a way to fix Levine's 'torch the franchise and run' strategy.) Side Note: Courtnee Draper's version of 'You Belong to Me' is beautiful and I listen to it often, especially while writing, and it still brings back the feelings Burial at Sea brought up (so much sorrow...). Also while writing Unbroken, I played through Infinite and Burial at Sea again, and probably will again, to refresh my memory and all the emotions these games evokes. Booker and Elizabeth's story is one I will never forget. In regards to Unbroken: Song of Sorrow A small idea of mine about the song heard over the radio in episode 2, that turned into a prequel for Unbroken. I felt that Elizabeth was singing from a hurt she knew all too well, and even with all her power and omniscience, it wasn't something she could simply put behind her. We saw how she felt in episode 2; she misses her father. 'Her Song' is about just that, 'His Voice' is about the guilt and regret experienced afterwards, as well as the connection she shares with her father (something forming the basis for Unbroken.) 'Their Eyes' brings the story up to Burial at Sea, setting the stage for Unbroken to begin. In regards to Unbroken: I'm Home The follow-up to Unbroken, taking place immediately after Chapter 7 (titled 'You Belong To Me') with the intent of depicting the lives of the DeWitt family now that Elizabeth has come home. Just about everything mentioned in Unbroken's epilogue will be covered, as well as quite a bit more, including the trip to Paris. This story has no definite ending planned, as it is just about a normal life, with no villains to face or overarching plot. That being said, it won't be an entirely mundane story; trouble seems to come looking for Booker and Elizabeth. And the no villains part went out the window, but I stand by the 'no overarching plot' bit. In regards to Unbroken: Alone in the Infinite Originally a short one-shot to explore the possibility of there being a Booker out there who went on to found Columbia anyway, without the insanity of Comstock, and how he'd react to learning of the other Bookers, Comstocks, Annas and Elizabeths. Tied to Unbroken and Song of Sorrow, this is just one of a few side stories I plan on writing, also covering some of the time between Infinite and Burial at Sea. Chapter 1, 'Booker's Vigil' entails how his Columbia came to be and his self-imposed vigil, Chapter 2, 'Anna's Watch', covers how Anna's feelings towards Elizabeth, how she intends to watch over her younger 'sister', and more on constants and variables. Chapter 3, 'From the Infinite', deals with a certain someone discovering this unique Columbia and the DeWitts who live there. After that, the story takes a different course. In regards to Unbroken: The Absent Twin Rosalind's story as she watches her brother lead Booker through Rapture, worrying over the changes only she could notice in her twin. She doesn't understand why he's pushing this so far, why Elizabeth had returned to Rapture to die rather than go home to Booker. I wanted to touch a bit on how the Luteces slowly change (in my story, naturally) as they're exposed to the DeWitt family's struggles, though there are additional points for Unbroken and Song of Sorrow embedded within. In regards to Unbroken: Change of Heart A story about the Vox soldier Booker encountered while following Elizabeth's trail. After passing through a Tear, her memories fragmented in the process, Abigail looks at the Vox with an altered perspective, and with new insights from her experience with Booker. Many questions are left with the young Vox, of herself, of Booker and Elizabeth, and of the direction of the Vox Populi. A side-story I wanted to do for fun that's turning into something quite a bit longer than I'd initially thought possible, and given the positive responses I received when proposing the idea, I thought it'd be a good addition to the Unbroken series. Abigail's story will touch more on the last Columbia that Booker and Elizabeth escaped from and which they both returned to for a time, fleshing out the Vox while Abigail seeks answers. In regards to Unbroken: Those Left Behind Another idea I had after finishing Unbroken. So many were left in Booker and Elizabeth's wake, each who are or will go on to be of some import in Rapture's fate. Each chapter details the reaction and thoughts of these individuals after Elizabeth met her end and after Booker rescued her from that fate, and the later chapters will be of some importance to the rest of the story. Chapter 1 is Andrew Ryan's perspective, the tycoon holed up in his office in Rapture Central Control. Chapter 2 is Cohen's reaction to the DeWitts, in his Garden of the Muses. Chapter 3 is Sally's feelings for the woman who'd saved her, both as she builds a memorial to the pretty lady, and with her Sisters and Big Daddy after Elizabeth's saved. Chapter 4 changes to after the events of Bioshock, shown from Jack Ryan's point of view and dealing with his raising of the Little Sisters, and especially with Sally. Chapter 5 is sort of an introduction to a new story; Elizabeth is revived, but not the Elizabeth we know, the sample fed into the Vita-Chamber system coming from the corpse she left in the Toys Department of Fontaine's Department Store. A captive of Andrew Ryan, Elizabeth's fate is anything but bright. In regards to Unbroken: A Second Chance Yet another idea I came up with after finishing Unbroken. With Booker and Elizabeth escaping Rapture at the end of Unbroken, Andrew Ryan surely had questions about the mysterious woman. Reviving Elizabeth with the Vita-Chamber, Ryan intends to get his answers, but was foiled by a most unlikely savior: Comstock, who was also resurrected by Ryan thanks to Booker's presence in Rapture. Now the former Lamb and Prophet are trapped in Rapture, on the run from Ryan, hiding from Atlas, and being pursued by an implacable monster. Takes place post-Unbroken, but is and will be tied to a number of other stories, namely Alone in the Infinite and Change of Heart. I hope you enjoy my work, and thank you for your interest. I don't have any beta readers to help, so I welcome any comments, reviews or messages. |