Author has written 3 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Name: Shizuka Kyoshi, or ReiBirthday: August 6 Height: 5'4" Gender: Female, though crossdressing is fun Eyes: Green-ish ^_^ Hair: very short. I spike it! Hobbies: Yaoi Fanfics, Japanese language and J-Rock Fav Yaoi Pairings: DiexShinya, KaoruxKyoxToshiya, KyoxShinya, KaoruxShinya, hidexYoshiki, TetsuxHyde, GacktxMana, KiritoxKohta, JxIno, SakitoxMiyabi, TeruxHisashi, 1x2, FuumaxKamui, HieixKurama, SetoxJou, YamixYugi, BakuraxRyou, Yami MalikxMalik, BakuraxYugi, MalikxRyou, YukarixShaisuke, KagetsuyaxChihaya, SeishirouxSubaru, GaixAkito Yuri: UtenaxAnthy, MaixAnzu, TomoyoxSakura Fav Word: Random!! Fav Colors: Black, Blue, Silver and Crimson Fav Food: crackers and icecream (though NOT together O_o;;) Fav Drink: Fresca Fav Artist: Gackt Fav Band: Kagrra, Janne Da Arc, Pierrot, & Baiser Current Obsession: Origami. Fav songs: Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit, Pierrot - Agitator, The First Cry In Hades (guilty), Gackt - Lu:na, Speed Master, Vanilla Most Prized Possesions: MARS, Roentgen, and Junk Story... Maybe even Yukichi, when it co-operates with me. My collection of X (movie and manga), my dragon statue Mariku, my bamboo plant named Isshi Future: I'll probably go into Japanese Current Works: I'm trying to write the sequel for 'To know this Empty Feeling'. I don't have much yet, but I swear I WILL finish it!!! It's probably gonna be called 'I Loved You All Along.' It's from a song. My Harem of Kami-sama: 1. Gackt, the Vampire God |