Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha. --JESSICA'S PROFILE-- I've changed my name to get rid of my SNOOPY "FRIENDS" from school. ((glares)) Name: Jessica Age: 13 (Jan. 19, 1993) Gender: F Hair: Brown with orange highlights. (It's over two feet long! Oo;) Height: 5' 8" Likes: Inuyasha, manga, drawing, tablets, writing, reading, science. Dislikes: Chatspeak, short chapters, grammar errors, PeOpLe WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs, cheesy humor. Deviant Art: http:// MSN: (without spaces/extra symbols) k i t s u n e k o l l i e (at) c a n a d a (dot) c o m STORY STATUS! Caged Souls: Currently being updated. Chapter five (hopefully) will be coming soon. A Disatrous Story: DISCONTINUED. To be deleted. Harvest Moon: After Caged Souls and Dimension Switch are done. Dimension Switch: On hiatus until Caged Souls is done. See you soon...XD Whoa! ITALICS! |
Community: | Complete Insanity: The Craziest, Insanest and Weirdest Inuyasha Fics |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Inuyasha |