Reviews for Revelations sequel
Leslie E chapter 181 . 7/26
I absolutely love this story ! I have always been a horse-drawn and it is obvious that you have a strong understanding of them also. Keep up the great work and stay safe!
liysyl chapter 181 . 7/26
Great chapters I enjoyed Jean's travels to buy a horse and teaching Elizabeth and Darcy to drive. Thanks for sharing your twist.
Jansfamily4 chapter 181 . 7/26
I am so happy to see you added another chapter in our friends lives here. I hope we will get to see the wedding.
I wonder if John will come work at Pemberley. That would be a great thing.
Thank you for continuing this wonderful tale.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 181 . 7/25
Great chapter.
Deanna27 chapter 181 . 7/25
thank you for another visit with our friends and meeting some new friends as well. I wonder if these travelers are related to Caitlin?
heypolly chapter 181 . 7/25
Great details at horse market... the wedding is coming...can hardly wait! Love how jean calls her beautiful!
Jansfamily4 chapter 180 . 6/7
What does Darcy have planned for Hugo? Something for the honeymoon? Sweet.
Elizabeth loves her phaeton and team. And she wonders if she will love a child from her and Darcy's love? Silly girl.
Another wonderful chapter.
heypolly chapter 180 . 6/6
jperks chapter 180 . 6/6
Thank you so much for the new chapter. It always brightens my day to receive one of your updates. I just wanted to let you know that your writing is valued. Thank you again for continuing to share it.
Deanna27 chapter 180 . 6/6
thank you for the update and the wonderful visit with our friends. your writing is so descriptive, I can "see" the characters, the animals and the actions. I loved seeing Elizabeth's joy and excitement over the ponies and phaeton, I loved seeing Darcy's joy in her enjoyment and I loved seeing Hugo's reactions to it all, how he was proud to be part of it all and yet he was mindful of their feelings and tried to keep out of their way. I am looking forward to the Newcastle trip for Hugo and Caitlin. thank you for this wonderful continuation, you build these characters with so much skill that we come to think of them as real, as friends and family. I hope you are staying well in this time of uncertainty.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 180 . 6/6
Great chapter.
heypolly chapter 179 . 5/24
Another great chapter! Thanks for sharing and continuing this beautiful story... so much live after years of heartache
Jansfamily4 chapter 179 . 5/17
What a wonderful story! I love every chapter. But, I wonder how much time has passed from Chapter one, to chapter 179? I don't care how many years have passed, but I just wondered.
Keep up the excellent work! Thank you!
maipigen chapter 179 . 5/17
Loving this massive story! I love Hugo an his pov! But im an angst and drama lover so i hope for that because I know you will make it all Better! Thanks for sharing and taking the enormous time to do so!
Leslie E chapter 179 . 5/17
I just love the way you are continuing this story, although I sometimes miss Darcy and Elizabeth. But I really like these newer characters, too, particularly Caitlin and Jean! Keep up the great work and stay safe!
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