Author has written 8 stories for Penny Dreadful, Greek Mythology, Mansfield Park, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights. I've been an avid reader all my life, starting out with Laura Ingalls and Anne of Green Gables, moving on via Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters to fantasy. Books are my friends, I re-read my favourites often, appreciating the language and especially the emotion it can convey. I'm Dutch and live in The Netherlands, but the English language has always played an important role in my reading, and also in the series I watch. In my spare time I make statues and props out of paper-maché, and not surprisingly these often have a fantasy theme, I especially love making dragons and people who have animal characteristics, like horns and scales. As they take shape beneath my hands, my statues become very dear to me, so I rarely sell anything, that would break my heart. My writing is characterised by a fantasy theme, with creatures and action suitable to the genre, but also trying to incorporate the use of language and the description of human emotions and relations that characterise romantic literature. Read human here as not excluding non-humans, and because people (in the broadest sense of the term) make love, I describe that too in some detail, hopefully staying within the boundaries of good taste, though not shying away from inter-species relationships. Instead of inventing my own system of how magic works, I tend to use a simplification of those I have read about in other fantasy books, for why force readers to get to know a whole new system, working through pages of technical explanations, if the ones already existing explain the workings of magic just fine? I hope that those who recognise this will see it as a tribute to the original inventor, not as plagiarism. |