![]() Author has written 4 stories for Warriors. NOTE TO ANYONE!!! I AM CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH GHOST STUFF!!! IF ANYONE WANTS TO WRITE A WARRIORS GHOST STORY I WILL LIKE MARRY YOU!!!!! Hi everyone! :D This is mah profile! At the moment, I only write warriors stories, so, yeah, if I feel like writing fanfics for other series, I'll do that. Ok, things about Shira, (Not my real name) I live on the East Coast in the U.S.A. in the suburbs of a major city. Gender: Female Height: 5'6" (YAAAAASSSSS I GRRREEEEWWW) Hair: Ash Blonde untamable curls Eyes: Deep-ocean blue. Am a rising junior in high school I've been dancing for 11 yrs (still suck, but it's fun!) I act (okay, I guess) sing (not to brag, but I rock) and write! I luv talking!!!!! I am a history geek; I love ancient civilizations and especially warfare history. World War 2 is my favorite to study because it had so many new strategies and ideas... I love classical music, and am obsessed with Broadway shows! Disney movies too! TV shows: Jeopardy (I compete with my parents!), Survivor, Modern Family, Cake Boss, Grey's Anatomy, crime dramas... Kid shows I love: Gravity Falls! Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Teen Titans (the original), Fairly OddParents, pre-2004 Spongebob, Lab Rats, Phineas and Ferb, the original Tom & Jerry, the original Scooby Doo (I am complete and utter cartoon trash) I like to watch the NFL and College Basketball on t.v. I suck at all sports Owns two cats: Seamus, male, 16.5 lbs, fat, black all over except for a tiny patch of white on his chest, extremely large, yellowish-green eyes, very noisy. 4 yrs. old. Sierra, female, 10.5 lbs, thin, grey with white paws, muzzle, chest, and stomach, small and skinny, yellowish-green eyes, noisy, Seamus' sister Favorite series: Warriors (dur) Fav warrior cat: Ivypool!!! Other books/series: Guardians of Ga'Hoole (my fav series after warriors!), Seekers and Survivors series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus series, Wolves of the Beyond, Harry Potter, Inheritance Cycle, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, The Lunar Chronicles, The Mortal Instruments, The Kane Chronicles, Divergent Trilogy, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, Septimus Heap, The Alchemyst series, Alex Rider, ... I read lots of books! FAV WARRIOR CATS!!! 10.) Squirrelflight- Yes people, I LIKE Squirrelflight. Why? Because for me, she is probably the most relatable character in the series. I was a pain in the butt when I was younger too, and people didn't treat me very nicely. I love Squirrelflight's relationship with Bramblestar, and she is a KICKA* (I don't swear) deputy! She is funny, kind, quick-thinking, creative, and one of the most warmhearted nice cats there is. And I adore her fierce tongue; it's hilarious to see her explode at someone. And no, SHE DID NOT DUMP ASHFUR. THEY WERE ONLY FRIENDS IN HER OPINION. ALL SHE WANTED TO BE WAS FRIENDS WITH HIM, AND SHE TRIED TO TELL HIM BUT HE WAS A PSYCHO. What I love most about her is her loyalty. She tried to get along with Bramblestar even when she knew he was doing the wrong thing by hanging out with Hawkfrost. She went on the journey, and she always had her friends' backs. And ABOUT THE KITS???? She agreed to protect Bramblestar by not telling him, so if the secret got out, he wouldn't be in trouble, or get stripped of his deputyship. She protected the kits by letting them grow up loved, supported, and feeling like they belonged as opposed to growing up shunned and social outcasts because of their birth. She protected her sister by not telling anyone. THAT, my friends, is freakin' loyalty. I hated how the other characters treated her like crap after the secret got out. 9.) Cinderpelt- Dawwww, who doesn't like Cinderpelt??? She was absolutely adorable as an apprentice, and I cried when she got hurt! I was so glad when she got to be a medicine cat and have a purpose, and I loved her and Firestar's FRIENDSHIP (He never liked her back. THEY AREN'T MATES) She was so supportive of him through everything, and he always helped her. He was like an older brother and then she was the little sister. And she is one of the bravest cats I know, facing her own death with dignity and acceptance, despite the fact her stupid apprentice was deciding to be a buttrash and go off frolicking with an enemy warrior, and abandon everyone because she is so above the code. Anyway, Cinderpelt, LOVE YA!!! 8.) Hollyleaf- Hollyleaf DESERVED that third spot in the prophecy. Until she had her mental breakdown and ran away, SHE was the one in charge in the Three. Yes, Jayfeather had the ideas, but Hollyleaf was sensible, intelligent, and brave. She never meant to KILL Ashfur, he slipped when she jumped on him! And frankly, he deserved it too. She was almost as good a fighter as Lionblaze, and that was WITHOUT superpowers! And she had every right to be mad at Leafpool too, Leafpool, well, I don't like her. I totally ship her with Fallen Leaves, and she was so sweet, even when she left, she still helped the clan she loved by getting herbs for sick kits, saving Jayfeather's marigold, scaring off foxes, rescuing Ivypool, Blossomfall, and Dovewing from the tunnels... AND SAVING IVYPOOL'S LIFE IN THE DARK FOREST ATTACK!!! WHHYYYYYYY ERINS, WHHHHYYYYYYY????? YOU KILL HER OFF, CRUSH THE HOLLYLEAF FANS'S HEARTS, BRING HER BACK JUST TO CRUSH US ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! WHYYYYY?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 7.) Bluestar- Bluestar was an amazing leader. Yes her backstory was incredibly sad, but she actually kind of annoyed me with all her sulking about it. I mean, yeah, you have a destiny, buck up and accept it, don't just sit and whine about it. I like Bluestar because of her relationship with Oakheart (The only forbidden one I actually LIKE) She loved him so much, but she still was smart enough to call it off because she was smart enough to know that her clan came first. I love how she was the only one who stood up to Thistleclaw. (yes, I hate him. He was nice to Snowfur, but to everyone else, he was cold and uncaring, and StarClan clearly said he would lead the clans into blood and death) Mostly, I love her as a wise, respected leader, who totally kicks butt, and I love her relationship with Firestar, she was an amazing mentor and a great friend. Yes she went crazy, but considering the life she had, it wasn't very surprising that she snapped eventually. And she did redeem herself, saving the clan from the dogs, and leaving it in the safe (sort-of) paws of Firestar. 6.) Crookedstar- Okay, now for all of you who think Bluestar's life sucked, LOOK AT THIS GUY!!! Freakin' Goosefeather destroyed his life by scaring an innocent kit. If that didn't happen, Crookedstar wouldn't have met Mapleshade, and his life wouldn't have sucked so bad. His mother was a horror, worse than Millie in my opinion. Everyone he loved died, and then his only daughter decides to be a brat by leaving him for a ThunderClan cat. And then dies! He is brave, strong, still-handsome in my opinion, and has suffered way too much. 5.) Grey Wing- I luv Dawn of the Clans!!!! Out of all the characters in there, the one I love is Grey Wing. Why? Because he always puts others' needs before his own, gets treated like crap, but is an amazing cat and I love him! He left his beloved mountains to look after his wayward brother. He had to fight his own brother, who he loved, and believed in even when no one else did. Clear Sky stole two of his loves, (who both died) and then once he FINALLY admitted his feelings for Turtle Tail, SHE DIES TOO!!! Not to mention, he is an amazing father to the kits (never his own) of the she-cats he's loved. Thunder? Thunder constantly uses Grey Wing for advice, then leaves him for either Clear Sky or some hot she-cat, and then comes crawling back for forgiveness. The reason Thunder is who he is is because of Grey Wing! And for Turtle Tail's kits, Pebble Heart, Owl Eyes, and freakin' Sparrow Fur, they all treat him like crap just because he isn't their real father! Uh, helloooooo? YOUR REAL FATHER IS A STUPID LAZY IDIOT WHO GOT TURTLE TAIL KILLED AND BROUGHT FREAKIN' ONE EYE INTO THE FOREST!!! And once Clear Sky saves Sparrow Fur (sort of) from One Eye, she completely ditches Grey Wing for him! And Owl Eyes follows!!! Ugh, no one treats Grey Wing with respect except for River Ripple and occasionally Pebble Heart. He is so much morrrrreeeeee! 4.) Firestar- HE IS NOT A GARY-STU!!!! He's the main character who comes in different than other cats, has a prophecy over his head that only he can save the clans from the evil, is a great fighter, and has dreams? What's that called? BEING A HERO!!! You see this in Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and more, and no one criticizes them! Firestar has flaws, but he is also nice, brave, smart, and willing to do anything to save his clan! That makes him a hero, and a main character, not a gary-stu. I loved Firestar from the beginning, and I always have. R.I.P. Firestar, you deserve your time in StarClan. I also adore him and Sandstorm together; they have one of the few relationships in the series that is actually well-developed! Unlike others *cough cough* SpottedxFire *cough* 3.) Yellowfang- Awwwww, in nearly every book I read, I always develop a soft spot for the wise and grumpy oldies. Problem is, those characters ALWAYS die, and it really sucks. I loved Yellowfang from the beginning, and I found her relationship with Firestar and Cinderpelt, who she saw as the son and daughter she never got to have, adorable, touching, and at times, both funny and tear-jerking. I cried when she died, and I thank the Erins that she's still keeping StarClan in line. I don't know one Warriors fan who doesn't relish the verbal battles we witness between the two powers of ultimate grumpiness, Yellowfang and Jayfeather! Seriously, those two are hilarious to read together! Raggedstar is a total D-Bag for how he treated her, not accepting that she had a destiny, then outright rejecting and ignoring her once Brokenstar was born. And although I think the Erins were a little obsessed with superpowered kittehs and gave her that "sensing pain" thing out of completely nowhere, I still adore Yellowfang. 2.) Jayfeather- JAY-JAYYYYYY!!!!!! Okay, I'll admit, I've had a little bit of a crush on Jay-Jay ever since Omen of the Stars came out. Actually, before that, I found him grouchy and cute throughout Power of Three. I love his sarcasm, and just his personality, like how he tries to hide the fact that he cares more about the cats in his clan than almost anyone, no matter how much they drive him insane. He was the only member of the Three who actually did something to help in the Dark Forest battle, constantly going to StarClan, talking to cats, using his powers to look for answers, and how to prepare for the attack. He risked his own life to find stuff out (he used his powers to dream himself into the DF moons before Ivypool was a spy) and only after they threatened his life if he came again, did he get Ivypool to help. He was the one, not Dovewing, who persuaded her to help the good guys. What I love about Jayfeather is that he never gives up, ever. He never let his blindness stop him from finding some way to serve his clan. He figured out the prophecies after anyone else would have quit. He was the brains behind the entire defense of the lake. He led the Ancients to the mountains as Jay's Wing and made them a home. He got his siblings, Heathertail and Breezepelt, and three kits out of the flooding caves. He never gave up on Briarlight. He never gave up on the fact Hollyleaf might be alive. He found the fourth cat and united StarClan. He risked his own life to try to save Flametail, and defended himself and wouldn't back down when everyone else thought he murdered him. The moment I had a crush on him was when he, a blind medicine cat, managed to hold off a Dark Forest recruit and trained warrior, a DF leader who was one of the most vicious cats of all time, and defend a pregnant queen from them until help arrived. Yes, if not for Honeyfern, he would have lost, but Jay-Jay took on Breezepelt and Brokenstar! That takes serious guts. Not to mention JayxHalf is my OTP!!! I love them together, she contrasts his grumpy personality perfectly as well as teaches him how to have fun! She also saves his butt, teaches him things, and is just soooooooo adorable! And it isn't against the code! 1.) IVYPOOL!- I am extremely obsessed with this amazing cat. For starters, it's always been because I've been able to relate to Ivypool extremely well. All my life, I've been considered horrible at everything athletic related. Even dancing, which I stuck with. School too. I'd try my best at things like a double pirouette in dance, or to get at least a 90% on my bio test on cell replication, but I'd always crash and burn. And the worst feeling in the world is having your best friend one-up you at EVERYTHING!!! My friends, no matter what I do, are always better than me. I have three straight-A friends who always succeed at everything they do. My other friend is into drama like me, but everyone says she's the better singer, the better dancer, the better actress, the talented one. I try my best, but I'm always in someone's shadow. And it hurts. Bad. So when I already hated Dovewing with a fiery passion, and I saw how Ivypool was being treated, I loved her instantly. I sympathized with Ivypool, and when she joined the DF, I couldn't say I blamed her. But when Jayfeather convinced her to spy, and she agreed, I loved her even more. She was agreeing, because she was brave and kind and selfless, to risk her own life every night to do the right thing, to give back to the cats that had never given a single crap about her. And I hated what Hawkfrost was doing to her; as someone who has been used for something, I was furious. She had to kill a cat, she had to nearly die, she had to suffer. I think, that if they fought, Ivypool would beat Lionblaze, powers and all. She is amazing, and didn't hide when the DF found out she betrayed them, she was at the front of the attack, fighting her heart out for the clans. I think she should have killed Hawkfrost, Bramblestar stole her kill, the jerk. And how did ThunderClan repay her for her loyal services??? They alienated her after the battle, calling her names, sending her into fox traps, mistrusting her, talking behind her back, accusing her of being loyal to the DF all along. Uhhhh, HEEELLLOOOOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? IVYPOOL SAVED YOUR PATHETIC, UNGRATEFUL, STUPID BUTTS!!!!!!!!! I love you Ivypool, always have, always will. Least Favorite Warrior Cats (Let the haters come at me!) This list IS TOTALLY OUT OF ORDER. I write out what I say, then I rank them. 1.) DUMBWIMP! *cough cough* hur herr erm I mean DOVEWING: Ugh, I can't stand this...this...this CREATURE! You get the power of the stars given to you, and a task to protect the clan that protects you, and what do you do? You WHINE WHINE WHINE ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!!! You want to be normal? Too bad; a warrior's life is about sacrifices and bravery! And THEN she gets so reliant on her powers that she's totally useless without them, and WHINES about wanting them back when she claimed she never wanted them in the first place! Uh, helllloooooooo??? Hollyleaf put her entire LIFE into that prophecy, and would use her powers to her full potential by protecting the clan, not use them to spy on her idiotic boyfriend that is the world's worst couple! Btw, being able to see into the Dark Forest in the last book. Yeah, that's super useful when they're already invading you. Do you know when that would have been useful? WHEN YOU SENT YOUR SISTER TO HER POSSIBLE DEATH TO SPY FOR YOU! Not to mention her horrid treatment of Bumblestripe. She used him as a way to get over her Tigerheart problems, repeatedly dumped him when she decided to get back together with him again, FINALLY dumped him and chose Bumblestripe in TLH, then DUMPED HIM AGAIN IN BRAMBLESTAR'S STORM AFTER MAKING MOONEY EYES AT TIGERFART ON ONE FREAKIN PATROL AND FIGHTING TOGETHER IN ONE BATTLE!!!! Ugh, I could rant for hours on this she-devil. 2.) CROWFEATHER: Ugh, just, UUUUEEEERRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! The warrior cats version of Edward from Twilight if I ever saw one. I hated him right away when they started the journey, and I hated him for only being nice to Feathertail, then accusing the others of excluding him when all he ever did was bite their heads off. And her constant defense of him when he was clearly in the wrong made me not like Feathertail that much either. Plus, FeatherxCrow? Eeeew, gross, you could be mother and son! Forget Feathertail getting killed by a cougar, she WAS the cougar! And then, he falls in love with Leafpool, a girl (er, cat) he met for five seconds just cuz she was nice. Then he saves her, yadda yadda yadda he is selfish enough to abandon his entire clan and convince her to run away and leave everything she knows behind just cuz they "belong together". Sensing why I called him Edward? Not to mention the book whose plot mainly consisted of the CrowxLeaf love story was called TWILIGHT! And THEN there's Nightcloud... Okay, so his bae dumps him, and instead of working hard and being nice and a great warrior to regain his clan's trust after running off with another clan's medicine cat, he tricks and uses an innocent she-cat, impregnates her, crushes her heart, then abandons her and her son. If someone did that to me, I'd hate him too! And all Breezepelt wanted was a father, and all Crowpoop did was treat him like crud and a failure, of COURSE he'd go to the Dark Forest where he felt accepted and welcomed. And don't even MENTION how Crowpoop abandons Leafmold when the big kit fiasco happens, and pretends he never loved her! I could rant about this guy for ages. 3.) TOM: GYAAAAAHHHHH I HATE HIM SO SO MUCH!!! He basically RAPES Turtle Tail, or something like that, abuses her, and then thinks he owns her! He also drove Bumble into the forest where she was killed. One of my biggest hatreds in real life is domestic abuse, so I hated him right away. Now, not only does he hurt Turtle Tail, he's such a (insert swear word) that he thinks he still has rights to their kits. He goes and tracks her down, STEALS HER KITS WHEN THEY STILL NEED THEIR MOTHER, AND LEADS TURTLE TAIL TO HER FREAKING DEATH! And then what does he do? He brings in One Eye, a seriously messed up Froot Loop, to the forest, who has done nothing but protect a mother and her children from a MONSTER, and he sics the psychopath on Clear Sky, who I just started to not hate, and his camp. I was so glad when he died trying to save his daughter (who I don't like that much either for her treatment of Grey Wing) 4.) SCOURGE: Okay, this will make me loose like a million followers, but I can't STAND this guy! HE IS ONE OF THE MOST OVERRATED CATS THERE IS!!! Yeah, he was bullied as a kit, but so was Brokenstar! And Breezepelt! And everyone hates those villains with a passion! Scourge appears as a villain in ONE BOOK! And his desire for vengeance was kind of stupid. Getting beat up by Tigerstar set him on the path to greatness, he should thank him. And I hate how everyone's like "ZOMG HEZ SUCH A SEXEH EVIL GUY!" No. BREEZEPELT is a sexy evil guy, and I don't care how many people get mad at me for liking Breezy. Scourge is pathetic, and most of his fans I've met aren't that cool either. 5.) ONESTAR: Emphasis on the STAR part. Onewhisker was like the coolest warrior ever. But he must have drank some funky Moonpool water during his leader ceremony b/c after that he turned into a total D-Bag. I feel like I don't even need to explain why; anyone who's read the warrior series undoubtedly hates Onestar as much as I do. 6.) RAINFLOWER: Do I REEEEAAAAALLLLLLLYYY need an explanation for her either? Basically abandoning your kit and harassing him his entire life just because he's "ugly" warrants you a trip to the Dark Forest in my book. Hey, since technically, we've never seen Rainflower in StarClan, maybe she DID go to the DF!!!!! OMG, new headcannon!!! But seriously, Mapleshade could have been considered more of a mother to Crookedstar than Rottenflower! 6.) MILLIE: Millie ties with Rainflower on this one mainly because the two did the same exact thing; just switched around. Give Blossomfall a break, give Briarlight more space, acknowledge Bumblestripe's existence, and IF YOU TRY TO BOSS AROUND JAYFEATHER OR BRAMBLESTAR ONE MORE TIME EXPECT A BIG FAT BI* SLAP FROM YOURS TRUELY YOU HAG! 7.) ONE EYE (The Erins are getting forgetful; One-eye was also an elder in ThunderClan in the first arc...): As I said before, Psychotic. Messed. Up. Froot. Loop. Okay, this dude just rang crazy for me. He saunters in, basically turns all of Clear Sky's cats against him, (it's so weird, One Eye actually got me feeling bad for Clear Sky, who before Blazing Star I probably would have put on this list) tries to kill innocent kits, turns the camp into a dictatorship, and is practically unbeatable, and is able to screw with your head. It drives me crazy when the villain does that and is all 'lol MIND GAMES!" and the hero's just like "dur, wut, SPEAK MY LANGUAGE!" So yeah, I love to hate One Eye, and he may be one of my fav warriors villains. Also, was I the ONLY ONE who guessed Star Flower was his daughter? I mean we all knew he was evil, but everyone I know got all surprised when they found out he was her dad. Wanna know how I guessed? Pretty much because the way Thunder was chasing after Star Flower kinda reminded me of when Leo first met Karai in TMNT, and THEN I'm like, 'Wait, creepy one-eyed villain, mysterious possibly-evil beauty... hmmm, I've seen this somewhere... ZOMG STAR FLOWER'S GOTTA BE HIS DAUGHTER!" Then when they reveal it I'm like "YUSSSSSSSS" 8.) ASHFUR: She was never in love with you dude! Never! She only wanted to be friends! Why couldn't you accept that? So in revenge, you try to break the warrior code by attempting to kill innocent clanmates? One of whom was the clan LEADER, another was a medicine cat apprentice at the time, which is ESPECIALLY against the rules. And you then get into StarClan? When Mapleshade did the same thing, but was sentanced to the Dark Forest, when she was way more in the right than you? Ugh. 9.) JESSY: Okay, I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I can't STAND Jessy! I want the diehard BramblexJessy fans to go back to Bramblestar's Storm and find ONE THING that makes Jessy not a Squirrelflight 2.0. Not to mention, Jessy's ATROCIOUS ego. She's like one of those radical people on YouTube who takes EVERYTHING as an insult just because of who you are (In her case, she keeps on bi*ing at cats, accusing them of disagreeing with her just because she's a kittypet). Not to mention she's an EXTREME mary-sue; she's pretty, has no flaws, has the eye of the leader, is immediately amazing at everything, and thinks she's the boss of the whole universe, and is a total know-it-all. 10.) LEAFPOOL: The "Bella" of the warriors world. She's selfish, whiny, and basically just like Dovewing except for the fact that she redeems herself toward the end. So she meets a guy for five seconds, and decides to abandon her family, her responsibilities, her DYING MENTOR (okay, so she didn't know, but still!) to be with him! She's a jerk to Cinderpelt who tries to wisely break them up, and Squirrelflight too! What happened to sweet and kind little Leafpaw? I loved LeafPAW! She does redeem herself at the end, and I think her kits were WAY too harsh on her considering she did the best thing by giving them a good life, and without her they wouldn't EXIST. That's why she so low on the list but I still don't like her! |