Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter. Lovelies I am quite ill right now and for the moment all my stories are on hold until I am better. Sorry for the suspense I hope you all understand. Hi lovelies I realized I didn't have any thing in my profile so I thought I would add a little something in case any of you were interested enough to look. I plan to update all of my stories eventually if I do you abandon any of them I will post that as part of the description so if you're waiting for an update on something I'm sorry I'll get to it eventually even if in the case of a story like Four is a crowd or Hermione pendragon it takes me like a year. I just want to let you all know that I am incredibly honored that anyone reads what I write. Every time I look in see that somebody else's read for the first time or viewed another chapter I just can't believe that you all care enough to follow my work and it's amazing, you're amazing. I also love your reviews even if they are criticism. Well I do on my better days, I'm only human and sometimes regardless of how positively you mean it gets me down but that's my problem not yours. If any of you have ideas for something you like to see feel free to tell me and if I like it and have time and I'm not trying to busily update something else I may write something or not but I would love to hear your feedback and ideas about anything. And if I don't do it I might already have a plan for something or I might feel that I'm not the correct person to write it. When I write I really have to be in the mood to write whatever it is and sometimes don't know how much I like an idea I'm just not. Now that's more than enough from me. I just want to tell you that even if no one else tells you so you are a beautiful and wonderful and I appreciate you. That's all my lovelies. |