Author has written 6 stories for Inuyasha, Shadow Hearts, Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Dragon Age, Derry Girls, and Little Women. Hello, this is my little area to tell somethings about myself. Eh-hem, first off: 1. I am a HUGE procrastinator and can get writers block...which makes many of my stories as any reviewer knows incomplete. However, I plant on working on Hope more. 2. I am actually an art college student. 3. I like Anime, Movies, Books, Manga, RPG video games, etc. I'm a nerd. 4. I am strange, depressing and hopeful all in one. 5. I focus on couples often. So far the ones I remember best include: Jr. x Momo, Kartik x Gemma, Robin x Amon, Bella x Edward, Kurando x Anastasia, Yuri x Alice, Daniel x Betty, Squall x Roina on. P.S. I used to LOVE the Inuyasha anime...until I found out the anime's ending. It totally ticked me off, but I heard the manga finishes it nicely. 6. I find gross things funny, like burping. 7. In my life I hope to become an animator, book illustrator, and a decent writer of my own novel. Thanks for any reviews and understanding of my lack of time. Current Reading: Let Me In (disturbed but good) What I want to Play: Persona 4 Totally Wierd Song, But Catchy: Shut Up and Sleep With Me by Sin Sebastian on Youtube (Seriously, creepy but so catchy) |