Author has written 13 stories for Pokémon, Misc. Games, and Super Smash Brothers. Hi, this is MadFearow, also known as Mr. Snorlax1986. Types of fanfic I like: Pokemon POVs (fics based on a Pokemon's perspective) Super Smash Bros. Fanfiction Video Game fanfiction in general Some movie fanfiction (like Terminator) TV Show Fanfiction I'd also like to say I'm more of a reviewer. I always have writer's block, so I can't write stories often. I'm trying to write stuff though. Look, I know my fanfiction sucks. I wrote my stories a long time ago, and since then I have changed as a writer. If I reviewed your story, you don't need to give me a "returned review." (But go ahead if you want.) Just e-mail me using the address on the top or using this e-mail address. snorlaxsnapple@ I'll return your comments appropriately. I will, however, post a new story eventually. The new story may be in any of these fandoms: Super Smash Bros. (Game) Pokemon (Game) Final Fantasy VII or X (Game) Without a Trace (TV Show) Updated 7/8/2004 Updated 2/26/2006 Updated 6/20/2006 Updated 11/8/2009 2/24/2006 update: Ideas for stories: Pokemon POV: Heroes: Pikachu, Scyther (RBY), Pichu, Tyranitar (GS), Poochyena, Zigzagoon (RS) Pachirisu, Cherrim (DP) Themes: Environment, Festivals, Competition Super Smash Bros. Fiction: Themes: Cruises, Summer Festivals, Going to America, Boredom Teams: Kirby and Pikachu, Samus and Jigglypuff (and Marth), Mewtwo and Ganondorf Enduring Themes: Friendship, Survival, Parody, Cooperation |